have direct tv at home, genie setup, want to bring hr24 receiver to cabin and use, what dish and equipment (LNB, swm, switch) would I need to buy to make this work
to Satelliteguys!
You need a Slimline dish, lnb to match what you have at home, and a power inserter. You also need patience as you learn to set up and align the dish!
You have a swm setup because the Genie requires it. That's why I said you should get the same lnb as what you have at your house. So yes, you do need a swm lnb.agreed. but my current setup does have a swm setup, does that change things?
You could use a Legacy LNB, but SWM will be much easier as you change locations
This IS a SWM set up ?I have identical dish and setup at cabin. Have setup new dish according to elevation and alignment. Connect everything but only get zeros for signal. Have been adjusting alignment for 4-5 hours with no success any suggestions?
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