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dish networks bill increases? | SatelliteGuys.US

dish networks bill increases?


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Jan 13, 2007
South Carolina
I Called To Order Dish's KTLA the other day. and they asked me if i see a change on my bill about america's top 180 has changed to top 250 or some crap. i said no i do not want that added at all i want to keep my top 180, they said oh its just been renamed. to americas 250 blah blah blah i said i better not be charged for that because i have no warning at all of it? and i asked if it was already on my bill they said yes it has a letter in there explaining why. i said i dont think so take it off right now . the guy goes well when you get your bill you can take that up with the credit dept. i said to him doesn't echostar get enough of peoples money already to be ripping them off for more what is this? has anyone got there bill yet and seen the same changes. ?:mad:
I Called To Order Dish's KTLA the other day. and they asked me if i see a change on my bill about america's top 180 has changed to top 250 or some crap. i said no i do not want that added at all i want to keep my top 180, they said oh its just been renamed. to americas 250 blah blah blah i said i better not be charged for that because i have no warning at all of it? and i asked if it was already on my bill they said yes it has a letter in there explaining why. i said i dont think so take it off right now . the guy goes well when you get your bill you can take that up with the credit dept. i said to him doesn't echostar get enough of peoples money already to be ripping them off for more what is this? has anyone got there bill yet and seen the same changes. ?:mad:

Wow your mad. All packages were changed by name to reflect actual number of channels. When you get your february statement, you will see a letter attached explaining it. 180 is now 250. There is nothing to "take off." Sorry they didn't ask for your permission.

In addition, there is a price increase. EVERYBODY had a price increase this month. Comcast/DirecTV/Dish. I have had 2 price increases in the last year with comcast. So now you will be ripped off 3$ more monthly, get over it. I pay 15$ more monthly than if I had the same stuff at dish network, but I don't call to comcast and complain about how they are ripping me off. You could always reduce your package right?

I'm sure you will call and complain though. yay. Between now and then, get informed. Prices posted 12/30/06.
Its not like you had the Top60(now Top100) and they said we are moving you upto the Top180(now Top250) and you will pay us the extra $23 dollars or else.
Wow your mad. All packages were changed by name to reflect actual number of channels. When you get your february statement, you will see a letter attached explaining it. 180 is now 250. There is nothing to "take off." Sorry they didn't ask for your permission.

In addition, there is a price increase. EVERYBODY had a price increase this month. Comcast/DirecTV/Dish. I have had 2 price increases in the last year with comcast. So now you will be ripped off 3$ more monthly, get over it. I pay 15$ more monthly than if I had the same stuff at dish network, but I don't call to comcast and complain about how they are ripping me off. You could always reduce your package right?

I'm sure you will call and complain though. yay. Between now and then, get informed. Prices posted 12/30/06.

Im not saying that. but every month dish puts a suprise on the bill. when I never request anything. I was just asking if anyone had the same problem. that is all. as you quoted "Get over it" ? and I think they should ask people before they do so. because its the people who make them there money. ? quote me if im wrong.
I know what you mean about the constant increases. There are those who don't care what they pay (take for example someone paying $15 more PER MONTH than they need to). People not complaining as a whole is why they don't stop. Don't know why someone big like dish network can't have more flexibility and have the seperate packages listing as: 60, 100, 180, 250,ect instead its 100, 250, ect. I mean come on! Thats 150 channel difference between the smallest package and the next up. Someone else has stated (wish i could remember the clever persons name), that this is simply welfare for the crap channels.
They SHOULD ask for permission, but i guess some of us have endless amounts of money. Never mind the rudeness coming out of Senior/Mr. Mateo, as he did not connect the dots between your join date, and your avatar. Instead of saying get informed, sir, you could try politeness while you are here, and state where the changes are to that effect, or don't reply (he had no anger directed towards you, or you could complain to a moderator). That corporation does not need your defense. Never mind that Cheffwan may not have seen every post you have.
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DishNetwork is not adding channels to your package. Your 180 package has had closer to 250 channels for quite some time so Dish is just renaming the package to more accurately reflect the actual number of channels in the package.

The price increase is just their pretty much normal yearly price increase.
Im not saying that. but every month dish puts a suprise on the bill. when I never request anything. I was just asking if anyone had the same problem. that is all. as you quoted "Get over it" ? and I think they should ask people before they do so. because its the people who make them there money. ? quote me if im wrong.

As gary s said... they usually have an annual raise... so that was just coming as usual..... No company ASKS their customers if they can raise their prices.... The gas station you frequent doesn't, the grocery store you go to doesn't... its your CHOICE as a consumer whether to continue shopping with them, or to buy a cheaper alternative.

or to have to ask your permission to change their package names???? I don't see that....
I Called To Order Dish's KTLA the other day. and they asked me if i see a change on my bill about america's top 180 has changed to top 250 or some crap. i said no i do not want that added at all i want to keep my top 180, they said oh its just been renamed. to americas 250 blah blah blah i said i better not be charged for that because i have no warning at all of it? and i asked if it was already on my bill they said yes it has a letter in there explaining why. i said i dont think so take it off right now . the guy goes well when you get your bill you can take that up with the credit dept. i said to him doesn't echostar get enough of peoples money already to be ripping them off for more what is this? has anyone got there bill yet and seen the same changes. ?:mad:

"Excuse us Chefwan, is it okay if we change the package name you subscribe to from AT180 to AT250 since that is closer to the amount of channels that are on that package? Please?" :rolleyes:
Your charged $3 (on avg) for this years price increase. It has nothing to do with the name changing. Don't like it? Go some where else. And then come back here next year and let us know how much that company raised your bill. Dish went up $3 here. Comcast is going up $6 here. Direct is going up $4. Hmm, which would I rather have?!?!
My electric company just recently raised there rates, now on average I am having to pay around $4 to $8 more per month. I can't believe they would do this to me. I think I should call and complain, and even cancel my electric just to show them a lesson. Does this sound Everyone raises rates at some point in time, some more often and for a lager price increase, case in point...the cable companies. Now, since Dish Network charges a month in advance, when you receive your new bill, if you are not pleased with the new price increase, you have the opportunity to call and cancel and not have to pay the increased fee. If you are still under the 18 month contract, then you may want to rip out the contract you signed and agreed to that stated price increases can and will happen.

The following was taken directly from the Dish Network Residential Agreement:

G. Changes in Services Offered. We reserve the right to add, delete, rearrange and/or change any and all programming, programming packages and other Services that we offer, and our prices and fees related to such programming, programming packages and Services at any time, including without limitation during any term agreement period to which you have agreed under the terms and conditions of any other agreement with DISH Network.
My bill for AT250 + HD (old HD Gold) is up the expected $3. No surprise.

Dang Dish website. I had to switch from Firefox to IE so I could look at last month's bill. C'mon guys, get it right!
No company ASKS their customers if they can raise their prices.... The gas station you frequent doesn't, the grocery store you go to doesn't...
Yeah, but the grocery store doesn't force me to buy 100 items, when I only want 8. The gas station doesn't force me to buy a drink and a snack if I only want gas.
YOU want Ala carte then. Sorry it is not offered yet. IF you can make the country go with Ala carte then you could buy just what you want. In Canada they offer themes like sports, children, family, music, news, etc. You simply add the theme packs you want and theres your bill. I would like to see that kind of theme oriented pricing packs. OF course they would still charge you the dvr fees per receiver so you wouldn't save that much money.
Every february there is a price increase from one to all of the packages and every few years they change the designation of the packages as over time channels are added without a corresponding price increase at the time they are added. To be on here and crankin out complaints about having a $3 increase when your basicly getting 80 more channels than what the package designates makes me shake my head. If it wasnt for the fact that I can bundle my calbe/phone/3meg net together onto one bill with cable then I would have dish or direct but you cant get a good bundle through them with a good internet connection.

Also if your getting changes in your bill every month ( I doubt this very much ) then its probable that the deal you got on has been coming to an end though if you were getting monthly surprises on your bill then why stay with them when that doesnt make any sense?
All very true guys. However, who asked them to add the channels on in the first place? Make you think, hey im getting free crap! Then, heres the bill for the channels you may, or may not have wanted, in the first place. Big difference from 100 channels and next up pack @ 250, and that isn't suggesting A La Carte :) You shouldn't think hey $3 bucks. Instead, look at it overall. A few years from now, at this rate, the top 100 will be 180, and the 250 will be (whatever the next one up is) and then yeah, you're forced up. Also by complaining as a whole, I should have mentioned i meant dropping the service alltogether. Voicing a complaint to a big company like that just ruins one persons day who is just there working the phones, no more effective than peeing in the wind. If the subscriptions were popping off like the balls in a lotto machine with no top, they'd slow down on the increases.

Also, to mr. mateo, I appologize for going off on you like that; as a rule of thumb i try to only treat folks here like i would treat them in person. If i saw a friend or aquaintence getting told off, darn right i'd jump in. There's a difference between the way you said it and the way everyone else did. But anyway, hopefully no harm done.........

MikeD, you don't have to go to Canada for that. Go to and you can see the MANY packages available. (Catch is the reciever costs $400, a fact that Mr. Ergen of DishNet is well aware off, hence the free equip and install, until cband is dead (unsubscribable) by the end user that is) I saw a thread the other day of someone paying a hundred bucks on their monthly bill. With this provider, the "get it all pack" is only 90 a month, if you pay by the year then its 83 a month averaged. BUT to each his own. You can't expect everyone to switch over to other stuff to save a buck. The more convenient the service is, the more it costs. I have a neighbor who had Direct TV for a month, got his first bill and off it went. He gave me all his equipment :) But I don't have any use for it, because the smallest package is what i pay for all my movie channels....

And the increases in electricity is why people switch companies. And about gasoline, within reason, i will go to the gas station across the street if its a few pennies cheaper by reflex, though I stick with the bigger brands, because hey, money adds up. You mean nobody cared or complained when the gas went up? Nobody tried other fuels just because of a few increases in gasoline? Just because you knew ahead of time and he missed the (many :p) newsletters does not make it OK.
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All very true guys. However, who asked them to add the channels on in the first place? Make you think, hey im getting free crap! Then, heres the bill for the channels you may, or may not have wanted, in the first place. Big difference from 100 channels and next up pack @ 250, and that isn't suggesting A La Carte :) You shouldn't think hey $3 bucks. Instead, look at it overall. A few years from now, at this rate, the top 100 will be 180, and the 250 will be (whatever the next one up is) and then yeah, you're forced up. ...
Welcome to the world of bundling (suppliers like ABC & Viacom, and providers like E* & D*) and inflation. The cost of getting the same programming that you had last year is going up this year. Guess what? So is the cost of milk, cars, candy bars, ... Who says you have to add value to increase the price of something?

You want cost controls? Go somewhere that doesn't use a Capitalist economic system, Cuba maybe. You may not like what they offer in the way of entertainment.
Yeah, darn that inflation! But they could leviate that with more options :) All i was suggesting. Im not exactly knocking on their profit making, cause i'd probably do the same thing. Anywho, I do think its a clever idea, too bad it can cost the average customer between 600 to 1200 a year. The smallest package is a bunch of drivel [WARNING: THIS IS AN OPINION please take no offence!]. Thats more than my car insurance. I change my channels around to keep my pricing right at around 20-25 a month. If i get tired of some of them i switch them out. Should I mention FTA, which can get around 400 channels for free (with c and ku bands)
Reading the original post - it is clear Dish had done NOTHING wrong to the poster. All the CSR was doing was explaining the new names. Further, I don't believe she/he just started explaining that for no reason - the poster must have complained just as he is here that Dish changed his package. All the other posts here about A La Carte really have nothing to do about the original post, and his complaint appears not valid at all.
"Excuse us Chefwan, is it okay if we change the package name you subscribe to from AT180 to AT250 since that is closer to the amount of channels that are on that package? Please?" :rolleyes:
Your charged $3 (on avg) for this years price increase. It has nothing to do with the name changing. Don't like it? Go some where else. And then come back here next year and let us know how much that company raised your bill. Dish went up $3 here. Comcast is going up $6 here. Direct is going up $4. Hmm, which would I rather have?!?!

I never asked for your opinion ? i was just asking if anyone else had the same change in the bill.? where is this going ?
My electric company just recently raised there rates, now on average I am having to pay around $4 to $8 more per month. I can't believe they would do this to me. I think I should call and complain, and even cancel my electric just to show them a lesson. Does this sound Everyone raises rates at some point in time,

Electricity, unfortunately, is pretty much a necessity...satellite television isn't. Providers and individuals who think that we all have endless pockets would do well to remember that.

I'm constantly amazed at the folks like you who defend Dish/DirecTV rate increases by comparing it with rate increases for electricity, health insurance, etc..
"i was just asking if anyone else had the same change in the bill.? "

Yes, everyone got a price increase in their programming. It was discussed here in the forums even before Dish Network officially announced them.

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