its the same philosophy they have had for years on HD. Don't you remember the introduction of ST in HD and the downrezzing they had to do to start that nonsense? And then the filling out of those channels and further degrading PQ? Then the wait while they filled out SD LIL? And when they get around to adding more HD its all PPVHD and RSN's. It should tell you the order of importance of HD subs.18 new HD PPV, Comeon! As a coustomer and a shareholder of your's I requesting and demanding that all of these be taken down and national HD be added in place, like fox news hd, Travel Channel, ect. I expected better out of you! You have the best HD package, but that doesnt mean you should slack and not make it better. Come on. You know better! Expecally beause that is wasted bandwith :up If you want to play the HD numbers game add some real HD that i can get 24/7 not 4.99 per 3 hour block.
Don't you remember the introduction of ST in HD and the downrezzing they had to do to start that nonsense?
from what satelliteracer at dbstalk.com has said.....not all of the contracts for new channels are finalized yet so the ppv channels are merely placeholders until new hd is launched.
i'm not thrilled by what was released today (other than the 9 new full-time rsn's). you would think directv would have done a better job of having contracts signed by the time directv11 was turned on.
however, and i say this in directv's defense, when dtv11 was launched this spring, no new hd was anticipated before september so we are probably about a month early with new hd. why not have something on the air in the interim?
DirecTV needs to carefully pick what national HD channels they carry. As when these are filled up this is it for new HD until another satellite is launched and thats over a year away.
Many here are too simple to figure this out. Mine mine mine, want want want.
For the thousands time. They are not wasting bandwidth on PPV. These are temporary. Meaning when other channels come, they come down. This was announced way ahead of time.What you dont under stand is that is that we do know this and have figured it out but its a slap in the face to subs when you add ppv in a space that could be used for national hd. IF bandwidth is so limited, then why are we wasting it on ppv when we can be launching national hd and building the lineup untill D12 launches. Yes there are channels to be selected later, thats why you throw up place holders. At the same time D* has to put the pressure on providers to put up hd content.
Let's not also forget that some agreements are already in place and have been in place months ago. These agreements were made with the expectation of the launch being in September. So many of the channels will not be able to be shown until then as per the contract. In the meantime they place PPVs in the spots so they can make money instead of leaving them empty.Dude they are NOT wasting them, quit using that term.
WASTING them would be making them PERMANENT. They are working on agreements now, so what the hell is the difference between a temp PPV slot and a placeholder?? NOTHING.
Let's not also forget that some agreements are already in place and have been in place months ago. These agreements were made with the expectation of the launch being in September. So many of the channels will not be able to be shown until then as per the contract. In the meantime they place PPVs in the spots so they can make money instead of leaving them empty.
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