I was wondering if anyone had found a UHF Blaster or something similar to change channels on TV2 via a PC. I have a dish 322 that is feeding 2 different capture cards in my home grown PVR. I can change the channels just fine on TV1 with an IR Blaster, but have to set timers on TV2. This was working just fine until, in the middle of the AFC Championship Football game, a timer kicked in and I recorded 20 minutes of "The Simpsons"
before I caught it and manually switched the channel back.
I basically need a way to change channels on TV2 from a PC - either via a "UHF Blaster", IR Blaster, or serial input. Has anyone figured out how to do this yet?

I basically need a way to change channels on TV2 from a PC - either via a "UHF Blaster", IR Blaster, or serial input. Has anyone figured out how to do this yet?