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Common sense says VOOM/HD Select is not dead! | SatelliteGuys.US

Common sense says VOOM/HD Select is not dead!


SatelliteGuys Master
Original poster
Jun 1, 2004
South Florida
Folks have you thought for just one minutes with your head and not your heart? Maybe this is what Charles Dolan WANTED/NEEDED to go private and start something SIMILAR to VOOM. YES the dbs provider VOOM is dead, but maybe a spinoff that has NOTHING to do with CVC is in the works and the only way to do this would be to cut off ALL ties to CVC. My thinking is that in that April 18th meeting, maybe Charles convinces the board to sell to him whatever is left of VOOM, so that he may persue other interests.....a NEW DBS/CABLE provider that carries a similar amount of HD content to VOOM. In the end, we KNOW that this is what CVC wante for THEIR reasons....could this be what Charles NEEDED for HIS reason?
....and one more thing...with EVERYTHING we have read on Charles Dolan(a fighter, a go-getter, a visionary....), do you HONESTLY think he will want his legacy to end on a sour note where he 'gave up' his pet project....? Something that he literally battle his own blood and invested MILLIONS of dollars in.....again, common sense says he is not through....
salsadancer7 said:
Folks have you thought for just one minutes with your head and not your heart?

I think you are speaking with your heart. Fact is that Voom will shutdown April 30. This is confirmed by the SEC filing, Voom Customer Service and the website. All other is speculation!!
Rainbow DBS/VOOM as a satellite provider is DOA - it's just that plain and simple. It is my opinion that C. Dolan reached an agreement with the Cablevision Board to shutdown VOOM in exchange for their funding his "new dream" of marketing and producing VOOM21 content - hence the unanamous vote. Rainbow Media channels (WE, AMC, IFC, Fuse, etc.) have been doing well and generate income for Cablevision.

In a nutshell:

1. Cablevision has a proven track record of producing and selling programming services.
2. Cablevision has been a dismal failure at providing a profitable DBS service - they cannot complete against D* or E* unless they have deep pockets...very, very deep pockets.

My conclusion is that C. Dolan will sell VOOM21 programming in various flavors to whoever will buy them. He may have to bundle them with their other channels and perhaps almost give them away initially to generate market share. In any case, this is all CHEAP IN COMPARISON to keeping Rainbow DBS up and running. Of course, a larger problems in nobody has the bandwidth at present to support them:

- Cable: My local Adelphia is stuck at 12 HD channels (4 of them locals). They are licenses to add PBS, ESPN2HD and DiscoveryHD...but simply do not have room to add them without terminating other channels and services. VOIP and VOD are a much higher priority. Also, I don't see them migrating to MPEG-4 any time soon.

- E* and D*: Don't you think they would have added additional HD channels if they could? They are waiting on new sats and MPEG-4...but their first priority is HD LIL, following by HD PPV, VOD, etc. There is very little room for VOOM21 channels at present.

Anyway, this is my opinion. I would love to see many of the VOOM21 channels, but I just don't see it happening anytime soon.
1st of all....MarcelV...I am aware of everything that is going on with VOOM, I am a sub. But what I am trying to say is that the concept of VOOM(more HD than everyone, etc.) is still a possibility because I honestly doubt that Charles Dolan will just let it die. Now, think about this...with ALL that has been officiall decided AT CVC...don't you think Voom(or whatever it would be/could be/might be called)would have a better chance if it were OUT of the hands of CVC?

And RIFF, I AGREE with everything you posted. But I just think that this is what Mr. Dolan wanted/needed to continue his pet project. AND I do think SOMETHING SIGNIFICANT will come out of this April 18th meeting involving VOOM.
I think you guys may be looking at this wrong...the marketing won't be to the cable companies it will be to the consumer....I look for all the originals to move to AMC-6 and possibly create more..Cablevision gets out of Satellite DBS, existing programing comments for carried channels are dropped, Satellite contruction contracts are gone, and deals may be in place with both of the other DBS companies to offer Voom Originals as an add on stand alone service and cable customers could get in on this too.. the customer base is the current customers..if you were to conduct a pole I would bet to say that 60% of the voom customers already have another service and use Voom for the unique HD stuff.
If I lowered the price only offered the originals are part of the the other DBS's, but it still took a Voom receiver and Dish (either the 61.5 or 72) I believe it will go on AMC-6 at 72 because there is now going to be a Rainbow DBS connection as the CEO of SES Americom on May 2.
I think this is the only way you could make it work..also you don't take a hit on the Voom receivers as they will become reusable as the stand alone box..not only is it revenue producing for RainbowMedia, but it give both D* and E* away to immediately up the HD capabilities.
salsadancer7 said:
And RIFF, I AGREE with everything you posted. But I just think that this is what Mr. Dolan wanted/needed to continue his pet project. AND I do think SOMETHING SIGNIFICANT will come out of this April 18th meeting involving VOOM.
That is why I'm going to back to Adelphia Cable on the 15th as an interim, although limited, HD option. I will recieve more HD than with D* or E*, will have no long term comittment, and won't have to purchase any expensive equipment (can rent 3 low-cost HD DVRs). I'll give serious future consideration to a provider offering 40+ HD channels and no-cost or low-cost equipment.

Significant news post 18 and/or 30 April would be nice, but I expecting nothing of any significance to occur until 2006 or after.
Well, E* doesn't seem to mind requiring 14 dishes installed at the end user's house. Granted they likely have other plans for Rainbow1 (spotbeam etc), it wouldn't take much effort for them to broadcast in place of Voom. They got the uplink facility as well, right?

salsadancer7 said:
Folks have you thought for just one minutes with your head and not your heart? Maybe this is what Charles Dolan WANTED/NEEDED to go private and start something SIMILAR to VOOM. YES the dbs provider VOOM is dead, but maybe a spinoff that has NOTHING to do with CVC is in the works and the only way to do this would be to cut off ALL ties to CVC. My thinking is that in that April 18th meeting, maybe Charles convinces the board to sell to him whatever is left of VOOM, so that he may persue other interests.....a NEW DBS/CABLE provider that carries a similar amount of HD content to VOOM. In the end, we KNOW that this is what CVC wante for THEIR reasons....could this be what Charles NEEDED for HIS reason?
So what does a cable provider do for us if it is not a nation wide cable provider. With a base package of D* (high defs and NFL Ticket) and the fulle COx cable lineup, you get more movies channels (premium) than VOOM, local HDs, extire lineups for Starz, Nickelodian and Inhd1 & Inhd 2.
kex63 said:
I think you guys may be looking at this wrong...the marketing won't be to the cable companies it will be to the consumer....I look for all the originals to move to AMC-6 and possibly create more..Cablevision gets out of Satellite DBS, existing programing comments for carried channels are dropped, Satellite contruction contracts are gone, and deals may be in place with both of the other DBS companies to offer Voom Originals as an add on stand alone service and cable customers could get in on this too.. the customer base is the current customers..if you were to conduct a pole I would bet to say that 60% of the voom customers already have another service and use Voom for the unique HD stuff.
If I lowered the price only offered the originals are part of the the other DBS's, but it still took a Voom receiver and Dish (either the 61.5 or 72) I believe it will go on AMC-6 at 72 because there is now going to be a Rainbow DBS connection as the CEO of SES Americom on May 2.
I think this is the only way you could make it work..also you don't take a hit on the Voom receivers as they will become reusable as the stand alone box..not only is it revenue producing for RainbowMedia, but it give both D* and E* away to immediately up the HD capabilities.

This has been done in the past as well... I am sure that someone out there remembers USSB before D* aquired the company. That could end up being run as a service much like USSB was back in the mid 90's.

I believe that C.Dolan had no choice but to vote for the shutdown of V*, lets face it, no Sat. no V*! Call me a dreamy optimist, but I feel that since CV had contracts for more birds that he also may:

1. take over the contracts himself and launch another bird and start a new HD DBS company under a new name. (After all, our STB's are even capable of MPEG 4)

2. Maybe he has collaborated with some of the new folks on the CV board (Malone?) and they decide it would be easier to allow V* to go out a business and start a new privately held company so that there would be no conflict of interest or possible liability issues from the CV stock holders or the sec. With the Sarbanes-Oxley act in effect, executives have to be careful how they make transactions, and if V* was spun-off and went like gang busters, the sec and the CV stockholders could both cry "foul play", which could lead to lawsuits against Dolan and even the threat of indictments from the Government for un-ethical insider activity.

3. We know that the DVR was close to release so if the new company could start up with a DVR as a lease option, and with the free install special like V* had been running before the shutdown announcement then I would think the numbers would grow at a much greater rate than what V*'s sub numbers have grown. Maybe V* was just a learning experience, and now that C. Dolan knows he can obtain a larger number of subs by leasing equipment with a free install, then he would think that he could grow the new company much faster than V*.

I am not sure what other sat. location CV was going to be placing the birds, but maybe the other locations would be more favorable than Rainbow-1's location of 61.5.

If C.Dolan's plan is to start a new DBS service, then you can be sure that they are going to want every STB back, because new face plates could easily be put on these boxes. If this is the case then the directive may be for Motorola to buy these boxes back from CV, and then sold back to C.Dolan's new DBS service. That would take CV completely out of the loop of any connection to a newly formed private company so that no one could say that he was trying to pull a fast one on the CV stock holders.

Maybe I am being overly optimistic, and many people have said on this forum that they would never be a sub again for any new service that C. Dolan started, but I for one would jump on the opportunity and place my order for service the first day it was announced!.... and I am sure many of the people on this forum would also!!:D

All speculation, but I just had to get it all out. :eureka
Well, FWIW the lease option is the only way I'd join Voom and it's why I did. Up untill then it was Analog cable for 'cable' channels and the OTA tuner for the HD stuff.

Now I'm looking at reverting back to analog cable with OTA HD.

Paying the same or more for less content is not an option I want to explore.

Hopefully Chales makes somehting happen but I'm not real optimistic.

VOOM is likely truely dead this time as a satellite service.

However, it certainly seems likely that the "VOOM21" package will be offered to any service provider that would like to offer the plan to its subscribers -- if, that is, content providers out there have the bandwidth to carry it.

I can see it being offered as a $10 to $15 package by any cable operator that can transmit the extra bandwidth.

I will enjoy every last minute of VOOM until the lights go dark.

Charles Dolan, you fought the good fight.

I just hope that Jimmy winds up spending eternity cleaning all the toilets for satan in hell.
I still have hopes for VOOM (or whatever it would be called) using the AMC-6. Wouldn't it be cheaper to initially least equipment rather then owning it? If my VOOM dish had to be re-aimed I'd wait patiently for that to be done.

I have a Dish dish on my roof (kept for DVR 508) and COX cable to my home (for internet and phone service). I can endure using them for a while if I have to.
I think Charlie would be smart to take on the 21 Voom originals since the 61.5 sat does not need reposition for either Dish or Voom, he could pick up 40K subs overnight and send everyone out an 811 receiver replacement who's willing to do a 1 year commitment.
jbphoenix said:
This has been done in the past as well... I am sure that someone out there remembers USSB before D* aquired the company.
USSB had its own satellite space. They were assigned 5 transponders on 101 and 3 transponders on 110 (plus 8 on 148 that were lost). The deal with D* (who had the other 27 transponders on 101) was to host USSB's content on USSB's five transponders and handle billing and sales of the channels.

The closest comparison to that today would be IF the Voom channels ended up on Voom's leased space on 72.0 (AMC-6/Rainbow 2) with E* selling them through a combined 61.5/72 SuperDish and D* through a combined 72.5/72 dish (or either offering a 72 only FSS dish). The comparison to USSB breaks if the Voom channels end up on transponders owned by D* or E*.

Personally, I'd rather see E* use 105 for HD than 72 or 61.5 .

Will never sign up for anything that cablevision has a part of ever again even if it is good I will not support greedy dumb bastards like James Dolan.
GaryZ06 said:
I just saw a Voom commercial....why would they still be showing them?

Cancellation order has not gone through yet. I'm finding it very depressing watching promos on VOOM for their upcoming shows.
DarrellP said:
I think Charlie would be smart to take on the 21 Voom originals since the 61.5 sat does not need reposition for either Dish or Voom, he could pick up 40K subs overnight and send everyone out an 811 receiver replacement who's willing to do a 1 year commitment.

Unfortunately, 40k subs is just a pimple on Charlie's ass. I used to have Primestar, (I think there were about 300,000 of us), and E* did have a deal for former Primestar customers, but E* was a lot smaller then and 300k is a lot more than 40k. They may do nothing, thinking that many of us will choose them anyways, hoping they will have the most HD soon, due to the new bird and all of the speculation.

I for one will just find the least expensive option out there to get me through the Bulls playoffs and the Cubs season. That is about all that I watch during warmer weather, anyways. Maybe by October, we will know a lot more about who has what.


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