My misery...
I caught only the last 10 minutes or so. What I heard was the 811 for $499. WTF!!! 3-4 months ago the 811 was 299, then $399 and now $499?!?!?!
Is this some dumb ass ploy to encourage the sale of the remaining 6000s? Did I also hear the 6000 can be had for $99 for certain people?
I feel like going on a rant, but I'm too pissed.
I understand confusion in the marketplace resulting from rumor mongering, but when information disseminated by the CEO is constantly changing... WTF!!!
"Tune in next time for the next installment in the vacillation of information on the Flip Flop Flap Jack Charlie Chat" Jesus, Charlie gives southerners a bad rep, My middle name is Charlie, I feel ill.