Dear Friends,
This morning I work up in a good mood, I then headed to work in a good mood and when I got to my office my good mood got even better.
Overnight a number of my contacts sent me a document which was sent to DISH Network retailers regarding the Free Sling Adapter deal which is starting on May 18th. One of the email even said "I think they heard you guys."
This made my day especially because after Team Summit I did not expect them to extend the Free Sling Adapter offer to existing customers. But there it was in print from DISH Network I was happy. To cover my bases I logged into the DISH Network retailers portal and found the very same document that so many people sent to me overnight.
In the document it said ...
You see I am a technology lover, and I love this stuff, I am also a lover of Sling technology, I actually purchased a Slingbox before they went on sale to the public! Technology and helping others is what keeps pushing me to run SatelliteGuys for you, so you could understand why this news made me very excited. Since the news was sent to all retailers I didn't even post this one as a rumor, that's how excited I was!
Besides that I was also excited as I felt it could drive some business to Claude at DISHstore.NET. Up until now Claude has been one of the biggest sellers of these Sling Adapters anywhere, I felt this news could be good for Claude as sales for DISHSTORE have been really slow the past few months. Because the document did not specify the procedure for existing customers I went to the DISH Retailer Portal and posted the following question...
So I wrote...
(I am posting both documents below so you can see for yourself what I was seeing.)
Then after that I get a call from Claude at DISHSTORE telling me that he got a call from an Executive Vice President at DISH instructing me to stop posting at the DISH Retailer Portal.
Huh I wasn't trying to do anything wrong, I was trying to get clarification on the documentation that THEY posted. And as an employee of Claudes I hold a valid account on the DISH Network retailer portal. My questions were not to cause trouble for anyone.
The feedback we have received since announcing this has been outstanding from our members! I haven't seen you guys this excited by DISH Network in a long time. And to be honest I was very excited to!
And now I sit here upset, actually very upset.
First I am upset because Claude got yelled at for my postings at the DISH Network portal. I was asking legitimate questions in order to try helping him sell DISH Network product.
Secondly I am upset because it feels to me like they are blaming me for them notifying all the retailers that this offer was for all DISH Network customers (New and Existing). If you would have asked me last night (and some of you did) I would have told you this promotion was for new customers only.
I am sorry that I have upset some at DISH, that was not my intention at all. My intention was to pass the news along that they gave their retailers. My intention also was to help Claude sell some product at DISHSTORE, as I said hes had a few bad months lately and I was trying to help him out.
Finally I am upset because I feel bad if I have let any of you down just incase this offer has been pulled from existing customers. Many of you guys were excited like me with the news. And if it does not come true then you are going to be upset. And quite frankly I don't blame you for being upset.
I know many will be upset at DISH and many will be upset at me. And for that I am truly sorry, that was not my intention at all. I know in talking with many of you that you put your trust in what I say and for that I thank you and I am sorry if I may have let you down.
At this moment I don't know if DISH will extend this offer to existing customers or not. After all your positive feedback today I would really hope they would. You can bet I will keep my ear to the ground
I am just a satellite geek, I love this stuff and was really excited with the news. If there is exciting satellite news I love reporting it no matter which company its from.
Again I am sorry to all those I may have upset, that was not my intention at all.
I am sorry.
This morning I work up in a good mood, I then headed to work in a good mood and when I got to my office my good mood got even better.
Overnight a number of my contacts sent me a document which was sent to DISH Network retailers regarding the Free Sling Adapter deal which is starting on May 18th. One of the email even said "I think they heard you guys."
This made my day especially because after Team Summit I did not expect them to extend the Free Sling Adapter offer to existing customers. But there it was in print from DISH Network I was happy. To cover my bases I logged into the DISH Network retailers portal and found the very same document that so many people sent to me overnight.
In the document it said ...
With this documentation and verification in my hands I posted the good news. I was really excited to post the news!Who does this affect?
- New residential customers
- Existing residential customers
(It then went on to say...)
When will the customer receive their Sling Adapter?
New customers will receive their Sling Adapter when the installer comes to their home to set up their DISH installation.
Pre?existing customers will need to call DISH Network to request the offer.
You see I am a technology lover, and I love this stuff, I am also a lover of Sling technology, I actually purchased a Slingbox before they went on sale to the public! Technology and helping others is what keeps pushing me to run SatelliteGuys for you, so you could understand why this news made me very excited. Since the news was sent to all retailers I didn't even post this one as a rumor, that's how excited I was!
Besides that I was also excited as I felt it could drive some business to Claude at DISHstore.NET. Up until now Claude has been one of the biggest sellers of these Sling Adapters anywhere, I felt this news could be good for Claude as sales for DISHSTORE have been really slow the past few months. Because the document did not specify the procedure for existing customers I went to the DISH Retailer Portal and posted the following question...
I quickly got a reply back as follows.So does an EXISTING customer need to purchase the Sling Adapter from DISH directly? Or can the customer purchase the Sling Adapter through us the retailer?
I followed up the question with another one..Hi Scott,
That's a great question. Existing customers can purchase the Sling Adapter for $99 from you the Retailer. They do not have to come to DISH Network corporate directly.
Thank you
And quickly got another friendly reply...So how do they sign up for the marketing emails to be eligible for the rebate if they buy the Sling Adapter from the retailer? Also how will they be notified by DISH when they can apply for their rebate is DISH does not know they purchased the adapter froma retailer.
I am just trying to get this clarified now so it dont come back and bite me in the butt.![]()
No it didn't help that was the procedure for new customers, not existing customers, so I wrote back again trying to get clarification... because if people can get them from Retailers instead of DISH then I felt we needed to order a bunch of the adapters for DISHSTORE.Scott, we definitely don't want you to get bitten. J
Beginning on 5/18 there will be a new option in R*Connect that allows the Retailer to sign up a customer for the marketing email.
Once the customer is activated and signed up for the marketing email, it will be up to 45 days before the rebate will be visible in their account. The customer will receive an email from DISH directing them to create and login to their account when the rebate is available. Once the customer is eligible to redeem the rebate, they have 30 days to do so to receive their $99 pre-paid American Express card. It usually takes between 4-8 weeks for them to receive their card.
Does that help?
So I wrote...
And then I got back another reply...Thanks for the reply, but no that does not help as thats the procedure is for new customers not existing customers.
What is the procedure for existing customers? If a existing customer comes into my shop on the 18th and wants a Sling Adapter, whats the procedure to make sure he gets his rebate?
I assume he pays ME the $99, but how does DISH know to give the customer a rebate?
I just want to get this correct as we do a lot of sales of these adapters and I dont want no egg on my face with my customers.
Shortly after that was posted a new copy of the document retailers received was posted a V2 of the document. This new document had no mention of this promotion being for existing customers.Scott,
I'm sorry I didn't address existing customers previously.
This promotion is for new and former customers only and does not apply to existing customers. If an existing customer wants to purchase a Sling Adapter from you, or any Retailer, it will cost the normal $99.
Thank you

Then after that I get a call from Claude at DISHSTORE telling me that he got a call from an Executive Vice President at DISH instructing me to stop posting at the DISH Retailer Portal.
Huh I wasn't trying to do anything wrong, I was trying to get clarification on the documentation that THEY posted. And as an employee of Claudes I hold a valid account on the DISH Network retailer portal. My questions were not to cause trouble for anyone.
The feedback we have received since announcing this has been outstanding from our members! I haven't seen you guys this excited by DISH Network in a long time. And to be honest I was very excited to!
And now I sit here upset, actually very upset.
First I am upset because Claude got yelled at for my postings at the DISH Network portal. I was asking legitimate questions in order to try helping him sell DISH Network product.
Secondly I am upset because it feels to me like they are blaming me for them notifying all the retailers that this offer was for all DISH Network customers (New and Existing). If you would have asked me last night (and some of you did) I would have told you this promotion was for new customers only.
I am sorry that I have upset some at DISH, that was not my intention at all. My intention was to pass the news along that they gave their retailers. My intention also was to help Claude sell some product at DISHSTORE, as I said hes had a few bad months lately and I was trying to help him out.
Finally I am upset because I feel bad if I have let any of you down just incase this offer has been pulled from existing customers. Many of you guys were excited like me with the news. And if it does not come true then you are going to be upset. And quite frankly I don't blame you for being upset.
I know many will be upset at DISH and many will be upset at me. And for that I am truly sorry, that was not my intention at all. I know in talking with many of you that you put your trust in what I say and for that I thank you and I am sorry if I may have let you down.
At this moment I don't know if DISH will extend this offer to existing customers or not. After all your positive feedback today I would really hope they would. You can bet I will keep my ear to the ground
I am just a satellite geek, I love this stuff and was really excited with the news. If there is exciting satellite news I love reporting it no matter which company its from.
Again I am sorry to all those I may have upset, that was not my intention at all.
I am sorry.