A wise man once said the internet has given a voice to those who didnt have one (Rey, 2012).
In this case, the people have spoken.
Violating ISPs better butter up those retention offers.
A wise man once said the internet has given a voice to those who didnt have one (Rey, 2012).
Charter would have to really get bad for me to ever consider going back to ATT.
Most folks still have only one choice of broadcast providers...and dial-up.
Well, most urban/suburban folks have two IF you count DSL. The cable company cable modem and their phone company DSL. Anything more than that, including UVerse/Fios, and you ARE lucky...
Most folks still have only one choice of broadcast providers...and dial-up.
Well, most urban/suburban folks have two IF you count DSL. The cable company cable modem and their phone company DSL. Anything more than that, including UVerse/Fios, and you ARE lucky...
Most folks still have only one choice of broadcast providers...and dial-up.
Folks say thy will do a lot of things. I doubt that they will actually do it especially when they realize how limited their choices are.
I remember when DISH dropped VOOM there were at least three people posting that they were going to file a class action suit and that they, their lawyer or whoever they talk to was convinced that they were bound to win. I wonder if any such suits were actually filed.
Does ANYONE offer dial-up anymore? ANY ISP?
And I hear some telcos will not install DSL anymore.
You'd be surprised at how many dial up offerings there are.Juno,netzero,peoplepc,just to name a few.
I AM surprised. I thought those companies had all gone under!
Sent from my iPhone using SatelliteGuys
The other question is how many people would actually know if their ISP was violating net neutrality? It can be done very subtlety and most would not notice.
That's the choice that I face - Comcast or Verizon DSL. If I could get 6 or 7 meg DSL, I would switch immediately. Alas, the top speed on DSL on my road is 3 meg. So I continue to pay for over-priced Comcast HSI that is currently still throttling Netflix in my area. I keep begging the local Verizon tech to push for an upgrade at the CO. Many people in my area are upset with Comcast.Well, most urban/suburban folks have two IF you count DSL. The cable company cable modem and their phone company DSL. Anything more than that, including UVerse/Fios, and you ARE lucky...
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