Just got this in...
Dish VOD will be unavailable until further notice on the Dish 522 and 625 do to an issue which engineering is working on.
They will be simulcasting the big 4 networks (ABC,FOX,CBS and NBC) on channels 241 - 248. In addition these channels can and will continue to be found in the 5700 channel range. The channels will be broadcast from the 119 satellite on transponder 19 (full conus)
These channels will be visible in the guide and in red for those customers who do not subscribe to them. Customer who can legally subscribe to these channels can call All American Direct (or visit http://www.mydistantnetworks.com) for more info.
RFD-TV is MOVING from 119 to 110 and will be available on channels 9839 and 9409.
That is all for now.
Thanks for being a SatelliteGuy.
Dish VOD will be unavailable until further notice on the Dish 522 and 625 do to an issue which engineering is working on.
They will be simulcasting the big 4 networks (ABC,FOX,CBS and NBC) on channels 241 - 248. In addition these channels can and will continue to be found in the 5700 channel range. The channels will be broadcast from the 119 satellite on transponder 19 (full conus)
These channels will be visible in the guide and in red for those customers who do not subscribe to them. Customer who can legally subscribe to these channels can call All American Direct (or visit http://www.mydistantnetworks.com) for more info.
RFD-TV is MOVING from 119 to 110 and will be available on channels 9839 and 9409.
That is all for now.
Thanks for being a SatelliteGuy.