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D*'s Widgets---WTH??? | SatelliteGuys.US

D*'s Widgets---WTH???

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Crazed Cajun Rebel
Original poster
Jan 7, 2007
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Now don't get me wrong here, I am not even a subscriber. But I hope that BOTH satellite companies keep improving their products so maybe one day I can justify giving them my money again.

But how in the hell can Directv keep adding features to a platform that is suspect to begin with too many customers? Here and on DBSTalk the forums are filled with complaints of the recent CE's breaking the basic functionality of the boxes, yet Directv keeps piling on the 'features' when their basic functionality is not near what the 'other' provider's is. the boards are rife with blank recording complaints, rebooting spontaneously, the box I sent back to D* 9 MONTHS ago was doing the same thing and they STILL haven't fixed it? Just what in the hell ARE they doing in that department?

I just don't get it, maybe I never will. :confused:
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If its within the CE rhelm I can't see any complaints really, as that i a BETA TESTING program; if you want stable no-frills; get off the CE firmware.
If its within the CE rhelm I can't see any complaints really, as that i a BETA TESTING program; if you want stable no-frills; get off the CE firmware.

Exactly! That is what the CE is all about. I'm not on it, didn't need any more complications in my life, but hey, that is what it is there for. To "get the bugs out."
What I am getting at fellas is that the CE program is supposed to be FIXING these kind of things, and from the look of things it ISN'T. My best friend in the world still has a HR20, and the last time we spoke about it he said it started spontaneously rebooting about once a day a couple months ago. I did a little snooping for him, and there has been a national release so its not just a CE problem they have here.

I did recommend he get on the horn with D* and have the receiver replaced, he said he needs to think about it, he said that D* has never been as good as cable was for him ( I cannot see how, we have Charter here, they SUCK). He doesn't like VOD that he has to have ethernet hooked up for, either, so he might not be staying with D*. I informed him of the Ransom fee, his words, " with the money I pay them every month ( he subs to the premier package) another 200.00 isn't gonna matter to be rid of them." And this is from a guy that knows NOTHING of the hr20's history, I told him nothing bad when he got the service, on purpose, I wanted to see if the complaints I had were just me or is it really a problem. After a week of having it he called me and asked, " are these things really this retarded, or am I doing something wrong?". Ouch.
This is a valid complaint. I wish they would stabilize some things... I however had not had any problems. I wish the guide/remote responsiveness would be improved.
Yes, it is. I also have had no problems with either of my HR-20s, but I do hope that they can iron out the bugs for those that do.
I have had DirecTV products since 96 and Dish since '01, my first DirecTV receiver took a spike from a lightning strike other, than that No problems... (that receiver will work) I've had 2 of those RCA, 1 Hughes, 1 Phillip's. 1 Samsung, 1 H10-200(last 2 still active) and a HR20-700 and H20-600.... I had no problems with the national release software and other than a reboot to fix a non-responsive remote problem none with the CE's.
Dish problems, still have my 2700 receiver (inactive) on my third 501, on my third 921, my 6000 died and on 2nd replacement 811, on my second 622 so by my experience DirecTV receivers win hands down.
Any consumer electronics nowdays are subject to problems...
I agree! Theres a big CE program!, But the receivers aren't much better. I have not 1 complaint about the function of E* 622 DVR. The 612 that everyone is complaining about is STILL 50 Times better then the HR20!
Hr20 has less bugs then 2 years ago, But still has too many issues. Reboots for no reason,Channel changing is slower the a GEO Metro, HDMI audio problems,Will not Start up after a power outage while connected to internet. Perform no functions for 5 minites after being turned off for the night and turned back on in the morning. Com'on, its been 2 years since an HR 20 as been out. D* has an HR21 out and they still don't have the HR20 figuered out. D* HD/DVR are the worst functioning DVR's I've ever used. Its too bad too! because I like D*. I just wish I knew what the H%$# is going on with the software.
I have had DirecTV products since 96 and Dish since '01, my first DirecTV receiver took a spike from a lightning strike other, than that No problems... (that receiver will work) I've had 2 of those RCA, 1 Hughes, 1 Phillip's. 1 Samsung, 1 H10-200(last 2 still active) and a HR20-700 and H20-600.... I had no problems with the national release software and other than a reboot to fix a non-responsive remote problem none with the CE's.
Dish problems, still have my 2700 receiver (inactive) on my third 501, on my third 921, my 6000 died and on 2nd replacement 811, on my second 622 so by my experience DirecTV receivers win hands down.
Any consumer electronics nowdays are subject to problems...
Sorry I wish I could agree with you, But I can't! I have many friends with E* equipment and D* equipment and I'm speaking for all of them right now. If you guys in the CE program want info on what 10 HD/DVRs are doing for customers read my posts, If not then I guess thats why they aren't being addressed. This is National software. Not CE's! If the CE's are supposed to fix these issues, I just gave you a list of trouble areas in the above post. You can put them aside or start listing to complaints. Nothing more unprofessional as telling someone, "well theres nothing wrong with mine,so I guess people don't know what they are talking about" Thats Wrong!
But still has too many issues. Reboots for no reason,Channel changing is slower the a GEO Metro, HDMI audio problems,Will not Start up after a power outage while connected to internet. Perform no functions for 5 minites after being turned off for the night and turned back on in the morning.

Hemi, maybe it's time you got D* to replace your HR20? I've had two HR20-700's since almost the first day they came out. I had a chance to play with E*'s HD STB a couple weeks ago and used the stopwatch on my watch to check channel change times and then compared them to my HR20's, they were both within a fraction of a second of each other. I have both HR20's connected to my TV's (Sony and Samsung) via HDMI and no audio problems. Don't know about your power outage problem since mine are connected to a UPS but they both get rebooted almost every week doing CE installs and both are connected to my internal network and both come back up no problems. I also put both in 'stand by/off' every night and both work just fine when I turn them on in the AM.
Hemi, maybe it's time you got D* to replace your HR20? I've had two HR20-700's since almost the first day they came out. .
I've had 2 HR 20-700 and they are the same. It takes 3 seconds to change 1 channel on my HR20, it takes 1 second on the 622. My H20 was Fine, my R16 is fine. But as I said my friends are all the same way.
I've had 2 HR 20-700 and they are the same. It takes 3 seconds to change 1 channel on my HR20, it takes 1 second on the 622. My H20 was Fine, my R16 is fine. But as I said my friends are all the same way.

Hemi, sorry but then don't know what to say. There's got to be something that's causing all your issues, along with your friends, while many other folks are not seeing the same problems you are. So both HR20's do all the same exact things that you listed? If you've given up with the normal support route you might want to send an e-mail to, this is like sending an e-mail to the CEO address at E*, it's not Ellen but get's to the executive support group at D* and they might be able to help.
Hemi, sorry but then don't know what to say. There's got to be something that's causing all your issues, along with your friends, while many other folks are not seeing the same problems you are. So both HR20's do all the same exact things that you listed? If you've given up with the normal support route you might want to send an e-mail to, this is like sending an e-mail to the CEO address at E*, it's not Ellen but get's to the executive support group at D* and they might be able to help.
Thanks! Trust,me I would love to resolve this! I got 4 of my buddies over right now getting mad,because some people think we are all full of S%$#. Your about to get some new members,That I can tell ya! We have had this addressed too. With Tech coming to the houses and telling us its fine! I'm getting pissed off over it .
Good answer.:rolleyes: Perhaps its time to admit there is still room for improvement.
You know we almost never have posts that brag on equipment, just posts that complain... I wasn't trying to get smart, didn't use any smiles or anything just trying to get to the root of the problem, I forget this is the warzone not one of the forums...
You know we almost never have posts that brag on equipment, just posts that complain... I wasn't trying to get smart, didn't use any smiles or anything just trying to get to the root of the problem, I forget this is the warzone not one of the forums...
I'm trying to get to the root of the problem as well! You guys want feed back on what problem areas we have with our equipment. So when we give it ,Accept it and make everyone feel its going to be looked into. Its not equipment ,its software! no doubt in my mind!
On my HR20-700 I've only had 2 missed recordings in 2 years. I've never had any recordings go missing. It has been at least 6 months or more since I had to reboot the DVR. Also the channels changes aren't slow. I do have native turned off and I'm watching through HDMI. The audio is via a toslink optical cable and I haven't had any audio problems either. Overall I've been very happy with the DVR. I've never used any other DVR so I can't compare it with any thing else.
I have had DirecTV products since 96 and Dish since '01, my first DirecTV receiver took a spike from a lightning strike other, than that No problems... (that receiver will work) I've had 2 of those RCA, 1 Hughes, 1 Phillip's. 1 Samsung, 1 H10-200(last 2 still active) and a HR20-700 and H20-600.... I had no problems with the national release software and other than a reboot to fix a non-responsive remote problem none with the CE's.
Dish problems, still have my 2700 receiver (inactive) on my third 501, on my third 921, my 6000 died and on 2nd replacement 811, on my second 622 so by my experience DirecTV receivers win hands down.
Any consumer electronics nowdays are subject to problems...

I too had been with D* since 1996. Never had a problem with any equipment until the R15 and HR20 replaced my TIVOS.
And, you know, I really don't care that TIVO is gone, I know things change in the tech world, but dammit I expect something BETTER than what I HAD BEFORE! D*'s platform is just plain NOT better for me, nor anyone else I know that had a D* TIVO and switched to D* designed equipment.

I KNOW Dish network has problems, I wasn't trying to say they don't. But I feel that as soon as someone gets the channel count that D* has you will see a mass exodus away from them if they don't get the DVR problems solved. No matter how many bells and whistles they add if the basic functions are broken people are NOT going to stay.
I had a SD and an HD TIVO and it never missed a recording in the two years I had them. I lost count of how many the R15 alone lost in the four months I had it. It was TERRIBLE. But, looking at the boards, I saw the problems I was having were universal, so there was no need to get it replaced. Same with the HR20.

I just wish D*'s hardware was as good as the channel selection. :)
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