For the last couple of days the time/date keeps changing around on my OS Mio, right now it shows the year as 1970.
Needless to say this causes problems with timed recordings.
Can anyone tell me why this is happening?
I made the changes you suggested and so far so good.Mine was doing it also, so I experimented. I changed the NTP server to:, and NTP cold start and Use RTC time from deep standby are both turned ON. "Sync NTP time" is set to 5 minutes.
It's been PERFECT since Saturday night when I did that. Before that, when it was set to, it was changing several times each day.
I tried other things first, but going with the google time server is what actually seems to have fixed it.
The OP must have a OS MIO+ as the OS MIO cannot display the date. The OS MIO+ cannot time sync every 5 minutes. I have 6 MIOs, MIO+s running and the only ones that keep time are the OS MIO with TNAP v.20 and an OS MIO+ running OpenATV. Others running OpenVIX or OpenPLI or TNAP v3.2 will not keep the correct time all the time. The wrong time I see very often seems to correspond to system on time. After running 24hrs of combined on time the date changes to the next day ie JAN 2. I have an Octogon twin tuner running OpenATV and it wouldn't know the time if it hit it in the nose.
Can more than 1 ntp server be specified and/or can it be entered as an numerical IP address?
MENU - SETUP - SYSTEM - SYSTEM TIMEWhat screen do you goto to make these adjustments?
Not successful here either.Anybody get their time to work properly? I've tried 3 NTP servers and I'm still having time issues. I have 2 osmio4k's (not the plus model) running TNAP 3.2.
The regular Mio sure CAN display the date, WHEN you try to set a timer in the WebIF screen. The clock and date when you set a timer in that will be whacked. Oh, and my Mio stays in Deep Standby if I'm not recording, or watching (or both) So these time changes have happened while it's in deep standby.
I am running a regular Mio, with TNAP 3.2, hardwired directly to my Netgear Nighthawk router, which is only about 2 feet away from it. I can see the front screen of the Mio from my livingroom chair, and have watched the clock change from perfect time, to whatever it wants to. IF you wait the 5 minutes I have set it to sync, it fixes itself. I saw it do this as much as 4 times in one day.
Once I switched to, it has stayed perfect since last Saturday night. Nothing else I tried held.
Anybody get their time to work properly? I've tried 3 NTP servers and I'm still having time issues. I have 2 osmio4k's (not the plus model) running TNAP 3.2.
Mine has been absolutely flawless in keeping time since I changed my NTP server setting to That's 4 weeks now, when it wouldn't even keep time during a single day before that. All of which flaky time issues started AFTER I installed the newest version of TNAP.Not successful here either.
That's really odd, and I don't understand why. Here's my exact settings right now, with my Mio hardwired to my router. As I said, before I changed to, I had big issues keeping time. That change of many I tried, was the only thing that fixed it:I'm still having time issues even with
Exactly the way mine is setup.That's really odd, and I don't understand why. Here's my exact settings right now, with my Mio hardwired to my router. As I said, before I changed to, I had big issues keeping time. That change of many I tried, was the only thing that fixed it:
Does your time drift off and resync itself at the 5 minute point even when you aren't using the receiver, or do you see it change time only when you are doing something with the receiver? My receiver stays in Standby when not recording or watching something. I can see the front panel clock from my living room chair, and could see the time changes there, when they occurred before changing to the way mine is setup.
It changes time in standby and sometimes when a program is being recorded (which cuts off the recording). The time suddenly changes by hours - it doesn't gradually drift off. The router's NTP time is always correct - if it wasn't none of my devices could access the VPN server that runs on it. Besides, the router wouldn't impact the osmio4k unless something goes wrong with DNS since the osmio4k uses the routers DNS - in that case the time wouldn't update. I actually have 5 routers - 1 is the WDS AP and the others are WDS stations and they all stay time synced. But, the osmio4k's are hardwired to the main router.Does your time drift off and resync itself at the 5 minute point even when you aren't using the receiver, or do you see it change time only when you are doing something with the receiver? My receiver stays in Standby when not recording or watching something. I can see the front panel clock from my living room chair, and could see the time changes there, when they occurred before changing to
Is your main router ntp time correct? I wonder if that could have something to do with it.
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