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CE will translate to a national release. | SatelliteGuys.US

CE will translate to a national release.


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Nov 12, 2007
Springfield, MA
Eventually all customers will get a national release of the CE or cutting edge, and many try to take credit for this (i.e other websites and dominant people). So if you are patient you will get it if you are worried about some of those who claim downloading them (CE) will turn your receiver into a brick. I think it was something else that caused it, but it is open to debate. I am not satisfied with others, nor do any of you or I have evidence it is the baby of DBStalk or any other site whom BTW are not authorized sites by DirecTV. If employees are employed by DirecTV and giving out info to unauthorized sites, then they are breaking the rules with DirecTV and they can be fired, since it is a conflict of interest. You cannot profit from taking information from DirecTV as an employee and making a website or leaking info to a website as it is a conflict of interest. DirecTV has told me DBStalk is not an authorized site to disclose any projects internally about what they are doing. It's employees doing it without permission from DirecTV.
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Eventually all customers will get a national release of the CE or cutting edge, and many try to take credit for this (i.e other websites and dominant people). So if you are patient you will get it if you are worried about some of those who claim downloading them (CE) will turn your receiver into a brick. I think it was something else that caused it, but it is open to debate. I am not satisfied with others, nor do any of you or I have evidence it is the baby of DBStalk or any other site whom BTW are not authorized sites by DirecTV. If employees are employed by DirecTV and giving out info to unauthorized sites, then they are breaking the rules with DirecTV and they can be fired, since it is a conflict of interest. You cannot profit from taking information from DirecTV as an employee and making a website or leaking info to a website as it is a conflict of interest. DirecTV has told me DBStalk is not an authorized site to disclose any projects internally about what they are doing. It's employees doing it without permission from DirecTV.

Don't you think if D* was worried about this they would quit giving this info out or talk to the dbstalk people. Sites have been shut down before over various situations, If D* really had a problem with this it would not be hard at all for D* to find out who it was leaking this info.

D* knows exactly what is going on there, you can count on it and they also are aware that we are sharing the info as well.

D* has a whole boatload of internal testers, they are using our input to have a larger group to have an information flow to make adjustments BEFORE it goes national.

You are correct, anything a CE sends out a regular sub will get, eventually and after D* makes adjustments to correct what they consider a flaw in that current software.

What is your problem with dbstalk anyway.
I personally don't care one way of another who gets or takes credit for the CE info as long as we all share the info.

Don't you think if D* was worried about this they would quit giving this info out or talk to the dbstalk people. Sites have been shut down before over various situations, If D* really had a problem with this it would not be hard at all for D* to find out who it was leaking this info.

D* knows exactly what is going on there, you can count on it and they also are aware that we are sharing the info as well.

D* has a whole boatload of internal testers, they are using our input to have a larger group to have an information flow to make adjustments BEFORE it goes national.

You are correct, anything a CE sends out a regular sub will get, eventually and after D* makes adjustments to correct what they consider a flaw in that current software.

What is your problem with dbstalk anyway.
I personally don't care one way of another who gets or takes credit for the CE info as long as we all share the info.


DirecTV will always have issues with people taking credit, and I think CE is safe, while others claim otherwise to get under the skin and whine about damaged equipment. Sites should be honest when they take internal info and claim to be the author or authorized site to disclose this. This info is on forums. Lets not be lazy here, I am not spending time to post URL's for members who have enough intelligence to know what I am talking about.

If you owned your own satellite company you would have your employees sign an agreement not to work for a competing site or company and reveal trade secrets or programs. Some love to make it appear they are the connected people within DirecTV, but it's not with DirecTV's permission. Internal testing is sufficient. When you open it up, you get the whiners and con artists who manipulate facts and make fiction to hurt DirecTV.
DirecTV will always have issues with people taking credit, and I think CE is safe, while others claim otherwise to get under the skin and whine about damaged equipment. Sites should be honest when they take internal info and claim to be the author or authorized site to disclose this. This info is on forums. Lets not be lazy here, I am not spending time to post URL's for members who have enough intelligence to know what I am talking about.

If you owned your own satellite company you would have your employees sign an agreement not to work for a competing site or company and reveal trade secrets or programs. Some love to make it appear they are the connected people within DirecTV, but it's not with DirecTV's permission. Internal testing is sufficient. When you open it up, you get the whiners and con artists who manipulate facts and make fiction to hurt DirecTV.

Remember, NO ONE is forced to d/l a CE.
I think they are safe also, otherwise I would not be doing them.
Are you d/l ing them ?

Like I said before, I really don't care who takes or gets credit, thats not what I'm in it for.
It seams that they have to have some kind of info, seeing we always get the info from them first.
I could also care less about if there are D* employees there or not, or here for that matter. I would imagine that there ARE D* employees at both sites.

I like them because you find out about new features first, before the general public.

Wow, lots of BS again jtn. Who is taking credit for what? Please.

And DirecTV knows full well what's going on with the CE program. Heck, the DirecTV execs, including Chase himself met with the DBSTalk mods at CES and I'm sure they also met with Scott and crew from Satguys. The CE program out in the public eye doesn't happen without the top dogs saying it's ok. To think otherwise is just plain foolish.

jtn, why don't you just spell it all out instead of your veiled threats and accusations for once.

Besides, all CE's eventually go to a national release. That's the whole point. The latest HR20-700 CE cycle just went to national release this morning in fact.
Chase Carey has known for a LONG time about the CE's. We had an online chat with him right before the SWM came out. Seemed like a nice guy. :)
I remember the SWM launch chat - that was one of the greatest evenings in all of satellite land :)

There were conversations with Scott and individuals at Directv this week. I'm sure we'll know more as all the bricks fall in place.

Bottom line, my understanding is this: DirecTV execs were pivital in designing the CE program, and are active in the software development. This information is distributed to the end users through the forums, because DirecTV is targeting advanced users.

Directv provides the software under two conditions, we give them feedback and we don't waste CSR time with things CSR's aren't trained on. That's it.

There is no copyright or ownership on CE information (other than DirecTV themselves), and despite the past differences between the sites, there is one common goal:

Provide the best information to the satellite community, timely. And in regards to the CE program, make it simple for D* to receive feedback. They DO read the forums, and DO use the feedback. That has never been so clear to me than following conversations at CES this week.

I had a long conversation with Earl this week as well, it was really nice to meet him in person. I actaully thanked him several times for his role in setup and leading the communication of the program. I think that echos the feelings of many of us D* users.

We are working on ways to better communicate CE information on this site.
I have never felt better about being a satelliteguy, and I think it's important we all remember that we have a common goal - help improve the customer experience :)
I just had a 3 hour meeting with DirecTV on Wednesday.

While I can't give much details yet I can say a lot of doors have been opened to us by DirecTV. These doors have also been opened to a few other forums as well.

We will all soon be getting the same information and this includes CE information. There will no longer be a signle place to find out DirecTV news and information.

DirecTV wants to reach as many people aspossible and thus are expanding by reaching out to us and other communities.

We are very proud of the steps that have been taken so far and the ones that will soon be put into place, and welcome DirecTV to SatelliteGuys.US.
There was a message over at DBSTalk that really hits home. Can't remember which mod posted it, but one of the compliments DBSTalk recieved from the DirecTV execs was their ability to keep the bashing out of the forums. Although it may be easy to complain about nearly every service provider you deal with, especially in an anonymous forum, it sometimes becomes non-productive. Many complained about the Mods at DBSTalk, but in the end, that very moderation is what helped develop and grow the CE process.

I think the future success of this site's DirecTV relationship will lie in the ability of the users of the forum to have some common courtesy.
One of the things DirecTV told us they liked about our site was the fact that we let people speak their mind both the good and the bad, and that this gave them all the feedback they needed, not just to pro DirecTV comments.

We must be doing something good if they are expanding it to us. :D
DirecTV will always have issues with people taking credit, and I think CE is safe, while others claim otherwise to get under the skin and whine about damaged equipment. .
So the CE's are 100% flawless ,Is that what your trying to say. That the problems That I had with my H-20 were not in any way shape or form,related to downloading a CE. Tell that to the other 5 people I know that a bad CE toasted their H20. I know for a fact! Not all CE's are bad I'm sure . But if you think your going to convince me or anyone else with a brain,That beta testing is flawless, then you are in the wrong business. What do you think the CE's are all about. Working the Bugs out! So lets here what your expert advise on what happend to my receiver and the 5 others in the same night. Here's some more complaining for ya! Enjoy.
You'll never see a response from JTN that actually answers a very direct question directed to him. All he does is make drive by posts dumping a load of garbage then doesn't clean up his mess.
There was a message over at DBSTalk that really hits home. Can't remember which mod posted it, but one of the compliments DBSTalk recieved from the DirecTV execs was their ability to keep the bashing out of the forums. Although it may be easy to complain about nearly every service provider you deal with, especially in an anonymous forum, it sometimes becomes non-productive. Many complained about the Mods at DBSTalk, but in the end, that very moderation is what helped develop and grow the CE process.

I think the future success of this site's DirecTV relationship will lie in the ability of the users of the forum to have some common courtesy.

One of the things DirecTV told us they liked about our site was the fact that we let people speak their mind both the good and the bad, and that this gave them all the feedback they needed, not just to pro DirecTV comments.

We must be doing something good if they are expanding it to us. :D

I think the main thing they want to see is a forum that sticks to the issues, if you've d/l ed a CE and have something you don'tunderstand, we can help out , find an answer and move on, but mainly stay on topic, alot of threads in other areas wander quite a bit.

So the CE's are 100% flawless ,Is that what your trying to say. That the problems That I had with my H-20 were not in any way shape or form,related to downloading a CE. Tell that to the other 5 people I know that a bad CE toasted their H20. I know for a fact! Not all CE's are bad I'm sure . But if you think your going to convince me or anyone else with a brain,That beta testing is flawless, then you are in the wrong business. What do you think the CE's are all about. Working the Bugs out! So lets here what your expert advise on what happend to my receiver and the 5 others in the same night. Here's some more complaining for ya! Enjoy.

No one said CE's were flawless, at least I didn't see that said.
You stated the whole idea of it, testing beta software so D* can get the bugs out BEFORE it hits the National release.

I am surprised that D* has not helped you out with your situation seeing they could clearly see what software you had on your rec. at the time, they should be able to help anyone with a CE issue as this will get the word out that they will help if something should go haywire.

IMO dBStalk is a D* lovefest. I hope here doesn't get like there. :(

Not that it really matters to me, they're not interested in what I want anyway, that's why I left the sorry suckers! :)
I can assure you that the following people below are just some of the folks who are working hard to bring you the best DirecTV information. :)


From Left to Right...

MasterDeals (Jason), Earl Bonovich, Tom Robbinson, GoalieBob99 (Bob), PrizeGoddess (Eva), Scott Greczkowski, RockyMtnHigh, HokieEngineer (Richard) and Connie Nemitz

We may all do things diffrently, but we all have the same goal, and that is giving the best most accurate information possible.
One of the things DirecTV told us they liked about our site was the fact that we let people speak their mind both the good and the bad, and that this gave them all the feedback they needed, not just to pro DirecTV comments.

We must be doing something good if they are expanding it to us. :D

This is great. I wonder if Direct would even have someone that they could appoint to post and report back to them. What a great way to communicate with it's subs.
IMO dBStalk is a D* lovefest. I hope here doesn't get like there. :(

Not that it really matters to me, they're not interested in what I want anyway, that's why I left the sorry suckers! :)

The place should NOT get that way if we end up with a CE forum, at that point ALL CE info should stay in those forums ONLY.

I don't have any insight on what Scott is planning, but I would think that this might be the direction he will go.

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