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Directv: How do I get the networks? Good 'remote' address? | SatelliteGuys.US

Directv: How do I get the networks? Good 'remote' address?

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SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Aug 14, 2006
I want the networks via satellite. (abc, cbc, nbc, fox, etc.) But, I
live in an area where reception is possible and therefore, they won't
give it to me. Is there a post office box that I can get in some BF
nowhere city that would qualify me for the networks if I said that is
my address? Also, I have heard that I can sign an RV waiver that would
allow me the networks for one receiver. BUT, I have 4 tvs in my house.
I'm guess they won't give me 4 cards opened up for one RV. I can
imagine two at most. Anyhow, ideas anyone?



Directv: How do I get the networks? Good 'remote' address?
I had legit trouble and still do getting HD reception, I am an A+++++ customer and called and pitched a fit, they hooked up Fox but said I needed a waiver from the rest. Have not heard but guess i'll be shot down. Later found out local fox is owned by the national Fox and the national owned stations give out waivers as they don't care, but locally owned are jerks about it. Don't know anything about the RV thing, if you find out, post it and let me know, I have a TV with no phone line in my kids toy room and i'll say that one's in an RV and get them there, I have family from the coast and I use that as a guest room and would love to have them even if only in there for them.
We DON'T need your exact address - the city or zip would even do...
Sorry, I live in Ogdensburg, New York, and my zip is 13669. I have gone through the remote network tool on Directv's site and it says the signal strength for OTA is A or B, so no go on the networks.

The problem is that I like a lot of network programming and I get my integrated TIVO (or I would like to) to record the network stuff. Obviously I can't do this if I don't get the networks.

I contemplated trying to get an RV waiver, but I doubt they would register all 3 of my PVRs in the house. (Ya, I know, 3 TVs is a bit extravagant, but what can I say?) Anyhow, I've also thought about getting a post office box in Noodlehick Texas, or some such place, that may not have local HD, and registering that as my 'place of residence', but I don't know of such a place.

Ideas? :confused:
Use Cranberry Lake NY 12927 to use as a service address. You'll have to find a street there, but it will give you all the networks and PBS.
First of all, a PO Box will NOT work for a legit physical address. (people DON'T live at a PO Box, you know ;) ;) ) You need a "real" street address.

Also, you don't just "sign an RV waiver" - you have to have a copy of an RV license with YOUR name on it to get one.

Why don't you just move to an address in the NY market & be done with it. You'll get the big 4 nets from NY, which is the same as you would get with an RV waiver, plus you'll get the RSN's for that area as well. It's also cheaper to do it this way - distant nets are about $2 apiece, while you can get the whole shibang in the NY locals package for only $3. Plus, you'll get the networks on ALL your receivers in this fashion. With the location where you are REALLY at, you might possibly get ALL of the NY local stations, but since they are on spotbeams, I'm not sure you will or not. But, since you're not getting them now, no loss there. ;)
Let's assume for the purposes of this thread that moving for the sake of television is not an option. I like the cramberry lake idea. Is it really $2 per channel? So, ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX, PBS are going to cost $10 a month extra??? Yikes! Plus the post office box at about the same? $20 a month? Yikes! :eek: :(
bertbarndoor said:
Let's assume for the purposes of this thread that moving for the sake of television is not an option. I like the cramberry lake idea. Is it really $2 per channel? So, ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX, PBS are going to cost $10 a month extra??? Yikes! Plus the post office box at about the same? $20 a month? Yikes! :eek: :(

Uh, you ARE moving - the only difference is, gymerap is having you "move" to a white area f/distant nets. I'M having you "move" to NY city & getting you the networks for only $3 a month for ALL of them - I guess I don't understand which one is the better way to get networks??? :confused: :confused: Oh well, I tried...

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:eureka Oh I get it. "move" Question though. If I "move" to New York City, how can I get mail from D* if, for some reason, there is no mail service to the "appartment building" I am "moving" to? :confused:
dishrich said:
Uh, you ARE moving - the only difference is, gymerap is having you "move" to a white area f/distant nets. I'M having you "move" to NY city & getting you the networks for only $3 a month for ALL of them - I guess I don't understand which one is the better way to get networks??? :confused: :confused: Oh well, I tried...


I guess it comes down to which RSNs you will get.
bertbarndoor said:
:eureka Oh I get it. "move" Question though. If I "move" to New York City, how can I get mail from D* if, for some reason, there is no mail service to the "appartment building" I am "moving" to? :confused:

RIGHT! That's why D* gives you the ability to have a separate "mailing address" on your account; ie, where you REALLY get your mail for the bills, etc. ;) ;)

I've done the same thing for years when I "moved" to Chicago - you can obviously see where I get MY mail... ;) :D
Cool. :) Related question: Does Dish Network allow you to have a mailing address that differs from your dish-location address? I assume the same deal would go vis a vis getting all the networks in New York city with dish? Finally, ebill with dish? Just curious. Thanks,

He can use a separate "service" address for Dish and well as Directv. Be aware that the Odgensburg area is outside of the NYC spotbeam so he would have to go the DNS route for both Directv and Dish to receive NY stations. Since Dish Network may lose its ability to provide DNS serive following the may wish to go with Directv.

One other way to do this may be to request a Baltimore ot DC service addess up in Ogdensburg. The 18 transponder spotbeam reaches all the way up into the 1000 Islands region. Its a HUGE beam. That way you'll get the CW, My network, and extra PBS, and a bunch of other stations for the local price.

Remember, however, with cant put the phone jack into the box. Directv verifies location....also for sports porgramming. If prorts doesnt matter...go the DNS route if you want NY/LA...and get DC or baltimore locals if you want everything else.
gymerap said:
Be aware that the Odgensburg area is outside of the NYC spotbeam so he would have to go the DNS route for both Directv and Dish to receive NY stations. Since Dish Network may lose its ability to provide DNS serive following the may wish to go with Directv.

Uh, OK, - WHY are you insisting would he have to go DNS, when if he "moves" to NY, he would STILL get the big 4 NY stations, since they are on CONUS. The ONLY thing going DNS for NY will do for him, is cost him MORE $$$ - WHY do you think this is better for him? (you DO understand that subs in NY STILL get their big 4 off of the CONUS beam, right??? :rolleyes: ) And as I just told him, it is true he would NOT be able to get the rest of the NY locals, but he wouldn't be able to get them in DNS, either.

Since you did mention the E* lawsuit - if E* does loose it, then they may end up moving the NY big 4 to spot beams, which of course then the OP would not be able to get them in ANY fashion, DNS OR moving to NY.

Remember, however, with cant put the phone jack into the box. Directv verifies location....also for sports porgramming.

They may say that, but they don't - you can see how I moved, have had a phone line in for 5+ years & get everything, including my RSN just fine, thank you, as do many others on this board.
And, as I keep asking all you so-called "experts" - HOW does a phone line "verify" a location - the ONLY thing it does, is "verifies" that ALL receivers on an account are in one place - it does NOT "verify" WHICH place that might be. ;) :rolleyes:
Don't believe everything you read on those D* brochures...
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I live in Indiana (47404). Indianapolis currently doesn't have CBS or FOX in HD. I'm wondering if I should 'move' to Chicago to get all my locals in HD. If I did that, I'd be able to get my colts in HD off Sunday Ticket too. Maybe moving somewhere else in the same timezone is a good idea....

What happens if I need service done at my location after I 'move'? Isn't 'moving' illegal? Are there any possible downsides to this?

I may do this if all the vets say it's a good idea.
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noneroy said:
I live in Indiana (47404). Indianapolis currently doesn't have CBS or FOX in HD. I'm wondering if I should 'move' to Chicago to get all my locals in HD.

Well first of all, keep in mind that the Ka band spotbeam (which is what the Chicago HD locals are on) may NOT reach down to Indianapolis. I am trying to find the same thing out, since I moved to Chicago & want their HD locals as well. But, I am not worry about it at this time until D* get their $h!t together & releases their HD DVR. (if I can't DVR these broadcasts, I am NOT at all interested) Even then, I want to see how well this thing runs, then I'll go from there. ;)
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