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Choices Choices.. Starchoice or ExpressVu? | SatelliteGuys.US

Choices Choices.. Starchoice or ExpressVu?


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Mar 11, 2005
I am looking to get the canadian movie networks, specifically The Movie Network...

Also, what would be the least expensive service to get this? It looks like Starchoice I would need Bronze + Movies ($28.99+19.99) And ExpressVu is Basic + Movies ($25+19.99) Or, is there another way, like an a la carte system? because I really just care about TMN...

Another stupid question is, I am going to be vacationing in northern New Hampshire in a few months, and I was thinking about taking a short jaunt across the border. I have found a Radio Shack store in Coaticook, QC that is a retailer for both services.. Would I be able to pick up the hardware from them, or are they going to want to make an appointment for someone to install it?

Just from a basic price standpoint, I am leaning towards BEV at the moment, but I am open to suggestions and options.

Another question is... Since BEV equipment, is just rebranded DN stuff.. can I use a Dish branded 301 w/a BEV Access card? or does the reciever have to have a BEV firmware on it?
RULE # 1 when doing first post on a new forum:


RULE # 2 : see Rule #1

RULE # 3 : see above
Rule #4 : post a completely unhelpful reply :rolleyes:

In my scanning of this group, i did not find an answer for my question of local pickups, and the last question of dish equipment was thrown on while I was thinking of ideas.

My question was for personal suggestions. I already read the Comparison, and honestly Im torn between them. Your post didnt give me your personal opinion about which I should get, and therefore is not necessary.
Don't mind Buddy above guess he thinks he is better then everyone, I thought Fourms was a question and Answer thing but hey what do I know as for your question

Bell requires a credit card and address for activation at the time of Purchase so you likly need a CDN address to use you can opt out of the free installation with Bell in fact if you install it yourself you are only under contrace with them for 1 yr compared to 2 yrs if they install it for you.

Star Choice is not as restrictive as Bell, Bell is this way to cut down on Priacy, as for Using a DishNetowrk Rec you could use a new one and Download the Firmware when you first start but the problem you run into is the actual card so you will not be able to use a dishnetwork

Hope this helps

ultatryon said:
I am looking to get the canadian movie networks, specifically The Movie Network or Movie Central...

Now, my question is, what is really the difference between them? is it just like an East/West feed, being offset by a few hours? or are they completely different programming?

Also, what would be the least expensive service to get this? It looks like Starchoice I would need Bronze + Movies ($28.99+19.99) And ExpressVu is Basic + Movies ($25+19.99)

Or, is there another way, like an a la carte system? because I really just care about TMN...

Another stupid question is, I am going to be vacationing in northern New Hampshire in a few months, and I was thinking about taking a short jaunt across the border. I have found a Radio Shack store in Coaticook, QC that is a retailer for both services.. Would I be able to pick up the hardware from them, or are they going to want to make an appointment for someone to install it?

Just from a basic price standpoint, I am leaning towards BEV at the moment, but I am open to suggestions and options.

Another question is... Since BEV equipment, is just rebranded DN stuff.. can I use a Dish branded 301 w/a BEV Access card? or does the reciever have to have a BEV firmware on it?
I went through this exercise last year as I live close to Windsor and Sarnia, Ontario.

You will not be able to go to a Canadian store and buy Expressvu. You have no Canadian drivers License, Canadian credit card or Canadian address. Plus you have to sign a contract with Bell. Quit early, your credit card gets dinged.

SC uses the cardless Digicipher II system, security is not an issue. Therefore anyone can walk into any dealer and pay cash for a SC receiver. Cost is about $68 us tax included for the base model; $96 us for the DD5.1 model.

Regardless of provider, they cannot knowing sell to non Canadian residents; you will be responsible for your own dish install.

SC is acknowledged to have the best picture quality of any small dish provider.

As for the basic programming, TSN (Canada's ESPN) and all the Canadian OTA channels are not included with Expressvu. Also, SC allows you to pick any US network feed as your primary, with Expressvu you get Boston in the east. With SC, you can chose them in another time zone. In my case, I took Spokane as I already get my Detroit locals. And then there is the whole issue of how SC and Expressvu handle simultaneous substitutions (definitely use the "Search" function this - it's already been explained better by others than I can)
I guess StarChoice it is then :) I was thinking about them for the HD version as well, since TMN in HD would be nice..
ultatryon said:
I guess StarChoice it is then :) I was thinking about them for the HD version as well, since TMN in HD would be nice..

If you are into HD, I would suggest checking out the websites of the Canadian big box stores before going. One of them always seems to have a deal on the DSR500 (checkout The Brick, Leons, Future Shop, and Best Buy Canada). Today there is $50 off on the Leons site.

Print out the page with the DSR500 deal, then go to 1 of the competitors as they always beat the advertised deal.

DO NOT signup for the free Viewers Choice Instant PPV promo; you cannot plug in your phone. If you do, SC will be forced to disconnect your service.

As you may or may not know, as a foreigner you can get the 7% GST tax rebated. Just stop at Canada Customs on the way in to Canada and pick up the form. Fill it in along with a copy of the receipt and mail it in when you get home.
Wouldnt customs have a problem with me exporting a satellite receiver? Or is it just Starchoice that would really have the problem with it...?

If it would cause an issue, I would much rather not worry about the GST ;)
You won't be dealing with Canada Customs when you come back. As for US Customs, they see Canadian snowbirds bringing receivers back and forth all the time.

The rebate form goes to Revenue Canada - they just check that the receipts are valid. I don't bother with small amounts but if I decide to buy a DSR530 when it comes out, I will definitely fill out the GST tax rebate.
Well, this turn around, I am thinking of just a DSR315.. Just to get started for now. So I am not too worried about $7 CAD or so
Satellite Expert said:
RULE # 1 when doing first post on a new forum:


RULE # 2 : see Rule #1

RULE # 3 : see above

what the hell does the above give the original poster?

I don't care if a question has been asked 10 billion gazillion trillion times, I just take it and answer it :)

Remember...we were all newbies

satellite expert, huh? Sure as hell not here :D
Jumbo Dumbo said:
I went through this exercise last year as I live close to Windsor and Sarnia, Ontario.

You will not be able to go to a Canadian store and buy Expressvu. You have no Canadian drivers License, Canadian credit card or Canadian address. Plus you have to sign a contract with Bell. Quit early, your credit card gets dinged.
correct. ExpressVu needs a licence and a copntract...SC doesn't :)
SC uses the cardless Digicipher II system, security is not an issue. Therefore anyone can walk into any dealer and pay cash for a SC receiver. Cost is about $68 us tax included for the base model; $96 us for the DD5.1 model.
or you could use for the equipment
Regardless of provider, they cannot knowing sell to non Canadian residents; you will be responsible for your own dish install.

SC is acknowledged to have the best picture quality of any small dish provider.
yes it does. I have had both and SC has a better picture quality
As for the basic programming, TSN (Canada's ESPN) and all the Canadian OTA channels are not included with Expressvu. Also, SC allows you to pick any US network feed as your primary, with Expressvu you get Boston in the east. With SC, you can chose them in another time zone. In my case, I took Spokane as I already get my Detroit locals. And then there is the whole issue of how SC and Expressvu handle simultaneous substitutions (definitely use the "Search" function this - it's already been explained better by others than I can)

SC gives you TSN in all packages. As for simsubs, here is an easy explanation

CSI is on CBS in the US. CTV has the rights in Canada. So when you tune to CTV or CBS, you get the CTV feed. Now here is where it gets tricky.
The rule is you only get simsubbed when a canadian and US channel have the show on at the same time (which is almost always) and if you are in the grade B of the OTA channel showing it. So if you live in Toronto, you will get the CTV Toronto feed. But if you lived in The Pas Manitoba, you wouldn't. SC does simsubs at the receiver level. ExpressVu gives EVERYONE the simsub, regardless of location. This is real touchy for people outside of Toronto & Vancouver, as the feeds get these two.
Well, since my primary goal is TMN, Simsubs dont really bother me in the slightest. As for the hardware, I am already going very close to Canada.. its only another hour drive to cross the border and get to Coaticook, so as long as the Rat Shack does not give me a hard time, I will be a proud owner of a new DSR315 in a few weeks :) Otherwise, I will just contact (or if I decide I cant wait a few more weeks)
Ok you should call ahead to the radioshack in canada and ask what their policy is. Dial *67 1 and then the number so they won't see that you are calling from the usa.

If you buy anything via kusat pay for 3 day shipping that includes customs, other wise the price will be the same almost after customs bill and you will have to wait longer.

In regards to HD, it all depends. I prefer quality over quantity. To clarify, ExpressVU boasts 27 HD channels unfortunately showing SD upconverts most of the time.

In my opinion this is a waste of bandwidth and the PQ suffers.

Starchoice has 9 HD channels and they "cherrypick" HD content from the networks and TMN so all you get is HD 90% of the time on those channels.

Having had both I can honestly say I prefer Starchoice as there PQ is second to Big Dish.

Here is alink to Cancom which gives you a weekly "whats on" on the 9 HD channels of Starchoice

Star Choice is better because they are close to having a HD/PVR system out in about may as for Bell well who knows I guess I have been waiting and I am thinking of going to SC now because of it

ToUgHsPot said:
So tell me guys on this topic............Which is better for the HD lover..............SC or ExVu??
Well put my friend. You have just given me exactly what I needed in order to make my decision. Do I see locals in there too or does my eyes deceive me??? I can't be that lucky to get locals or can I????

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