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Dish Adds Another HD Channel - Food Network | SatelliteGuys.US

Dish Adds Another HD Channel - Food Network

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SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Apr 16, 2004
Orlando, Florida
Just read on that Dish added the Food Network HD to its lineup. I am a pretty loyal D* guy but seeing all these HD channels going live on Dish is really starting to make me think.

How is Dish able to add all these channels and D* doesn't have the room (this is a serious question, not rhetorical)? I know we keep saying wait for the new birds to go up, but by the time that happens (not including any delays in launching, we could be well into next year.

Sorry for the rant, but it is getting old to keep hearing about new Dish HD channels. Also, sorry if this was already posted but I did not see it.
My best answers are the following:

1. DirecTV, per their research of current users and prospective users, made their plan long ago to push up HD LIL first and foremost in advance of other things pre spring 2007 and the next 2 launches.

2. As far as I know, and am open to correction; up till just recently DirecTV was really (and continues) operating their main business within the 101, 119 and 110 locations, and to my limited knowledge 110 is VERY limited. As far as 72 and 95 go, I don't think DirecTV ever wants to have main programming that far in the "wing slots". Maybe that helps keep the needed dish count for the end user down. With respect to 103 and 99; I mean those fall into great slots with respect to the current 101 - 119 slots, and are reconfigured birds as I have read it and they may NEVER be anything more than what they are now.

Dish acquired the satellite from Rainbow/Voom and opened up slots quickly; I also see that they are more selectively and slowly adding the HD LIL. Thus giving the deserved appearance of a more "balanced attack" I guess. Remember Spaceway 1 & 2 have just recently gone up and were not originally designed to be used 100% they way they are being used now as I read. Things do take time and at least they (DirecTV) are on-time and consistant and in my opinion will deliver a better product overall; and that is up from I see as an near equality now.

2b. We just have to agree that Dish Network got a great jump on DirecTV with the acquisition of that Rainbow/Voom bird and caught DirecTV being stuck with their pre-planned dates. I mean hell, its a lot easier to buy something already up there, as opposed to buying, building, and launching don't you think? I mean you can't just snap your fingers and get all that done by the next month like buying one!

3. Be realistic; look at the customer surveys, there is not a ton of compelling HD being added. Starz HD is a great addition, but everything else is only wow for now and just adding to a total number that really doesn't mean too much toward "real programming". I will take live sports, first run network type additions over rehashes, but that's me, and according to DirecTV's research, the majority of their subs. Don't get me wrong, I like HGTV and FoodTV and even Cinemax, BUT, I have more interest in other things first and have no problem waiting out "the plan". As summer 2007 rolls around, the 2 planned DirecTV satellites go up and they gain control over them, THEN and only THEN, will I begin to question what I see them doing or not doing.
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Charper1, you make some good points, the voice of reason. I feel better after taking a couple of deep breaths. I agree, I don't have much interest in the Food Network or even HGTV (nothing against those channels), but I would love StarzHD and even MaxHD to go along with HBOHD and ShowtimeHD. The more HD movies the better. But summer 2007 seems a long way off yet and I'm not getting any younger!!

I will probably feel better as pro football and college football kicks in and the decent network shows like Lost, Prision Break and the like start up. Summer HD doldrums, I guess. Good thing I have my HD-A1 HD-DVD player.

Thanks again for the well thought-out reasoning.
I hope ya'll enjoy waiting on Directv, I for one will be watching hd on Dish NOW.:up

IN fact by the time ya'll get enough national hd to match Dish, I will have been watching it for over two years. I got the Voom channels in May of 2005 when Dish leaped ahead of Directv with its hd offerings and they keep adding to their hd total . I now have 30 hd channels and my locals in hd. Oh and more to come. :hungry: The future looks bright and so does the PRESENT. :D

Can Directv say that?
Once again all you guys can talk about is "THE NUMBER" not the content.

While you have a bigger number it doesn't make it that much better.

I think my NFL HD beats your total number especially when I look (and I have looked) at what those extras channels provide versus what I would give up; now and 9 - 12 months later.

THE ARGUING IS TIRED FROM BOTH SIDES - NEITHER is far and away better than the other when compared in an overall method as opposed to 30 vs 12 or whatever the number is. I have had both. I also pay attention to all the dissatisfaction comments over there too.

I think it's 1000% HILARIOUS how 99.9% of you same people that think bigger or more always means better would be crapping your diapers if you wife or girl friend decided to leave you based on the same reasoning. You guys would be crying in your spilt milk claiming, "but honey, its not the size that counts, but its usefullness". Which would totally contradict the exact argument you try to make with the TOTAL NUMBER of satellite channels.

Just pick what YOU like best, that fits YOUR needs and go watch it and lets all stop arguing over silly inane TV related issues.
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Gator5000e said:
Charper1, you make some good points, the voice of reason. I feel better after taking a couple of deep breaths. I agree, I don't have much interest in the Food Network or even HGTV (nothing against those channels), but I would love StarzHD and even MaxHD to go along with HBOHD and ShowtimeHD. The more HD movies the better. But summer 2007 seems a long way off yet and I'm not getting any younger!!

I will probably feel better as pro football and college football kicks in and the decent network shows like Lost, Prision Break and the like start up. Summer HD doldrums, I guess. Good thing I have my HD-A1 HD-DVD player.

Thanks again for the well thought-out reasoning.
Forget about Summer of 2007. It will take the obligatory 3 months of testing and considering the delays that have plagued the recent launches I wouldnt be surprised if it goes into 2008.
At least that is a VALID concern and a well added comment of value. Much like launch facility issues/delays and bird failures, but SO FAR they have an excellent record, are well on-time and we all knew well in advance of their planned timing. So no beef. We will just all wait and see whcih is ALL we can do.

But Dish also has all those same concerns right? Like I said before, buying up a launched, tested and working bird was a GREAT move and I acknowledged that. That is the entire crux of the advantage (perceived or not).
charper1 said:
I think it's 1000% HILARIOUS how 99.9% of you same people that think bigger or more always means better would be crapping your diapers if you wife or girl friend decided to leave you based on the same reasoning. You guys would be crying in your spilt milk claiming, "but honey, its not the size that counts, but its usefullness". Which would totally contradict the exact argument you try to make with the TOTAL NUMBER of satellite channels.


That's a mighty big IF...
Like IF they had a wife/girlfriend...
My money's on that they've never had a woman before...:eek:

This is the situation I am a consumer. Right now Dish smokes Directv on HD. This site is great for filling me in on all of the delays and other news (good and bad) from both companies. But when it comes right down to it I doesn't matter why, It only matters who is the best. I have both but I only watch HD on Dish. When and if Directv moves into the top spot I'll watch them more but right now dish is KING. As far as your other comments go..... most of it is funny. The only part I'll respond to is the troll part... I'm sorry I always seem to forget that you have over 6500 more post than I do and that automatically makes you more knowledgeable than me about Sat TV and just smarter in general. So please forgive me I will try to remember my place.
I'm on the fence between D* and E* I don't want to hijack this thread but I do feel my question is some what on track :-)

I live in the Hartford CT market where Dish doesn't have any plans it seems to offer local HD :-( do we know if Dish has any known plans to launch addational birds like Direct has stated?

<we now return to the orginal thread>
Turd Fergeson said:
This is the situation I am a consumer. Right now Dish smokes Directv on HD. This site is great for filling me in on all of the delays and other news (good and bad) from both companies. But when it comes right down to it I doesn't matter why, It only matters who is the best. I have both but I only watch HD on Dish. When and if Directv moves into the top spot I'll watch them more but right now dish is KING. As far as your other comments go..... most of it is funny. The only part I'll respond to is the troll part... I'm sorry I always seem to forget that you have over 6500 more post than I do and that automatically makes you more knowledgeable than me about Sat TV and just smarter in general. So please forgive me I will try to remember my place.

I totally agree and I also have both D* & E* HD. What surprises me about these discussions is anyone that has invested a lot of money into HD either by purchasing HD equipment or building a Home Theater (or just enjoy watching it) defending DirecTV or waiting another year. It is really not that much money to cancel or add and try another provider (DISH) if you have already made that investment, percentage wise, is it? Not even the cost of the latest and greatest A/V receiver that we may want to buy. Just seems strange to me that anyone would wait to enjoy what they could have today. I guess it is an early addapter thing. Us that are know we could wait and save 50% on that "new product" within a year, but we will not. Have to have the best now and not wait and we pay for it big-time, but usually it is worth it with our enjoyment now, not later.
Turd Fergeson said:
This is the situation I am a consumer. Right now Dish smokes Directv on HD. This site is great for filling me in on all of the delays and other news (good and bad) from both companies. But when it comes right down to it I doesn't matter why, It only matters who is the best. I have both but I only watch HD on Dish. When and if Directv moves into the top spot I'll watch them more but right now dish is KING. As far as your other comments go..... most of it is funny. The only part I'll respond to is the troll part... I'm sorry I always seem to forget that you have over 6500 more post than I do and that automatically makes you more knowledgeable than me about Sat TV and just smarter in general. So please forgive me I will try to remember my place.

The ONLY point is - you think Dish is best because they have 30 vs 12 HD and I might think DirecTV is better because I have NFL HD or my LIL HD. The truth is NEITHER of those factors mean anything towards determining anything. So my issue has always been (even before Dish added Voom) that neither company is "smoking" the other. These are perception differences based on one user's priority. If Dish is better for YOU then great, thats what you have. If DirecTV is best for me then thats great also. BUT it still makes neither one of us right or wrong because the simple fact is they are both 99% exactly the same. The fact I (or others) point that out, is no reason for you or anyone else to come in and start throwing around negative accusations or name calling. PERIOD. I could care less if our post counts were reversed; it would still be the same.

I HAVE tried Dish and their HD. It is not worth adding Voom to lose having the NFL HD for me... I am not losing anythingmore than maybe Starz HD by waiting. So why would I want to give up my current length of service to START OVER and move to Dish 100% just to get 1 or 2 HD channels of value? Why would I want the continued expense of having BOTH services? Thats just a person hedging their bets, by admitting with their dollars, that they know that neither is that much better than the other.
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charper1 said:
So why would I want to give up my current length of service to START OVER and move to Dish 100% just to get 1 or 2 HD channels of value?

Length of service - :confused:

1 year of service = xx HD channels or what is that?:eek:
Length of service - 1 year of service = xx HD channels or what is that?

I have been a non-stop DirecTV sub since summer 1996. They all keep very good record on your length, payment and sub package histories, etc. It adds up. From 2004 till 2006, in addition to my DirecTV, I did try the full blown Dish offerings, adding services as they added service, and after that period decided I was not going to keep both; and there just wasn't enough with Dish to cancel DirecTV, lose the recorded history and the NFL. I have a neighbor that started with Dish and from time to time when we visit them I check out his services to keep up.
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Gator5000e said:
Just read on that Dish added the Food Network HD to its lineup.

I don't see much difference in seeing a cheesecake in SD or HD. I can wait till the D* deadline of 2007. Then if they don't produce, I will start looking into alternative sources.
I think you are talking about the NFL Network HD; DirecTV showed it part-time when they did HD games; they had a few last season games (part-time).

Only DirecTV has the NFL ST and NFL HD (SuperFan) through 2010
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It is NOT JUST FoodHD...

E* also has National Geographic HD and that is the HD channel I want more than any other.
That and the better SD PQ are why I am considering leaving D*
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