Just my two cents...
I was an early Voom adopter and then canceled service within 3 months. Even though I haven't had Voom for almost a year I still come back to this forum to check up on the service everyday. I always hoped that Voom would fix some issues so I could go back and but my HDTV back to work. But being honest, did Voom get what it deserved? They launched with bad equipment and even worse customers service (Personally Verify Both). Also they really seemed to put out inaccurate expectations on their website about local Digital Station and availability. The sad thing is that it seems just as Voom started to get things turned around it goes down. ?
So I have two questions for you Voomers out their?
1) What could Voom of done different to not get sold and be successful?
2) Did Voom mislead everyone about when their DVR would be out or did Forums like this push an idea/timeframe that really wasn't their?
Back to watching my 10 HDTV channels on DirecTV sigh....

I was an early Voom adopter and then canceled service within 3 months. Even though I haven't had Voom for almost a year I still come back to this forum to check up on the service everyday. I always hoped that Voom would fix some issues so I could go back and but my HDTV back to work. But being honest, did Voom get what it deserved? They launched with bad equipment and even worse customers service (Personally Verify Both). Also they really seemed to put out inaccurate expectations on their website about local Digital Station and availability. The sad thing is that it seems just as Voom started to get things turned around it goes down. ?
So I have two questions for you Voomers out their?
1) What could Voom of done different to not get sold and be successful?
2) Did Voom mislead everyone about when their DVR would be out or did Forums like this push an idea/timeframe that really wasn't their?
Back to watching my 10 HDTV channels on DirecTV sigh....