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Can you help me choose an antenna


SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Jan 4, 2016
rancho cucamonga
Hey everyone....
first and foremost, a BIG thank you to all of you, particularly Icebarg, Fat Air, LarryKenny who helped me with my other thread. I successfully installed a fringe VHF antenna 2476 from MCM and am able to consistently get 7.1 and 9.1 from LA despite being in a very poor location for signal. This is my tvfool

I currently have this other antenna from MCM 2485
link here

I am using it with this combiner

The 2485 is aimed at san diego where I can pick up 39.1, 2 and 69.1,2,3 on and off. Reception is pretty good but drops at times.

Here is my question, I need a better antenna, can you suggest one that would get 39.1 and 69.1 more consistently. Also, it will be mounted near the front of the house, the less noticeable the better. The 2485 is barely noticeable, as it is fairly small. Can the 2485 be modified, perhaps the longer beams for the VHF can be cut to get more of the UHF which is what the 39 and 69 are ? The antenna needs to be just for those stations so a full band antenna is not needed. Thanks in advance
30-2415 is a UHF only antenna. No VHF parts there to be removed. Should perform better than the 30-2485 on UHF. Let us know how they compare performance wise.
At 107 miles you are going to need a great antenna and a preamp and I think it was channel 40 showed cochannel interference. How much do you want to invest? An 8 bay bowtie maybe your best reception/dollar investment 60-70 miles for UHF reception is about max. your elevation may make the impossible possible..
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At 107 miles you are going to need a great antenna and a preamp and I think it was channel 40 showed cochannel interference. How much do you want to invest?
I think I dont have an issue spending up to $100-200, its a one time investment, and worth the hassle. I just dont want a huge experiment looking thing on my garage side and quite so visible. I do live in an HOA and would something more discrete. I figure if that tiny 2485 is working (on and off) I should not have to get something super big. Our elevation of 2300 feet is the only possible reason that channel even comes in for us.

Does something like this have a prayer of a chance ?

I believe bigger is better, no amp is better than amp etc....however I really dont know what the characteristics of theantenna should be for optimizing for 39.1 and 69.1 which seem to be just UHF signals
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I believe bigger is better, no amp is better than amp etc.
sometimes a pre-amp with a antenna works better than a larger one with no pre-amp. I learned that when I lived at the lake house (and everything was far away)
sometimes a pre-amp with a antenna works better than a larger one with no pre-amp. I learned that when I lived at the lake house (and everything was far away)
That is good to know. That is also why I linked that cute antenna from ebay. Sometimes you dont need a huge antenna depending on the signal you're chasing in this case UHF. We dont need a BUD Cband dish for say dishnetwork when 18 inches is enough.....cordless phones dont have 10 inch antennas etc.

Iceberg do you know what the switch on that combiner does ?
Does something like this have a prayer of a chance ?[ - - -
7.1 and 9.1 from LA - - - -
- - - 39.1 and 69.1 more consistently
A prayer? In the 'marketing hype' world only IMHO. But there's always outside 'luck' that it actually could work. I just wouldn't bet on it. (probably fall apart in a good wind)
30-2415 that you mentioned earlier has a better chance IMHO.
7.1 & 9.1 are both in the + side of 0 NM. not that "poor" at + 7 NM (min).
39.1 is -3.0 & 69.1 is -.7NM So I'd think a HUGE antenna would be required for 24/7. But really doubt 24/7 is achievable without going UP quite a bit. An antenna with more gain should improve it tho--
Choosing a brand that actually represents the true antenna characteristics is a better bet than 'marketing hype' models.
Channel Master, Winegard, etc. Oh, these are names that have been around for quite some time. (wonder why?)
An 8 bay, at least a 4 bay, would be a better bet IMHO than a yagi style.
IMHO, 'edge' signals need more signal gathering area that a multiple bay style gives you to combat fading. The weaker the signal, the more bays required.
For what it's worth -
Any neighbors using an OTA antenna? There's nothing better than existing experience.
If worried about aesthetics, hide it with paint, a non-metallic paint.
There's no such thing as an "HD" antenna. The only thing an antenna cares about is the frequency it's used on.
I've got a 4 bay aimed towards two 'required' stations.
Weakest being 1edge(flat terrain), NM 13.6, (64 miles) that are 24/7. No adjacent or co-channel to interfere. Also using a RCA TVPRAMPR1. The tropo transmitters in the same direction are negative NM numbers, -10 being the strongest, the other at -16, are hit & miss. (seems more miss with the weather now)
seperate VHF and UHF antennas> or a single VHF/UHF antenna.'
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I've only recently tried Stellar Labs products, but now I'd recommend, as the Stellar Labs stuff I've used looks to be quality construction and performs as well for the models I've used..
I've used the CM-4221HD and the Stellar Labs 30-2425 in the area with = results. (as well as the 2 bay models)
Being no brand mentioned @ ebay ????????
Fellas when I linked the ebay "bowtie" looking antenna, I was simply trying to get input on that variation of antenna versus something like this

at about the same price, there is this

which one should I get for my purpose ? I can order both and try them both I guess ? A relative needs an all purpose antenna for LOS 30 miles away so I can always dontae the one that does not work
Getting both and donating one to a relative sounds like a winner here. Either should have no problem with LOS at that distance. Might be good for cookies and milk or a pie.
A comparison of the two would be good information to have. (and share)
Something to try: aiming up towards the mountaintop may improve performance.
My 2 cents says that the 4 bay will do better overall.
But who knows????
Solid Signal has their "Xtreme" XG91 antenna on sale for $35

That's a great price. Too bad it'a a Deal of the Day and not that price for a month. (Or week) I got til midnight to decide.
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