I've been a member of the forums for a long time and I've had several discussions, agreements, disagreements, and a massive amounts of learning at my finger tips from this site. Actually made a friend, Jimbo, on this site and we've talked about getting together sometime. With that being said, today was officially my last day as a Directv technician. My 7 year anniversary happened to be my last day of my 2 week notice. I moved on to the a government job locally. I just want to say thanks to everybody that's taught me along the way. A useless discussion to some may have been huge to me in the field with troubleshooting or pleasing a customer. I learned both sides of the fence. How a customer REALLY wants to be treated and how to make sure they got the best enjoyment out of the system I was installing. I'm not leaving the forums but just wanted to say thanks to everybody that's helped me and my customers the past several years