I don't do FTA, but seeing this topic under the last post column and I clicked on it. I want to offer a different perspective, one which most people don't understand. I'm about as anti-cord cutter as they come. I subscribe to video service from both cable and satellite. I have a few different reasons for doing so
1 – Back up in the event one goes down.
2 – Unique channels.
A) DirecTV with NFL Sunday Ticket, more HD on NHL Center Ice and MLB Extra Innings, Audience, Axs
B) Time Warner with NFL RedZone, the local Time Warner Cable Sports Channel, RFD TV HD, Epix
3 – I'm a TV and technology geek and love playing around with different systems, switching between the two, comparing the two.
I have no interest in over the air TV. The main networks just show a bunch of lame sitcoms and formulaic procedurals that lack any imagination. My DVR list has just as many shows set to record on it that air on Showtime alone as the shows I catch on all of the OTA TV channel combined. That number is 11. I only continue to follow series on OTA TV that I have for years or to hate watch. My main channels include Showtime, HBO, Cinemax, FX, A&E, TNT, Fox News and Fox Sports 1 for DVR recording. Add in ESPN, NFL Network, NFL RedZone, NHL Network, MLB Network, CBS Sports Network, NBC Sports Network, Food and occasionally American Hero's Channel for anytime viewing or watching specific events. Can I get these channels OTA? Can I get them FTA? I'm not going to watch content because it's free, I'm going to watch it because it's good and I enjoy it. And I'm not about to quit watching things I enjoy because it costs money.
Don't even get me started on digital subchannels. One of the 'best' things about OTA TV was it's super-duper picture quality, but everyone wants these standard definition subchannels which show nothing but content from eons ago leaching off the bandwidth of a real channel. I can't believe my cable company is wasting bandwidth on 8 subchannels. I chuckle when people say 'I put up an antenna and get 70 channels for FREE'. Negate the subchannels that are religious, shopping and not in a language you speak. Don't count duplicate affiliates from neighboring markets that show the same content 95% of the time and how many channels are you actually getting for FREE? Do you really want to watch the programming they are, or are you just settling because you don't want to pay for satellite/cable?
Netflix, Hulu and the rest do nothing for me. I like being current on all of my shows. Many of these shows aren't available online as soon as they air. What I record tonight, I watch tomorrow. TV is my main form of entertainment. I don't drink, I don't smoke, I don't gamble, I don't eat out often. I watch a lot of TV and take road trip. A good portion of my salary goes to Time Warner Cable, DirecTV and goes into my gas tank, and I wouldn't have it any other way! I enjoy it and will never chance,
Many people falsely proclaim, 'I'm a cord cutter, and I watch whatever I watch, whenever I want to watch it without the big old meanie cable companies telling me what to do'. Yeah, not really. Unless you are torrenting your content or using other peoples credentials for HBO Go or the like, then you are at the mercy of waiting for Netflix to get the next season of your favorite show. Just so you can 'binge watch' (another concept I don't understand) an entire season.
None of this cord cutting, FTA or OTA stuff makes a lick of sense to me.