OK,I'm confused,because my HR22-100 & HR23-700 are downloading 0412,which I'm guessing,is higher than 040A that was on both of my boxes. Well crap,I'm beyond the point of no return whatever. My download is 100% complete. Wouldn't you know it,my in box just sent me a CE release notification.
The Wednesday dl for the 24's is back on & notes are back along with the HR2x notes... looks like that's all...
OK,I'm confused,because my HR22-100 & HR23-700 are downloading 0412,which I'm guessing,is higher than 040A that was on both of my boxes. Well crap,I'm beyond the point of no return whatever. My download is 100% complete. Wouldn't you know it,my in box just sent me a CE release notification.
My HR20-700 is getting the 0412 as well and the HR24's getting a different code tonight.(040D)
That's what threw me,I was expecting 040D.
That's what threw me,I was expecting 040D.
Not sure this is the right place, here goes.
I've got 2 HR20/700s and both are having problems with the 90 minute buffers. If I try to rewind, or jump back 6 seconds, the display either freezes (and becomes unresponsive to the remote for 20-40 seconds), or it does nothing (stays real time, 30 second slip/skip just beeps, and the progress bar agrees, real time). At first I thought this was happening on only the 2nd tuner on the receiver, but now it seems to be both tuners on both receivers. Current version S/W is 412, diag report is 20100823-24CE.
6 seconds back and rewind on recordings are fine (even if it's currently being recorded, but I must go through the menu -> myplaylist. trying to rewind from live usually shows the above problem.)
I have an HR20-700 and this has been a terrible download. Watching anything live is the pits. You can't pause or go backwards. If you try it hangs for minutes ignoring every button you press. It usually comes back but it takes forever.
Another problem is that I get a caller-id message pop-up exactly every 30 minutes from Unavailable, and I mean exactly. Every 27 and 57 minutes of the hour according to my atomic clock. This has been happening consistently since I downloaded.
I got this download since I was putting an external HD on this week so I was looking for then new formatting.
I am assuming that if I go back to the national my newly formatted external HD will still be OK. I'll try to holdout for the next update.
Oh, just thought of another problem. If you watch a recorded program and run it to the end and tell it to delete it, the last frame hangs there and it doesn't return to the live broadcast. I pretty much just bring up the list and watch something else, that isn't a problem.
Dumb question, have you done a reboot (not forced), just a regular reboot ?
Did it help ?
As far as your EHD, you should not have any trouble with it.
You can go back to the NR now and still take the next new CE Update, probably tomorrow night.
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