Dish Equipment Question - Should I Go With A Dish 1000?
I have a tree that is getting tall enough that it is starting to interfere with my Dish signal. I guess it's time to move the dish because if I cut down the tree my wife will shoot me.
I currently have a Dish 811, a 501, and an old 2800 for receivers, and don't currently subscribe to the HD package from Dish because the content isn't worth the extra cost at this time. I have a Quad LNB on my current Dish 500 dish. If and when Dish does decide to move to MPEG4 receivers, I'll probably look at replacing my 2800 with a dual tuner HD PVR and upgrade the 811 to an MEG4 receiver (if they do a swap). Not sure what I'll do with the 501, but if they leave some MEG2 programming up there, I'll keep that around for the spare bedroom.
Here's my question, Because I'm going to move my dish, should I move to the Dish 1000? From everything I've been reading on this site, once they switch to MEG4, Dish will start offering more and betted HD content.
Also, if I do go with the new Dish 1000, what am I going to need for switches?
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
I have a tree that is getting tall enough that it is starting to interfere with my Dish signal. I guess it's time to move the dish because if I cut down the tree my wife will shoot me.
I currently have a Dish 811, a 501, and an old 2800 for receivers, and don't currently subscribe to the HD package from Dish because the content isn't worth the extra cost at this time. I have a Quad LNB on my current Dish 500 dish. If and when Dish does decide to move to MPEG4 receivers, I'll probably look at replacing my 2800 with a dual tuner HD PVR and upgrade the 811 to an MEG4 receiver (if they do a swap). Not sure what I'll do with the 501, but if they leave some MEG2 programming up there, I'll keep that around for the spare bedroom.
Here's my question, Because I'm going to move my dish, should I move to the Dish 1000? From everything I've been reading on this site, once they switch to MEG4, Dish will start offering more and betted HD content.
Also, if I do go with the new Dish 1000, what am I going to need for switches?
Any suggestions would be appreciated.