DISH Network Statement Regarding FCC's Proposed order on net neutrality
ENGLEWOOD, Colo. – Dec. 1, 2010 – DISH Network L.L.C. Chairman, President and CEO Charles Ergen issued the following statement regarding the FCC's proposed order on net neutrality:
"DISH Network applauds Chairman Genachowski for moving forward on critically important net neutrality rules. His proposal is a solid framework for protecting the open Internet. We look forward to working with the Commission in improving upon the draft order in the next few weeks. DISH Network has invested hundreds of millions of dollars in jobs-creating, Internet-based technology, and we agree with the Chairman that an open Internet platform is the best way to ensure continued innovation and investment."
ENGLEWOOD, Colo. – Dec. 1, 2010 – DISH Network L.L.C. Chairman, President and CEO Charles Ergen issued the following statement regarding the FCC's proposed order on net neutrality:
"DISH Network applauds Chairman Genachowski for moving forward on critically important net neutrality rules. His proposal is a solid framework for protecting the open Internet. We look forward to working with the Commission in improving upon the draft order in the next few weeks. DISH Network has invested hundreds of millions of dollars in jobs-creating, Internet-based technology, and we agree with the Chairman that an open Internet platform is the best way to ensure continued innovation and investment."