Hi, yeah mount is not orginal. Do you have photos of your dish pls ? Do you know what brand it is ? I need to get the correct focal length.The mount and feed support are different, but the dish looks like the 2 that I have.
OTHER - Unknown Dish
I have an opportunity to obtain a commercial Ku dish that was left behind by Safeway. The dish is actually 2 pieces, which I have never seen before. I have seen Prodelins before but they were 1 piece. This dish is a monster and appears to be about 8 feet. The pipe is around 7 inches. The good...www.satelliteguys.us
The dish is in storage. I am going to install it when Covid is under control.Hi, yeah mount is not orginal. Do you have photos of your dish pls ? Do you know what brand it is ? I need to get the correct focal length.
I need to get the correct focal length.
But this is a offset dish.You can always measure the dish (to mm exact, and depth to 1/2 mm exact!), and then calculate the position of the focal point?
But this is a offset dish.
for easier depth measurement, at the center, to start with: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwje_-6_u4zuAhVCx4UKHeTYDSsQFjABegQIAhAC&url=https://www.sat4all.com/forums/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=331743&usg=AOvVaw0skN2xOv8IwWCIqvpUfF_I
(does that link work?
You can always measure the dish (to mm exact, and depth to 1/2 mm exact!), and then calculate the position of the focal point?
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