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Controlling which satellite is used


SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Mar 26, 2008
When a channel is available from multiple satellites, is there any way to control which sat my receiver uses?

I have a VIP722.

When a channel is available from multiple satellites, is there any way to control which sat my receiver uses?

I have a VIP722.

I can't think of a setup where you look at multiple satellites with the same channels. Can you give us an example?
I can't think of a setup where you look at multiple satellites with the same channels. Can you give us an example?

110 plus an eastern arc dish (61.5, 72.7, 77). 110 and 72.7 have some duplicates.

I don't have my new smartcard, yet, so I get a blank screen on 72.7 (oddly, 77 comes in just fine). SCIFI HD, for instance, is on 110 and 72.7, and occasionally my receiver trys to get it from 72.7.

If I re-installed 119, would my setup choose 72.7 over 119, or the other way around?

Since I've never had to deal with the eastern arc this is just a guess but I'd think the zip code on your account would be used to create a list of what sats you use for what stations. I think like others have said you'd have to cover an lnb and that would be a pain to do for each time you wanted a certain channel.

Be sure to call tech support regularly(assuming you get a blank screen and another bird you receive has the channel) so this problem gets enough hits in the system to get addressed. Also try and enlist others with the same problem to call and complain too. And if no one in your zip has the same problem, maybe a re-aim of your dishes will fix it.
Is this a solution?

So, can I do this, then? Get the installer to come back out and put the 119 LNB back on my Dish 500, and then put foil over the 72.7 LNB? Will I then get my channels from 110, 119, 61.5, and 77 (my new HD locals are on 77, which is how all of this started)?

That would be a perfect interim solution, until I get the smartcard and can ditch 110 and 119...
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If you have MPEG-2 receivers picking up 110/119/129 and MPEG-4 receivers picking up 110/119/77 then the best way to do it is do a check switch on the MPEG-2 receiver without 77 connected and do a check switch on the MPEG-4 receiver covering up the 129 eye. The same would go for those wanting to use 61.5 instead of 110, 72 instead of 119, however your configuration is.
If you have MPEG-2 receivers picking up 110/119/129 and MPEG-4 receivers picking up 110/119/77 then the best way to do it is do a check switch on the MPEG-2 receiver without 77 connected and do a check switch on the MPEG-4 receiver covering up the 129 eye. The same would go for those wanting to use 61.5 instead of 110, 72 instead of 119, however your configuration is.

I have a single VIP722 (just one TV). It receives MPEG2 and MPEG4. Will having 110/119 and 61.5/72.7/77 (72.7 disabled) work?

I have a single VIP722 (just one TV). It receives MPEG2 and MPEG4. Will having 110/119 and 61.5/72.7/77 (72.7 disabled) work?

That depends on how you have it hooked up, if you are running the 110 to the LNB in port on the 1000.4 LNB, then there is no where to add 119. If you have it all going to a 44 switch, you can just disconnect the 72.7 line and connect a 119 line instead. You cannot run both 119 & 110 to the LNB in port on a 1000.4.

For everyone saying they are glad to not be in an eastern arc area, keep in mind that the 1000.4 dish is only intended for new customers to avoid these kinds of problems. I imagine after the Smart card upgrade is complete, it will probably be available to all customers, as this type of problem will no longer exist.
Okay. How about EA receiver, Dish500 dish, in AZ. Trying to get my 222 to use signal from 119 & 110. Am about to pull my hair out! The receiver keeps looking for 61.5, 72, & 77. Will check switch correct this and then check switch back when I get back to Ohio? Help!!
Yes. And there really isn't an "EA receiver" (or a "Dish 500 receiver"), just ones that already have the new card for the new encrytion being used on many of the EA channels, others that will get it soon, and a handful headed for obsolescence as they won't get it at all.
Many SD locals are duplicated on 110/119 spots and 61.5. I'll have to check this evening to see which bird is being watched by my new 722 for SD locals (I know my existing 508 is looking at 110/119).

It would be nice to be able to give a "preference" to a satellite, to perhaps pick the channel with the better signal strength, or pick MPEG4 over MPEG2 if both are available.
I do not have eastern arc. I am in NJ picking up 110,119 &61 satellites with 2 dishes. If I go to all channels on my system, if you push the info button on the remote 2 times it will tell you what satellite the channel is being received on. Since I have duplicate channels at different channel numbers I can make a list of which channel of the duplicate channel is on which satellite and has the best reception. i then set up my favorites list to access only the channels from the satellite I want to use.
Sorry to resurrect an ancient thread (but it's better than being thread crapped about not doing a search first ;)) ...

Anyhow, I'm getting an EA dish to replace a 61.5-only dish this week, and the installer will likely want to remove or at least disconnect the existing 110/119 dish. I expect that the 110/119 SD channels and EA SD channels pretty much duplicate one another. Is there any advantage to running the old 110/119 output to the EA LNB In? Can I force a 211K or 722 to use the stronger signals on 110/119 over the EA signals when possible?
No. I have eastern arc dish + side sat for 129. The 129 sat is coming in at mid 60's to 70s. Which is much better signals than on 61.5 sat. My receiver sometimes goes to 61.5 and sometimes to 129. I can't force it to take the 129 slot ,unless I want to lose my locals that are off of 61.5. And I could only do that by covering the 61.5 lnb with aluminum foil and running a check switch, forcing 61.5 out of the matrix.

Also remember you can use a single lnb on the old dish 500 for another satellite slot. But you can't use a twin lnb to run to the in port of the 1000.4 lnb.

Any news on the local channels uplink for the southeast?

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