Going for it on the HR24 - 500 ...
62C is "lower" in hex than 64D, it's possible that this one is from a different development team or something, who knows. RedH is announcing 62C as new, so I'm thinking that's what it is this week. I'll roll the dice, that's what CE is about, yeah?
Jimbo said:That cool, my point was that 2 weeks ago I got 64D, so there would be no reason for me to D/L this version that is less than the one I already have, does that make sense ?
Totally. It looks to me like they're asking us edge-cutters to test 62c to be the next NR. I'm going to put it on my secondary hr24-500, and leave 64d on my hr24-200 and compare.
Jimbo said:Thats what I thought too, seeing it was noted as a Customer Candidate .... did we not already run this software earlier ? Maybe not.
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