vladzver said:I have the Dish Home Protection Plan as well so the move was free, and I trusted them and didn't pay any attention to what they were doing. I had no reason to look at anything until my remote problems began and I'm now seeing they poorly installed this system. They have splitters and extender cables and other mess, it's uncessary.
At my old address there were two cables one for sat1 and one for sat2 coming out of the receiver that went to my satellite. And they had two cables one goint o tv1, one running upstairs to tv2. Now they have 2 cables coming out of sat1&2 and then going into a splitter and one cable coming out of that, which goes into another splitter that also intakes a third cable from the receiver from the tv2 output and then there is one cord coming from all that, down into my basement where the satellite cable comes into the house and then is split, so my other receiver a 322 can get signal, along with the 522, then the outtake from that splitter goes into the basement bedroom for TV2. It's a mess. But it's been working and it was free, but we're thinking of upgrading to a 4th tv, and I have no idea how that would be done.
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