I don't know whether this is good news or bad news for the format.....
Went to buy The Departed on HD DVD at the Best Buy in Brick, NJ. Sold Out. Still in stock on BluRay. The HD DVD display is getting filled with more and more new product though (mostly catalog though - Clerks II still sold out....)....
Wound up buying a Linksys Wireless N Router for my father who is finally ditching dial up for Comcast Broadband (wow, $60 for 6 meg downstream.... I have to start speaking nicer about Cablevision and 30 mb downstream for $65). Also picked up Flicka and Charmed Season 7 on regular DVD.
hello everybody i was just curioues if anybody had a pb with the movie departed on hd dvd i went to bestbuy to buy one and when i put it in my hd dvd player model hda2 . and when i inserted the disc on the hd side i got a message saying this is not a dvd disc and it wouldnt play so then i flipped to the regular standerd dvd side and it played fine so i went back to get another of the same movie and the same thing happened so im wondering if its my hd dvd player or a defect in the bestbuy store i bought these hd dvds in orlando fl in o.b.t thank you of ur worked fine please let me know where u bought please
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