Charlie Chat Recap 6/9/08
Hosts: Charlie Ergen and Eric Sahl
*The Magic number is 100 -- 100 national channels and 100 local channels in HD
* New Channels upcoming for the Olympics
*Jim Lampley
* Will Ferrell and other stars appearing on PPV
*The "Codfather" of fishing from WFCHD live in studio
*Phone calls and E-mails
(Jim DeFranco is absent (Father ill and we wish him well))
Opens with talk of the upcoming HD Olympics starting August 8th.
Trivia Question: Name one of the three hosts on the World Fishing Network.
Video of 22 HD Channels Launched in the last 6 weeks.
This brings us to over 80 HD channels.
Eric: We have had a few questions over the last few weeks about the VoomHD channels.
Charlie: Unfortunately Voom had some obligations they had to live up to and they didn't. We tried to consolodate those channels, but they didn't agree so we are in litigation and a Judge has ruled that they are not likely to prevail so that is where we stand today. We would like as part owners to see them be successful. I'm not optimistic that Voom will be on the air in any form, but we are always open to talk other than through Lawyers.
Eric: We are happy to launch WGN America HD this week on channel 239 .
Now is a good time to upgrade call 1-800-333-DISH
Upgrade for as little as $10 a month
More HD for $10 more a month
HD ultimate for as $30 a month
Video: Taped interview with Eric Sahl with Jim Lampley who has hosted 13 previous Olympics talking about previous Olympics and what's to come.
Jim Lampley: "HD technology reaches out and touches you and will make the Olympics that much more real."
Over 800 hours in HD on the NBCU suite of channels.
NBC Basketball and Soccer Channels
NBC Olympic Showcase will be interactive
dishHD Local Markets- Recent Additions
*Buffalo, NY
*Burlington, VT
*Ft. Myers, FL
*Greensboro, NC
*Hartford, CT
*Huntsville, AL
*Jackson, MS
*Knoxville, TN
*Mobile, AL
*Norfolk, VA
*Providence, RI
*Portland, ME
With these that brings us to 59 local HD markets...57% of US TV HH"s
Dish Local Markets launching this week
*Seattle -- KCPQ
*Sacramento -- KXTL
*Chicago -- WGN9
*Hartford --WTIC
DishHD Local Markets -- Upcoming Launches
June 19th
*Grand Rapids,MI
*Memphis, TN
*Abilene, TX
*Chattanooga, TN
*Des Moines, IA
*Fargo, ND
*Greenville, NC
*Joplin, MO
*Lansing, MI
*Lincoln, NE
*Madison, WI
*Myrtle Beach, SC
*Omaha, NE
*Quincy, IL
*Sherman-Ada, TX/OK
*South Bend, IN
*Syracuse, NY
*Topeka, KS
*Waco, TX
*Witchita Falls, TX
*Wilkes Barre, PA
By End of year 2008 = 100 markets, 90% of US HH's
Mpeg2HD Upgrades to Mpeg4HD
Some customers still have Mpeg2HD receivers if you do:
*If you have a 811 or 6000 you can upgrade to a 211 call us for more info.
*If you have a 921 or 942 Dvr you can upgrade to a 622/722 call us for more info
By the end of the summer the Mpeg2 channels will be turned off.
Upgrade to a SD Dvr for $50
Award Winning HD Dvr's
*One TV Dual Tuner -- 612
*Two TV Dual Tuner -- 622/722
*Pricing starts at $100 with $50 Installation
World Fishing NetworkHD Video with Charlie Moore
Any plans to add Discovery Planet Green?
A: We already have it (Discovery Home formerly) channel 194,
Do you carry Scifi and USA in HD?
A: Yes
How do you get internet services?
A: go thru the broadband connection in the back of your ViP receiver
How does Dish negotiate for SD vs HD versions of channels, can we see KTLA and KCAL in HD?
A: Programmers want to be in every package, we look at the value of the package and try to give customers as much choice as we can... while looking at cost... We are launching the big 4 network affiliates first and hopefully by the end of the year with more capacity we can put some of the others up.
When the DTVPal converter will be available?
A: about June 19th $59, waiting on a $39 box to be approved.
We will offer an installation service for those that cannot install the digital converters, we offer a locals channels only package for $9.99 a month. Our website will have information on this.
Dish Network Referral Program
*Recommend Dish Network and you get:
*$50 in credits($5/mo. for 10 consecutive months)
*One-time enrollment gifts of 5 Free Pay-per-view coupons
*Free Dish Mover coupon
**Club Dish**
Friend or Family Member Receives
*Digital Home Advantage regular plan:
*Free standard professional installation
*Free DVR or
*No DVR equipment upgrade
*Digital Home Advantage 24
*$39.99 credit for 3 months (1st, 10th and 20th months)
*$30 credit on 1st bill, free activation ($49.99 value)
*Free standard installation
*Free DVR or HD DVR equipment upgrade
I have a programming question, this year peach tree in Atlanta have Braves broadcasts, is Dish Network going to carry these games?
A: We are working with Peachtree (in negotiations)
Hartford locals?
A: May 8th
When are you going to offer Vs?
A: Channel 151 Americas top 250 pack.
Programming Talk
*Finding Amanda Clip
Available June 13th on DishNetwork Dish on Demand
*National Treasure 2 also available this month on Demand available on Ppv in July
*Will Ferrell Clip for Semi-Pro
*PPV Boxing Match Diaz vs Pacquiao -- Saturday, June 28th 9 pm
*World Cup Qualifiers
Dish Interactive Upcoming
*US Open
KBS World now available
Eric Sahl and Wolf Blitzer Video
Technical Chat August 11th
Charlie Chat September 8th

Charlie Chat Recap 6/9/08
Hosts: Charlie Ergen and Eric Sahl
*The Magic number is 100 -- 100 national channels and 100 local channels in HD
* New Channels upcoming for the Olympics
*Jim Lampley
* Will Ferrell and other stars appearing on PPV
*The "Codfather" of fishing from WFCHD live in studio
*Phone calls and E-mails
(Jim DeFranco is absent (Father ill and we wish him well))
Opens with talk of the upcoming HD Olympics starting August 8th.
Trivia Question: Name one of the three hosts on the World Fishing Network.
Video of 22 HD Channels Launched in the last 6 weeks.
This brings us to over 80 HD channels.
Eric: We have had a few questions over the last few weeks about the VoomHD channels.
Charlie: Unfortunately Voom had some obligations they had to live up to and they didn't. We tried to consolodate those channels, but they didn't agree so we are in litigation and a Judge has ruled that they are not likely to prevail so that is where we stand today. We would like as part owners to see them be successful. I'm not optimistic that Voom will be on the air in any form, but we are always open to talk other than through Lawyers.
Eric: We are happy to launch WGN America HD this week on channel 239 .
Now is a good time to upgrade call 1-800-333-DISH
Upgrade for as little as $10 a month
More HD for $10 more a month
HD ultimate for as $30 a month
Video: Taped interview with Eric Sahl with Jim Lampley who has hosted 13 previous Olympics talking about previous Olympics and what's to come.
Jim Lampley: "HD technology reaches out and touches you and will make the Olympics that much more real."
Over 800 hours in HD on the NBCU suite of channels.
NBC Basketball and Soccer Channels
NBC Olympic Showcase will be interactive
dishHD Local Markets- Recent Additions
*Buffalo, NY
*Burlington, VT
*Ft. Myers, FL
*Greensboro, NC
*Hartford, CT
*Huntsville, AL
*Jackson, MS
*Knoxville, TN
*Mobile, AL
*Norfolk, VA
*Providence, RI
*Portland, ME
With these that brings us to 59 local HD markets...57% of US TV HH"s
Dish Local Markets launching this week
*Seattle -- KCPQ
*Sacramento -- KXTL
*Chicago -- WGN9
*Hartford --WTIC
DishHD Local Markets -- Upcoming Launches
June 19th
*Grand Rapids,MI
*Memphis, TN
*Abilene, TX
*Chattanooga, TN
*Des Moines, IA
*Fargo, ND
*Greenville, NC
*Joplin, MO
*Lansing, MI
*Lincoln, NE
*Madison, WI
*Myrtle Beach, SC
*Omaha, NE
*Quincy, IL
*Sherman-Ada, TX/OK
*South Bend, IN
*Syracuse, NY
*Topeka, KS
*Waco, TX
*Witchita Falls, TX
*Wilkes Barre, PA
By End of year 2008 = 100 markets, 90% of US HH's
Mpeg2HD Upgrades to Mpeg4HD
Some customers still have Mpeg2HD receivers if you do:
*If you have a 811 or 6000 you can upgrade to a 211 call us for more info.
*If you have a 921 or 942 Dvr you can upgrade to a 622/722 call us for more info
By the end of the summer the Mpeg2 channels will be turned off.
Upgrade to a SD Dvr for $50
Award Winning HD Dvr's
*One TV Dual Tuner -- 612
*Two TV Dual Tuner -- 622/722
*Pricing starts at $100 with $50 Installation
World Fishing NetworkHD Video with Charlie Moore
Any plans to add Discovery Planet Green?
A: We already have it (Discovery Home formerly) channel 194,
Do you carry Scifi and USA in HD?
A: Yes
How do you get internet services?
A: go thru the broadband connection in the back of your ViP receiver
How does Dish negotiate for SD vs HD versions of channels, can we see KTLA and KCAL in HD?
A: Programmers want to be in every package, we look at the value of the package and try to give customers as much choice as we can... while looking at cost... We are launching the big 4 network affiliates first and hopefully by the end of the year with more capacity we can put some of the others up.
When the DTVPal converter will be available?
A: about June 19th $59, waiting on a $39 box to be approved.
We will offer an installation service for those that cannot install the digital converters, we offer a locals channels only package for $9.99 a month. Our website will have information on this.
Dish Network Referral Program
*Recommend Dish Network and you get:
*$50 in credits($5/mo. for 10 consecutive months)
*One-time enrollment gifts of 5 Free Pay-per-view coupons
*Free Dish Mover coupon
**Club Dish**
Friend or Family Member Receives
*Digital Home Advantage regular plan:
*Free standard professional installation
*Free DVR or
*No DVR equipment upgrade
*Digital Home Advantage 24
*$39.99 credit for 3 months (1st, 10th and 20th months)
*$30 credit on 1st bill, free activation ($49.99 value)
*Free standard installation
*Free DVR or HD DVR equipment upgrade
I have a programming question, this year peach tree in Atlanta have Braves broadcasts, is Dish Network going to carry these games?
A: We are working with Peachtree (in negotiations)
Hartford locals?
A: May 8th
When are you going to offer Vs?
A: Channel 151 Americas top 250 pack.
Programming Talk
*Finding Amanda Clip
Available June 13th on DishNetwork Dish on Demand
*National Treasure 2 also available this month on Demand available on Ppv in July
*Will Ferrell Clip for Semi-Pro
*PPV Boxing Match Diaz vs Pacquiao -- Saturday, June 28th 9 pm
*World Cup Qualifiers
Dish Interactive Upcoming
*US Open
KBS World now available
Eric Sahl and Wolf Blitzer Video
Technical Chat August 11th
Charlie Chat September 8th
Dish Network.JPG11.6 KB · Views: 319
Charlie Chat.JPG10.4 KB · Views: 296
DishHD.JPG23.2 KB · Views: 504
22 HD.JPG16.3 KB · Views: 320
22 Recent.JPG28 KB · Views: 786
Dish_HD.JPG23.5 KB · Views: 748
WGN America.JPG17.3 KB · Views: 508
DishHD Upgrade.JPG24.9 KB · Views: 532
Jim Lampley.JPG22.4 KB · Views: 344
NBC Olympics.JPG23.6 KB · Views: 623
NBC Olympic showcase.JPG22 KB · Views: 416
DishHD Locals today.JPG20.2 KB · Views: 476
Dish Locals this week.JPG20 KB · Views: 431
Dish HD locals upcoming.JPG22.7 KB · Views: 644
DishHD upcoming locals.JPG23.9 KB · Views: 558
Mpeg2 upgrade.JPG18.3 KB · Views: 465
SD Dvr upgrade.JPG16.8 KB · Views: 457
HD Dvr Upgrade.JPG22.5 KB · Views: 467
HD Dual Dvr.JPG17.4 KB · Views: 444
Dtv Pal.JPG23 KB · Views: 1,535
Digital Transition.JPG28.5 KB · Views: 415
Our Transition.JPG21.2 KB · Views: 2,213
DN Referral.JPG20.9 KB · Views: 367
Freind gets.JPG25.6 KB · Views: 400
Artist - 22 Recent.mp3138 KB · Views: 234
Artist - Voom.mp3642 KB · Views: 255
WGN America.mp3298 KB · Views: 288
Upgrade.mp3594 KB · Views: 238
Olympics.mp3404 KB · Views: 234
Local HD Additions.mp3492 KB · Views: 284
Mpeg2HD upgrades.mp3684 KB · Views: 255
Dvr Upgrade.mp3744 KB · Views: 290
Question DTVPal.mp3350 KB · Views: 973
Digital Transistion.mp3722 KB · Views: 797
Internet connections & more.mp3424 KB · Views: 266
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