Now, where did I leave that four transistor radio of mine?
I remember building one from a kit and later from scratch using a toilet paper core for the coil windings.I still remember using a crystal radio.
I remember building one from a kit and later from scratch using a toilet paper core for the coil windings.
Back in my mom's day, they used galena diodes. Half the fun was finding the spots on the crystal that acted as a diode.Used a razor blade and pencil lead instead of a germanium diode.
Back in the day, the material that dental fillings were made from wasn't all that far from germanium or galena. There's still the issue of how you listen to it. The signal would need to be strong enough not to need a tuner or antenna.I had an aunt who claimed in the old days she could "hear" a radio station coming out of one of her teeth. Hmmmm.......
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