Any chance we will get a subscribion for the Denver nets?
tvropro said:I try to keep my website updated with inside info I get. People can always get the latest info there. If I post it here in say March and then it changes in April the info here has to be updated here too. I put a lot of effort in everything 4D there so its best for people to go there for the latest updates on everything. Newbee's don't know about it so hyper linking is good thing. I'm dedicated to the 4DTV you know Ice and have spent countless hours with the conversion process, the website and lately the Map Master project has been taking up my time. I know your pro DirecTV and yes Direct has it's place. I have it its ok, and my neighbor just kicked Dishnet to the curb and got Direct also. Rain fade is my pet peeve with Direct. It's not just me everyone in this area I talked in person gets knocked out during rain with Direct. I live in a bad area for that but thats another story for some other day. Back to the Denver Nets...
The latest on the Denver nets is they are on the back burner. The Discovery channel issues has to be settled by June then SRL can investigate the Denver nets. For now the old east coast SRL Nets are in ZK on W3 and can be seen for free with a 922 & 905 . Enjoy the freebee's and let Denver happen in its own time frame. I don't think many understand all the red tape, BS and $$$ that need to be done before a channel can be sold. It don't happen in a heartbeat.
I try to keep my website updated with inside info I get. People can always get the latest info there. If I post it here in say March and then it changes in April the info here has to be updated here too. I put a lot of effort in everything 4D there so its best for people to go there for the latest updates on everything. Newbee's don't know about it so hyper linking is good thing. I'm dedicated to the 4DTV you know Ice and have spent countless hours with the conversion process, the website and lately the Map Master project has been taking up my time. I know your pro DirecTV and yes Direct has it's place. I have it its ok, and my neighbor just kicked Dishnet to the curb and got Direct also. Rain fade is my pet peeve with Direct. It's not just me everyone in this area I talked in person gets knocked out during rain with Direct. I live in a bad area for that but thats another story for some other day. Back to the Denver Nets...
The latest on the Denver nets is they are on the back burner. The Discovery channel issues has to be settled by June then SRL can investigate the Denver nets. For now the old east coast SRL Nets are in ZK on W3 and can be seen for free with a 922 & 905 . Enjoy the freebee's and let Denver happen in its own time frame. I don't think many understand all the red tape, BS and $$$ that need to be done before a channel can be sold. It don't happen in a heartbeat.
Is the problem with Direct because of the Ka band? I have Dish with a 1000.2 antenna and a 211K receiver and it hasn't skipped a beat even in heavy downpours. Admittedly those are rare here as compared to Chicago but when they do occur they are equivalent.
When your an old time C bander and have watched a properly designed system without corners cut for years, your not fast to accept what the brainwashed masses have been taught to accept as the norm.
Why? How hard would it be to copy/paste the info here? You were doing that at one time then all of a sudden quit doing that.I try to keep my website updated with inside info I get. People can always get the latest info there. If I post it here in say March and then it changes in April the info here has to be updated here too. I put a lot of effort in everything 4D there so its best for people to go there for the latest updates on everything.
so thats the real reason. Its not a "copy/paste" or post here thing. Its that you want the clicks.Newbee's don't know about it so hyper linking is good thing.
but you still couldn't post the info here?I'm dedicated to the 4DTV you know Ice and have spent countless hours with the conversion process, the website and lately the Map Master project has been taking up my time.
What does this have to do with anything much less the topic at hand? I have Directv and I have posted my reasons why I have them. They have channels that Dish doesn't. I've said it a few times that if H2H carried some "basic" channels maybe I'd have a sub with them. But they don't so I resort to other means.I know your pro DirecTV and yes Direct has it's place. I have it its ok, and my neighbor just kicked Dishnet to the curb and got Direct also. Rain fade is my pet peeve with Direct. It's not just me everyone in this area I talked in person gets knocked out during rain with Direct. I live in a bad area for that but thats another story for some other day.
3/4 FEC versus 7/8 FEC....that's whyIt seems that the DC-2 can deal with bit errors better than Direct can.
huh?But I might have to go with cable since they don't lock you into a contract, imprison your ss number, or put holds on your bank account & have the ability to dip in any time they want.
Here is my whole take on the issue
Why? How hard would it be to copy/paste the info here? You were doing that at one time then all of a sudden quit doing that.
You make it sound like its too hard to copy/paste something here? If something changes then let folks know here. Not everyone clicks on a link (which I will get to in a sec) to see whats new. In the "FreeDBS" thread (ugh cant believe I brought that up) thats how alot of us got supposed "updates". Not by checking their site. But by seeing new posts here
so thats the real reason. Its not a "copy/paste" or post here thing. Its that you want the clicks.
How do you think a newbie feels if they google info and see posts here at Satelliteguys. They click on the link only to see a post with nothing but a link to another site.
Me personally I'd be pissed. I know thats how I felt when I "bricked" my Sonicview and was trying to find software to fix it. I'd google and find a thread. I'd click on it and then I had to register then it would either be a dead link or a link to another site which really aggravated me.
I have had PM's from folks asking why we are allowing what amounts to hyperlinks in a thread continuously (some from new folks) and it raises a good point.
Technically links in signatures is not allowed unless its one for the "folding at home" or a link to get a "pub membership" but yet we've allowed it. But all it takes is one person to report it and it would have to be removed. Remember we have a few different rules in the FTA area and other mods dont know some of the quirks here. So if someone reports a post/thread/signature/avatar the other mods may do things that normally I wouldn't.
but you still couldn't post the info here?
What does this have to do with anything much less the topic at hand? I have Directv and I have posted my reasons why I have them. They have channels that Dish doesn't. I've said it a few times that if H2H carried some "basic" channels maybe I'd have a sub with them. But they don't so I resort to other means.
3/4 FEC versus 7/8 FEC....that's why
I still dont know why you have so many issues with rain fade. I've seen posts from folks in Florida who have less rain fade than you "claim" you have.
Imprison your SS # and put holds on your bank account?
Thats new to me
I called up and ordered with no issues and Directv doesnt have any "bank info" on file for me. They have an old cc # that was canceled on file for me![]()
If you dont want to give them your SS# they allow that.
They want my ss number to run a credit check. My credit is in the toilet due to the economy. They want, I believe they said for 6 months, a $360.00 hold on my bank & automatic payments, since my credit is bad. I realize that if I had a credit card, there would be no problems. I read somewhere in these forums a while back that the Direct system can be purchased out right to avoid the hassles. I believe it was you that said that. And I do know that you know what you're talking about, but Direct informed me they have never heard of such a thing. I also have no credit cards no more & those I did have are forever absorbed into the system. There is also the 2 year contract issue & the incremental increases over the course of the 2 years. It's like they know it's very high priced but they goad you into an initial cheap price & lock you in so you have to pay the higher price later. And most people are aware of the increase & are OK with it at first but when the increase hits, people get ticked off because a year later, they might be struggling financially. .huh?
Imprison your SS # and put holds on your bank account?
Thats new to me
I called up and ordered with no issues and Directv doesnt have any "bank info" on file for me. They have an old cc # that was canceled on file for me![]()
If you dont want to give them your SS# they allow that.
It's not only me it's everyone I talk to with DBS around here. ...
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