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CES 2007. HD-DVD not looking to well. | SatelliteGuys.US

CES 2007. HD-DVD not looking to well.


SatelliteGuys Pro
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In a rather surprising move, primary HD DVD backer Universal Studios Home Entertainment confirmed today that they will be making no major title announcements at this year's Consumer Electronics Show, despite the formidable presence of all major studios supporting rival format Blu-ray.

Universal, the sole major Hollywood studio to be supporting HD DVD exclusively, was expected to bringing out its big guns for 2007 at CES -- or at least make enough new announcements to dazzle the early adopters who have been passionately backing the format thus far.

But when we contacted Universal to find out if anything further is to come from the studio out of CES, they confirmed they will not be unveiling any new street dates or detailed title info at all for the duration of the show. The studio stressed that they continue to support HD DVD and are planning to announce new titles "throughout 2007."

We must say, it seems like a strange promotional strategy to arrive at CES with nothing to brag about, especially given the highly visible nature of the show in the mainstream media, and that Blu-ray's showing has been quite muscular.

To be fair, a promotional flyer has been issued to the press and is available on the show floor, listing several notable HD DVD titles expected from Universal over the coming year, though most have already been hinted at in prior Universal announcements. Among the hits due in in 2007 are: 'The 40 Year-Old Virgin,' 'American Pie,' Bruce Almighty,' the 2003 remake of 'Dawn of the Dead,' 'Pride & Prejudice,' the original 'The Bourne Identity' and 'Inside Man.'

We'll keep you posted in the coming weeks and months as Universal officially announces street dates for these titles and more. We've also added all of the titles listed above to the "Release Dates Pending" section of our HD DVD Release Schedule.

The fan-boys at AVS are even having a hard time with so little coming from HD-DVD side at CES. I have seen posts to the effect of "it's like running downstairs on Christmas morning only to have a piece of coal in my gift box."

Also Universal has no major announcements, and there is talk that their exclusivity with HD-DVD ran out on Dec 31.

Also, BD will be releasing 24 and Prison break. The big HDDVD supporters are no where to be found over at AVS either. It's pure comedy.

"We are looking forward to this pivotal year and the ultimate
establishment of Blu-ray as the high-definition packaged media standard. In
fact, Blu-ray sales performance surpassed HD-DVD for the first time the week
of December 24 and did so by an impressive 20 per cent. What's more, by the
end of the first quarter our research shows the sales gap widening to Blu-ray
outselling HD DVD by a 3.5-to-1 ratio," noted Mike Dunn, President Worldwide,
Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment. "We remain extremely encouraged by
the growth in sales and player penetration and are fully committed to creating
the most compelling products possible and to the continued pioneering
development of BD with our partners.
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Also, BD will be releasing 24 and Prison break. The big HDDVD supporters are no where to be found over at AVS either. It's pure comedy.

Owning both formats, I can honestly say this information is quite disinformative. Both formats have made major announcements including new support for HDDVD. They have announced 300 new titles for 2007. Both sides are claiming victory.

As for the HDDVD supporters being absent from AVS, this statement is what is quite comical. There are consistantly more people viewing the HDDVD forum than the Blu-Ray forum. Right now there are 251 people viewing the HDDVD forums as opposed to 151.

As for Universal, this has been debunked over at AVS also. That would be like saying since DENON is absent from this years EXPO, that they are in trouble.

Please post objectively not subjectively.

Ever take a look here at the E* vs. D* here. Its about 550 to 250. Yet I believe more people sub to D*. Therefore, that argument is in no way valid.

And BTW, Denon is an established company, unlike either BD or HDDVD. You may think this means nothing, but I can't dismiss this as nothing. And sales we 20% higher than HD-DVD the week of Dec 24.
As a supporter of the good side (HD DVD) I have been a little disapointed. I was hoping for more studio support. The Universal announcement is strange. The new players are nice and could really help in the battle but I want more! :(
The problem Universal has is that last year was not a very good year for the studio. They do not have any mega hits to release to video. NBC-Universal the parent company cut the studio budget $750million, so instead they have switched strategies to finance mid level price projects ($50-$65mil range) from the giant $100+m range.
I use both, HDDVD on my Toshiba and BluRay on my PS3. I don't see any difference in quality and have been very happy with both. I don't go to the theater anymore and I don't buy DVD's so its all rentals from BBonline and Netflix. I feel totally unbiased on this but I do look at studio support. I honestly can not see any reason at all why the HDDVD side feels optimistic at this point. I am not saying that they should feel doomed at all, but I really don't understand how anyone can look ath this so called war and feel that HDDVD is ahead or that BD is doomed to lose as many have stated. Just an opinion from a non technical guy.
Ever take a look here at the E* vs. D* here. Its about 550 to 250. Yet I believe more people sub to D*. Therefore, that argument is in no way valid.

And BTW, Denon is an established company, unlike either BD or HDDVD. You may think this means nothing, but I can't dismiss this as nothing. And sales we 20% higher than HD-DVD the week of Dec 24.

So are Toshiba, Onkyo, Sony, et. al. Blu-ray cannot provide an accurate number as to the amount of BRs and PS3's that are being used as BR players. This is hype from both camps (as would be expected).

One week of sales is not a back breaker for either format. Total sales for the next quarter or two will START determining which way the pendulum will be swinging. Player prices over the next six months will also be a factor in getting the players into the average home.

I found Denon. They were not on the Press list or the exhibitor list. They have an awesome set of separates coming out sometime this year. HDMI 1.3, Dolby TRUHD, DTSHD MA, etc. No price, but I imagine it will not be going cheap.

The fan-boys at AVS are even having a hard time with so little coming from HD-DVD side at CES. I have seen posts to the effect of "it's like running downstairs on Christmas morning only to have a piece of coal in my gift box."

Also Universal has no major announcements, and there is talk that their exclusivity with HD-DVD ran out on Dec 31.

Also, BD will be releasing 24 and Prison break. The big HDDVD supporters are no where to be found over at AVS either. It's pure comedy.

"We are looking forward to this pivotal year and the ultimate
establishment of Blu-ray as the high-definition packaged media standard. In
fact, Blu-ray sales performance surpassed HD-DVD for the first time the week
of December 24 and did so by an impressive 20 per cent. What's more, by the
end of the first quarter our research shows the sales gap widening to Blu-ray
outselling HD DVD by a 3.5-to-1 ratio," noted Mike Dunn, President Worldwide,
Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment. "We remain extremely encouraged by
the growth in sales and player penetration and are fully committed to creating
the most compelling products possible and to the continued pioneering
development of BD with our partners.

Okay, I've read your inciteful posts over and over and over again. How about you tell us why you're such a Blu Ray supporter? What do they offer you that makes you want to sing their praises and needle HD DVD supporters, all the time?

Just for grins, I'll let you know I chose HD DVD because of the quality of the movies and the quality and price of the Toshiba HDA1. I am very happy with it, and with the movie selection available, and I have no plans to support BR anytime soon.

I've seen the BR displays at Best Buy, and I was not impressed at all - the picture looked dull and flat, and the high motion scenes were very blocky.

I've seen the BR displays at Best Buy, and I was not impressed at all - the picture looked dull and flat, and the high motion scenes were very blocky.

Enjoy your HDDVD. I have both and to say that the BluRay looks dull and flat compared to the HDDVD, you would have to see them both playing on the same display. There is absolutely nothing out there in anyones side by side or simltanious looks that back this up. I can't even tell the difference or which one is actually playing at the tme. If your statement was true, this war would be over Period. Ridiculous post. I have seen.....please.
Enjoy your HDDVD. I have both and to say that the BluRay looks dull and flat compared to the HDDVD, you would have to see them both playing on the same display. There is absolutely nothing out there in anyones side by side or simltanious looks that back this up. I can't even tell the difference or which one is actually playing at the tme. If your statement was true, this war would be over Period. Ridiculous post. I have seen.....please.

No more ridiculous than your opinion that they look identical. I saw two displays at Best Buy - one was an end cap with the Sony player hooked up to a Sony 1080p monitor. It was playing a demo disk with clips from Click and some other movies. The motion on Click looked jerky and blocky. The other display I saw was in the Magnolia theater section. It was a Pioneer Elite BR player hooked up to a Pioneer Elite plasma display. It was playing a Pioneer demo disk with scenes from Flightplan. It looked dull and flat to me - no depth to the picture and the colors were poor.

All I have to compare this to is what I see on my Samsung at home and what I've seen at my friend's house when we hooked my Toshiba up to his Sony LCD. Both of those looked outstanding.

To each their own, I guess. Perhaps my observations are ridiculous to you, but you seem just as ridiculous to me with your name calling.
Enjoy your HDDVD. I have both and to say that the BluRay looks dull and flat compared to the HDDVD, you would have to see them both playing on the same display. There is absolutely nothing out there in anyones side by side or simltanious looks that back this up. I can't even tell the difference or which one is actually playing at the tme. If your statement was true, this war would be over Period. Ridiculous post. I have seen.....please.

Wow, every major reviewer has stated that there are virtually no differances between BluRay and HD-DVD on same title releases since November 1, 2006. You go to BestBuy where they could not set up a HDTV right if their life depended on it and you trust their displays? You also must not be reading any reviews. I guess we should just take your word for it and tell all the pros they are daffy -- huh?:rolleyes:
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Hey guys, if you enjoy your HD-DVD then good for you. Don't try to come in here and bs people looking for information by trying to blow your HD-DVD horn by trying to trash BluRay . Maybe early in the game you had something to squawk about but not now. BluRay is every bit as beautiful as HD-DVD and sounds as great or better. Every major reviewer of BluRay and HD-DVD has stated this yet you guys 'swear' their wrong. Sorry, but many of us BD supporters don't buy it -- no pun intended. Shout all you want the game is affoot and BD is pulling away in both player and movie sales.

I know you HD-DVD guys are sweating the big titles coming out for BluRay over the next six months and I am astounded that you miss-quote the 300 HD-DVD titles out by the end of 2007 for 300 new HD-DVD titles coming out this year (it is 300 total titles for those who can not count - not new titles) . It is not time to panic yet -- your investment can still be saved by Walmart and their cheap HD-DVD drives to come out this fall.

However, and this information I gleemed from and are release totals for both formats thru the first weeks of April. Based on this how is the HD-DVD camp going to release 300 new titles for this year? And yes this list can and will change - but not that much.

HD-DVD releases 23 with only 3 exclusive to HD-DVD. (Doing simple math 4 x 23 equals 92 releases -- I am sure there will be more)

BluRay releases 76 with 52 exclusive to BluRay. (I am not sure MGM is only doing BluRay so I did not include their titles as exclusive. Same math as before 4 x 76 equals 264 releases - and as before I am sure there will be more)

Now you HD-DVD guys can start to sweat.
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Okay, I've read your inciteful posts over and over and over again. How about you tell us why you're such a Blu Ray supporter? What do they offer you that makes you want to sing their praises and needle HD DVD supporters, all the time?

Just for grins, I'll let you know I chose HD DVD because of the quality of the movies and the quality and price of the Toshiba HDA1. I am very happy with it, and with the movie selection available, and I have no plans to support BR anytime soon.

I've seen the BR displays at Best Buy, and I was not impressed at all - the picture looked dull and flat, and the high motion scenes were very blocky.

I am such a supporter, because it is painfully obvious that BD is better technology. Plain and simple. It is the same price right now with the PS3 the same price as are Toshiba's HDDVD drives. More space, identical picture quality, tremendously better audio quality with LPCM (yes better than TrueHD), and again more space make it the better buy.

I own both as well. And I never use the HDDVD drive any more and will probably sell it.
It comes down to the fact that more companies are exclusively releasing titles for Blu-ray. Universal will shortly make titles for both formats in my opinion. It's just a matter of time until the format war is over. It has nothing to do with what looks better and all of that. It really comes down to what titles are available to the consumer. With the Blu-ray titles coming out this year and the PS 3 becoming more available, it's going to be a long road for HD DVD. The only thing HD DVD has going for it right now is the price of its stand alone. I think eventually the Blu-ray stand alone will come down which should be the last straw.
I admit it I have 2 HD-DVD players but after CES I am starting to get a little nervous. I go to best buy and I notice all of the great titles avaliable for Blu-ray and I wish that I had a player. Now seeing the lack of titles which HDDVD is going to release it makes me want to trade in my HD players for blu-rays.
LPCM is not an audio format. It is a method of encoding digital information to transport the audio in a lossles format to the receiver. Dolby TrueHD and DTSHD MA are audio formats. LPCM takes the master audio track on the disc that is provided by the studio and samples it bit for bit. Dolby Labs and DTS have set standards that must be met. LPCM is as good as, or as bad as, the master audio mix provided on the disc by the studio. The players (whether Blue-ray or HD-DVD) encode the audio into LPCM and transports it to the receiver in a lossless format. THis is why DOlby TrueHD and DTSHD MA are compatable with current receivers. In order for a receiver to have access to the TrueHD or DTSHD MA audio track, it must have access to the disc. THis is not possible right now and why the players are doing all of the decoding. Currently Dolby TrueHD and DTSHD MA are only supported on the HD-DVD players. Panasonic has promised support for these audio codecs come March/April. IT is not mandatory on Blue-Ray, only optional.

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LPCM is not an audio format. It is a method of encoding digital information to transport the audio in a lossles format to the receiver. Dolby TrueHD and DTSHD MA are audio formats. LPCM takes the master audio track on the disc that is provided by the studio and samples it bit for bit. Dolby Labs and DTS have set standards that must be met. LPCM is as good as, or as bad as, the master audio mix provided on the disc by the studio. The players (whether Blue-ray or HD-DVD) encode the audio into LPCM and transports it to the receiver in a lossless format. THis is why DOlby TrueHD and DTSHD MA are compatable with current receivers. In order for a receiver to have access to the TrueHD or DTSHD MA audio track, it must have access to the disc. THis is not possible right now and why the players are doing all of the decoding. Currently Dolby TrueHD and DTSHD MA are only supported on the HD-DVD players. Panasonic has promised support for these audio codecs come March/April. IT is not mandatory on Blue-Ray, only optional.


thanks for going techie on me.

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