B BruceE SatelliteGuys Family Original poster Feb 11, 2006 80 0 Aug 7, 2006 #1 What is the limit on hi-def receivers that you can lease from Dish,also the limit on sd receivers that you can lease. Thanks, Bruce
What is the limit on hi-def receivers that you can lease from Dish,also the limit on sd receivers that you can lease. Thanks, Bruce
Pepper DVR Addict~Mad Scientist Supporting Founder Mar 16, 2004 8,463 1,488 Satsuma, AL Aug 7, 2006 #2 four tuners total lease, regardless of mix of hd or sd.
lakebum431 Pub Member / Supporter Pub Member / Supporter Lifetime Supporter Sep 5, 2005 17,103 5,054 Norris, TN Aug 7, 2006 #3 four satellite tuners (the OTA tuners are not counted) just to clarify a bit