Charlie Chat Recap
October 12th 2009
Hosts: Charlie Ergen & Jim DeFranco
Inside the NFL Red Zone ClipsNBA All Star Steve Smith in Studio
Carrie Underwood Clip
Find out how your child can win a role on Dora the Explorer
The Naughty Chef is here
Clip of NFL Red Zone with Scott Hanson
Clips of John Elway from Various Sources
Red Zone is on Channel 155 - part of the Multi-Sports package in HD & SD
Clip of Bryan (More Red Zone )
More on a clip from Scott Hanson on the Red Zone...
Steve G. has info on College Football coverage from Dish
Espn Game Plan
Basketball up to 49 games per week
League Pass
NBA has Free Preview till November 3rd
Espn Full Court 30 games per week - $10 off if ordered before November 29th...
NHL Center ice 40 games sign up before October 31st and save...
Scott Hanson at Red Zone Studio again...
*Only Satellite Provider with Vs. Only available on Dish on channel 151.
Call 1-888 -662-3474 to win tickets to a NBA Game
Guest: Steve Smith of NBA TV
Nimiq 5 Launch Clips
Will bring more HD operational next month, we are already in 152 HD Markets and 181 SD...
DISH Network is HD Leader!
152 markets, 93% of US TV HHs
Coming in November!
155 Markets 94% of US TV HHs
Davenport Iowa
Evansville IN
Paducah KY
Q & A:
e-mail questions:
Q: Rick
I'd like to see all dvr's have remote access so that I could change my recording from my phone or computer, I have a 625.
A: We hope to have that out for the 625 sometime this fall...
Q: Bill
I have local channels in my Dish Network package & live near the state line of Florida & Alabama the closest station to me is across the border from the state line from me, Why can't I get it?
A: Thats something we are living with they set up something called DMA's Designated Market Areas -- lines drawn on a map in an analog world years ago, the law lets us only provide your local channel in your DMA due to those lines... it is something the Satellite Home Viewer Act - the Congress is looking at, it is up for renewal and we are working hard with them.
Q: Doel
I bought a ViP 222K , I need to know when it will be ready to record onto an External Hard Drive via the USB port?
A: Available now on the 211, need to finish writing the software to, probably the first of the year before it is available for the 222k, check out the next Tech Forum, our engineers could maybe answer this.
Q: Bill
Can you be more can you be more definitive as to when the new 922 will be released, I bought an iphone and a sling app in the expectation it would be available in the late summer.
A: This receiver is taking a little longer than we expected as this in an unbelievable receiver because it has built in sling and internet in addition to our normal Dish network service in 1 box, the OS is taking a lot longer than has been expected... hopefully before Christmas, check next months Tech Chat for more information... It won't be released before November 12th for sure...
Q: Jay
Why do I need a phone line? I really need to get rid of my phone line and do not order ppv's....
A: Technically only for ppv, but there are many diagnostic issues that we can help with, Broadband is an option, we are looking at Technology to tie into your cellphone.
Q: Elizabeth
Programming question, what new rates and packages can Dish Network offer to existing customers.
A: We would like to give you only what you want to watch, but we are forced to offer bundled programming by the programmers. We offer competitive pricing...
We offer the
Most SD Local Markets in the industry
recent launches
Bend, OR
Lima, OH
Alexandria, LA
Marquette MI
181 markets, more than 97% fo US TV HHs
(leaves 28 markets that have not been launched)
We have a new satellite going up next year that can fill these markets in and are waiting on Congress as current legislation will not allow us to import missing channels to these markets. (they are smaller markets that do not have all 4 of the networks)
Clip with David Wilk in an unserved market
We offer some exclusive programming , CMT Front Row Only only on Dish Network... NFL Red Zone (only satellite provider) and Vs.
Win with Dish and Dora contest and be the voice of a character on Dora the Explorer at
The Naughty Chef is cooking--- Charlie and Jim go out with her
Music from Northern Way

October 12th 2009
Hosts: Charlie Ergen & Jim DeFranco
Inside the NFL Red Zone ClipsNBA All Star Steve Smith in Studio
Carrie Underwood Clip
Find out how your child can win a role on Dora the Explorer
The Naughty Chef is here
Clip of NFL Red Zone with Scott Hanson
Clips of John Elway from Various Sources
Red Zone is on Channel 155 - part of the Multi-Sports package in HD & SD
Clip of Bryan (More Red Zone )
More on a clip from Scott Hanson on the Red Zone...
Steve G. has info on College Football coverage from Dish
Espn Game Plan
Basketball up to 49 games per week
League Pass
NBA has Free Preview till November 3rd
Espn Full Court 30 games per week - $10 off if ordered before November 29th...
NHL Center ice 40 games sign up before October 31st and save...
Scott Hanson at Red Zone Studio again...
*Only Satellite Provider with Vs. Only available on Dish on channel 151.
Call 1-888 -662-3474 to win tickets to a NBA Game
Guest: Steve Smith of NBA TV
Nimiq 5 Launch Clips
Will bring more HD operational next month, we are already in 152 HD Markets and 181 SD...
DISH Network is HD Leader!
152 markets, 93% of US TV HHs
Coming in November!
155 Markets 94% of US TV HHs
Davenport Iowa
Evansville IN
Paducah KY
Q & A:
e-mail questions:
Q: Rick
I'd like to see all dvr's have remote access so that I could change my recording from my phone or computer, I have a 625.
A: We hope to have that out for the 625 sometime this fall...
Q: Bill
I have local channels in my Dish Network package & live near the state line of Florida & Alabama the closest station to me is across the border from the state line from me, Why can't I get it?
A: Thats something we are living with they set up something called DMA's Designated Market Areas -- lines drawn on a map in an analog world years ago, the law lets us only provide your local channel in your DMA due to those lines... it is something the Satellite Home Viewer Act - the Congress is looking at, it is up for renewal and we are working hard with them.
Q: Doel
I bought a ViP 222K , I need to know when it will be ready to record onto an External Hard Drive via the USB port?
A: Available now on the 211, need to finish writing the software to, probably the first of the year before it is available for the 222k, check out the next Tech Forum, our engineers could maybe answer this.
Q: Bill
Can you be more can you be more definitive as to when the new 922 will be released, I bought an iphone and a sling app in the expectation it would be available in the late summer.
A: This receiver is taking a little longer than we expected as this in an unbelievable receiver because it has built in sling and internet in addition to our normal Dish network service in 1 box, the OS is taking a lot longer than has been expected... hopefully before Christmas, check next months Tech Chat for more information... It won't be released before November 12th for sure...
Q: Jay
Why do I need a phone line? I really need to get rid of my phone line and do not order ppv's....
A: Technically only for ppv, but there are many diagnostic issues that we can help with, Broadband is an option, we are looking at Technology to tie into your cellphone.
Q: Elizabeth
Programming question, what new rates and packages can Dish Network offer to existing customers.
A: We would like to give you only what you want to watch, but we are forced to offer bundled programming by the programmers. We offer competitive pricing...
We offer the
Most SD Local Markets in the industry
recent launches
Bend, OR
Lima, OH
Alexandria, LA
Marquette MI
181 markets, more than 97% fo US TV HHs
(leaves 28 markets that have not been launched)
We have a new satellite going up next year that can fill these markets in and are waiting on Congress as current legislation will not allow us to import missing channels to these markets. (they are smaller markets that do not have all 4 of the networks)
Clip with David Wilk in an unserved market
We offer some exclusive programming , CMT Front Row Only only on Dish Network... NFL Red Zone (only satellite provider) and Vs.
Win with Dish and Dora contest and be the voice of a character on Dora the Explorer at
The Naughty Chef is cooking--- Charlie and Jim go out with her
Music from Northern Way
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