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Dish Logo IR Problem | SatelliteGuys.US

Dish Logo IR Problem


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
May 22, 2006
Westerville, Ohio
Hi guys. I was wondering if there is anyway to get rid of the "dish" logo on the upper right side of the hopper guide? I've noticed some IR (could be burn-in over time) on my tv because of it! Has anyone else with a plasma tv experienced this? It's actually worse than the sports station logos!
Do you leave your guide up for hours? Most people simply spend maybe 10 minutes at most in the guide. That is not going to burn in at all....
Do you leave your guide up for hours? Most people simply spend maybe 10 minutes at most in the guide. That is not going to burn in at all....

No, of course not. No more than a few minutes at a time and I can now see a little dish silhouette during bright scenes.
After a few hundred hours are on it, this problem will lessen. There are even patterns you can run to "break it in."
I just noticed this too on my 6 month old Panasonic ZT60 :( - both the Dish logo and the "pause" button image. We are running anti-IR stuff now to see if we can get rid of it.

We don't spend much time in the guide but we do in the DVR screen. Dish should either move these around a little and/or have them change colors a bit while they are displayed so this doesn't happen.

Does Dish care? Probably not. They can't be bothered to fix simple long standing bugs in their HWS software, they certainly won't fix this.
Yes, the modern Plasmas far more susceptible to "burn-in" during the break-in period and one needs to take care. After a while, it won't burn in nearly as easily as the modern plasmas are designed to prevent burn-in from happening so easily. However, just about all the modern plasmas have some feature that runs for some time that will attempt to remove the burnt image. If your plasma does not have such a feature, you could leave the TV on to some sports channel (something that has lots of action and movement to excites or uses all the pixels for a long period (hours, like overnight) or, perhaps better, purchase the Disney WOW Blu-ray calibration disc (at Amazon or brick and mortar Best Buy, for example). The Disney WOW disc has a section that you play on the TV for quite some time (hours, I think) that will attempt to remove (refresh the screen ) any burnt images on screen. It is supposed to be effective in on LCD's, which can also suffer from burn-in, but not nearly as easily as plasma.

Please, best of luck to those with burnt images on the screen.

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