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Customer Retention?

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Original poster
Jul 3, 2006
I'm new to the DirecTV forums, and I keep seeing people mention talking to "customer retention." A customer retention dept sounds like the people you talk to when you ask to cancel your account, and they offer you deals to stay with them. Is this the case?
Pretty much...

But if you are going to call, and threaten to leave... be prepared to leave.
They don't always give you want you "want"...
Any recommendations or advice? What do you say to them?

I want to get an HD receiver (not dvr) to go with my standard DVR. I would switch between the DVR and HD receiver. But I don't see a free upgrade right now. Are my options to either wait until a free HD upgrade is available or call cust retention and see if they'll give me one?
groberts1980 said:
Any recommendations or advice? What do you say to them?

I want to get an HD receiver (not dvr) to go with my standard DVR. I would switch between the DVR and HD receiver. But I don't see a free upgrade right now. Are my options to either wait until a free HD upgrade is available or call cust retention and see if they'll give me one?

Don't threaten, just maybe mention that Comcast (or whatever cable company you have) is offering a pretty sweet deal for a HD setup, and/or maybe mention you heard some good things about Dish Network, and thought you'd give DirecTV a chance to make an offer.

Keep in mind, your luck will partially depend on your account standing, and length of time with D*.

Or you could wait, it _is_ your account after all.

Good luck.
I've done very well without ever having to threaten to leave, simply politely express some concerns or disspleasure with whatever it is I'm trying to get. HD Dish/Rec, SuperFan, etc.....

Catch more flies with honey than vinegar they say....

Good Luck
Just tell them you'd really like to upgrade to HD but you feel like you've already spent so much money on equipment with them and your local cable company is offering a great deal on HD (if possible - have a specific deal they're offering - D* might ask) and want to know what can they offer you?
If I worked in retention and someone blatently threatened to disconnect unless they got something like NFLST+SF+H20+AT9 for free, I'd turn them off right there. Call it a personality flaw, but whiners get nowhere with me. LOL.

/sarcasm mode
I'm not the type to call up and start making threats anyway. I'd probably go the route ScottJayhawk mentioned. Especially if the current deal is free HD receiver for new customers, but not for existing customers. Cell phone companies are like that. If you're not a customer yet, they treat you like royalty. If you're already a customer, you're a second class citizen.

When I go to "Upgrade Equipment" it says "HD Receiver and Multi-Satellite Dish. Lease Upgrade $99."

I already have a multi-dish, all I need is the receiver. I also don't need installation. All I need is for them to ship me the receiver. I don't mind re-upping my contract for another 2 years. I'd just rather them not send me a dish and charge me $99. Any chance? If only I had an offer code.....
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groberts1980 said:
I'm not the type to call up and start making threats anyway. I'd probably go the route ScottJayhawk mentioned. Especially if the current deal is free HD receiver for new customers, but not for existing customers. Cell phone companies are like that. If you're not a customer yet, they treat you like royalty. If you're already a customer, you're a second class citizen.

When I go to "Upgrade Equipment" it says "HD Receiver and Multi-Satellite Dish. Lease Upgrade $99."

I already have a multi-dish, all I need is the receiver. I also don't need installation. All I need is for them to ship me the receiver. I don't mind re-upping my contract for another 2 years. I'd just rather them not send me a dish and charge me $99. Any chance? If only I had an offer code.....

they will give you a HR10-250 if you commit for two years- i got the deal and i only have tc+ locals & HBO - just call the tetention #. you dont have to threaten to quit, just mention youv been looking around and you want the best deal on the HR10-250
groberts1980 said:
...I already have a multi-dish, all I need is the receiver. I also don't need installation. All I need is for them to ship me the receiver. I don't mind re-upping my contract for another 2 years. I'd just rather them not send me a dish and charge me $99. Any chance? .....
If you want your locals in HD from D* you'll have to get a 5LNB dish, in addition to the H20 HD receiver. If you prefer to get your locals in HD from antenna instead of D*, then the 5LNB dish isn't needed yet.

Customer retention folks are very helpful, if you're polite to them.
800 824-9081
Mention that your'e considering a good "no upfront cost" HD offer from the local cableco and that will likely get you a free H20 HD receiver upgrade w/ 2 yr commitment. You may have to pay shipping....

Another option: Ask them if you can get billing or programming credits to offset the cost of buying an H20 locally for $99 and installing it yourself. They will sometimes give you more in programming credits than what you paid for the receiver.
Beavis said:
If I worked in retention and someone blatently threatened to disconnect unless they got something like NFLST+SF+H20+AT9 for free, I'd turn them off right there. Call it a personality flaw, but whiners get nowhere with me. LOL.

/sarcasm mode
My guess is you are not in customer service,
arxaw said:
If you want your locals in HD from D* you'll have to get a 5LNB dish, in addition to the H20 HD receiver. If you prefer to get your locals in HD from antenna instead of D*, then the 5LNB dish isn't needed yet.

I don't live in an area that will likely ever get HD locals with D*, so I shouldn't need the 5LNB dish. The local cable company offers HD locals, but I refuse to go to them. I need to stay with satellite.

I'll try what you said, that I'm looking at the local cable company's offer, and see what they'll do. What I really want is the HD DVR, but I doubt they'd give me a deal on that, considering its $499 with no deal. I already have a standard-def DVR, and I don't mind switching between it and the HD receiver to watch HD programming.
groberts1980 said:
I don't live in an area that will likely ever get HD locals with D*, so I shouldn't need the 5LNB dish. The local cable company offers HD locals, but I refuse to go to them. I need to stay with satellite.

I'll try what you said, that I'm looking at the local cable company's offer, and see what they'll do. What I really want is the HD DVR, but I doubt they'd give me a deal on that, considering its $499 with no deal. I already have a standard-def DVR, and I don't mind switching between it and the HD receiver to watch HD programming.

You would be suprise, if you call the retention number. I recieved the HR10-250 free. I just had to call a few times ( playing CSR roulett ) with each comming down after the first CSR wouldnt budge on price. all i had to do was recommit, but no biggie.
johnml said:
You would be suprised, if you call the retention number. I recieved the HR10-250 free. I just had to call a few times ( playing CSR roulett ) with each comming down after the first CSR wouldnt budge on price. all i had to do was recommit, but no biggie.

Did I mention that I am currently under contract with DirecTV? I've only been a customer since December. By recommiting, would I be extending my contract for 2 years starting now, or by two years after my current contract is up, meaning for the next 3 1/2 years?

Or will they just blow me off, knowing I can't just leave because I'm currently under contract?
I'm pretty sure you would have to start over - You might not have much luck in getting a "free" HR10-250 since you currently in a existing contract, but it wouldn't hurt to try. Good luck
johnml said:
I'm pretty sure you would have to start over - You might not have much luck in getting a "free" HR10-250 since you currently in a existing contract, but it wouldn't hurt to try. Good luck

Even if they could just give me a deal on an HR10-250, I'd be happy. I'd pay $100 for it, I'm just not paying $499. The standard HD receiver I'd like free, but I'd pay for the DVR.
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