I lost a job the week of Christmas many years ago.My heart goes out to anyone who loses a job around the holidays!...This time of year is hard enough, then add job lose!
The att installers were let go as well as I mentioned in an earlier post ....It's sad they do this before the holidays but all companies do this they should of kept the DirecTV installers for DirecTV and fired the AT&T installers before DirecTV installers
Nope cant happen....You hear wrong.....Our infrastructure sucks in rural America with no improvements in sight.I hear in about 5yrs ATT will pull the plug on DirecTV satellites in favor of fiber and 5G. No need for DirecTV specific installers at that point.
Yup as others said.. Heard wrongI hear in about 5yrs ATT will pull the plug on DirecTV satellites in favor of fiber and 5G. No need for DirecTV specific installers at that point.
ATT doesn't care about rural america..not enough profitNope cant happen....You hear wrong.....Our infrastructure sucks in rural America with no improvements in sight.
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