New bird ready to fly. those of us new to Dish, what kind of capacity (or lack thereof) does Dish have to even add 4k in the future? Would it require a new bird?
Can you expand on how they'll do that? With DIRECTV we know they plan on using their RDBS transponders on satellites that are already up on station. Since Dish only recently was able to add the RSN's in HD almost 24 hours a day do they really have the bandwidth to add multiple 4K live channels on EA and WA?They have enough bandwidth to add 4K channels without the need for new satellites.
While they have space for 4K it's not the vast amount of free space directv has.
any announcement/insider info from dish on live 4?
Remembering the VOOM days.I would personally like to see dish catch up in the HD department first. They also need to have full hd and not downsize the quality.
It's not it's taking 4 1080i channels and stitching them together inside the Hopper 3 to make one 4K channel.How does Dish download 4k to get the 4 channel MultiView? Can they use that download to show one of the MultiView channels in 4k? That way they could show a special sports event or program in 4K.
i agree with you on that dish is lagging behind on 4k look how much 4k ondemand that dish offers i counted about 10 to 15 movies with so many movies companies now releasing so many movies now in 4k you would think that dish would add those tities from 20th century fox and the other movie companies.i would give it some time maybe dish hasnt signed aggreements with the other movie companies to carry their 4k ondemand content.and yes i have a feeling what directv is doing i think it is time for dish to add at least one or two 4k channels.i have a friend of mine on twitter has a page called ultra 4k news is behind Direct on 4K. I've rented one 4K movie because the selection is limited, but want a live 4K channel. I can't use my ppv certificates on 4K either it's a dollar too high.
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