Ok, so there seem to be a few of us here like Scott and pmvalve. I thought we deserved our own state thread . I'm not installed yet (4/3) but I know a few others are. Just thought we could use our own state thread to share experiences.
We are still in the process of increasing the capacity of our tower.
Our tower riggers were pushed back on WVIT's tower and WTIC's tower because of weather. They have done some modifications, but have not completed the entire project.
Until these modifications can be done, the new digital antenna cannot be mounted. Since the weather has been getting better, my tower rigger has promised to have multiple crews on the tower to erect the required steel.
Contrary to what has been said in the "forums", we ARE determined to finish this project. From setbacks of getting a building permit to being held up with weather, it has been more frustrating for me then for the viewers. I have a great bunch of veteran engineer's working on this project that many people in the forums know.
I hope this helps.
I can't give you a definite date because a lot of what has to be done is out of my control. As long as mother nature cooperates, we should be up soon.
Also, as for March Madness, CBS only allows us to air what's on our analog channel on our digital channel. We tried airing different games last year on our HD channel while the war was going on our analog channel and we were caught by CBS. By us being so close to New York, a lot of CBS exec's watch us rather then WCBS.
Just an FYI
hd_SDI_1080i said:Any word on when FOX 61- WTIC will be carried on Comcast DTV/HDTV ?
As it stands - WFSB (CBS), WVIT (NBC), WTNH (ABC) and PBS are being carried in DTV/HDTV.
Scott Greczkowski said:Cox is my cable company, and they do have HDTV (Only 4 channels or so) and to just get HD its about $70 a month and thats not including HBO-HD which is extra.
xboxer said:I was wondering if I am the only one having trouble getting a signal on 61.1 FOX. The channel shows up in my program guide but not on the Voom zap2it online guide. I know I recieve it because when I plug the same antenna in my Directv box I recieve the channel 100% signal. Any suggestions? its not the box I swapped it with the one from my bedroom same problem. Called Voom they have no idea.... If anyone can help please let me know. Area code is 06250 Mansfield CT
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