Can someone explain how the Dish Remote Access filters work?
Is there a way to get the filters to cascade? For example can you get DRA to only show movies on one network (e.g. only Movies on EPIX)? Or Only show movies on all but a few networks (e.g. Movies that are not on Playboy or Hustler)?
I frequently use Dish Remote Access on the Dish Web Site to set timers on our 622 which is NOT attached to the internet. This has always worked fine for me. BUT... I still don't understand how the Filters work. As a result I just filter on Movies with HD Content. This makes the list of channels reasonably short but leaves out some channels I'd like to scan and still includes BOTH channel mappings for HD channels.
Thanks in Advance - Talon Dancer
Is there a way to get the filters to cascade? For example can you get DRA to only show movies on one network (e.g. only Movies on EPIX)? Or Only show movies on all but a few networks (e.g. Movies that are not on Playboy or Hustler)?
I frequently use Dish Remote Access on the Dish Web Site to set timers on our 622 which is NOT attached to the internet. This has always worked fine for me. BUT... I still don't understand how the Filters work. As a result I just filter on Movies with HD Content. This makes the list of channels reasonably short but leaves out some channels I'd like to scan and still includes BOTH channel mappings for HD channels.

Thanks in Advance - Talon Dancer