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Dish Selection Manifesto | SatelliteGuys.US

Dish Selection Manifesto


SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
The inevitable is here. After months and months of investigation, data collection, comparisons, forum reading and interactions with numerous folk in this community, the time has come to take the plunge and move forward.

I am writing this post for three reasons. First, to put this out there for any and all to read so that you can "check my math" so to speak and make sure I have not forgotten some crucial piece of information. Second, to let the results of my journey serve as information for the next person who is in a similar situation. And finally, as a way to say thank you to the forum for all of the invaluable facts and opinions with which I could never have made it to where I am today……comfortable with my choice.

A little bit of background is probably a good idea before we go much further. My family is a long time basic cable user in central Arkansas. We have a total of seven TV's hooked up at the moment, three of which are used sporadically. This large number of sets is the main reason why I had remained as a cable subscriber for so long. Last December for my 50th birthday my wife bought me a 58" Plasma TV which we had installed in our living room. Since that time we have also replaced the TV in the Rec room with a 37" HD LCD. Because our local cable company does not currently have the capability to broadcast in HD, the only way I was going to get HD was by either signing up with a satellite service or utilizing a OTA (over the air) antenna to pull in our local channels. Since I am a thorough individual I was not going to sign up for a satellite service until I knew which one I should choose first, so we purchased an OTA antenna (CM4228) with a pre-amp (CM7777) as temporary fix. It was up and connected in less than two hours.

Just a short side step here for those people who are reading this forum and are on the fence about whether or not high definition television is really worth it. Absolutely, without a doubt, no hesitation at all, YES! From the very first time that high definition content spilled out and illuminated the pixels on our television we have been addicted. And I emphasize the we, because although my wife purchased the plasma out of her love for me and the significance of my 50th birthday, she has been equally enthralled by the visuals we have witnessed over the past nine months.

But just being able to view the local channels in HD wasn't going to cut it because I am a college football fanatic and come August 30th when LSU plays Mississippi State on ESPN that game had to be in high definition. Of course I ventured to both Direct TV (D*) and Dish (E*) sites to begin with, but I didn't really start discovering the stuff I really needed to know until I found my way to this forum. I was not in a hurry because I had already set my deadline as August 30th, so I read as many posts as I could to first learn as much about satellite technology, and then the differences between the two providers. As I stated previously, cable was not an option because HD was unavailable where I live and that is still true today.

A key determining factor for me was going to be my use of the PIP function. Our prior primary TV was a dual tuner unit with PIP, and our family had become accustomed (especially during football games) of utilizing that feature. Any satellite selection I made was going to have support that feature. I have read numerous posts that suggest a good DVR could be used as a substitute for this functionality, but it really doesn't. I don't want to record a whole game to watch later, but rather keep track of it in the PIP and swap to it during commercials or when things get interesting.

So the time is now here and the research is done. It is August 7th and I have 23 days to my deadline. From the location this post is logged you can probably guess which system I chose, but would you care to know why?

Hardware. The VIP622 is a very well respected piece of equipment. Does it have its issues? Sure, but any receiver available has them and the 622 has fewer than most. Key selling points – the PIP, TV2 output and DVR functionality. In order to make the PIP work with D* I was going to have to utilize a second receiver and set up a complicated system using two different remotes. The 622 was much simpler solution. I also plan on attaining a VIP222 for my second HDTV which also is a well respected piece of hardware. I know that I will have to slave (share) three of my TV's to keep my monthly bill as low as possible, but that is a sacrifice I have accepted.

Price. E* was cheaper in both the upfront cost (only 49.99 if I didn't want an 18 month commitment) and month to month. The America's 200 DVR advantage plan had me spending $39.99 + $20.00 (HD) a month, plus 5.00 for an additional receiver (VIP222). A comparable set-up with D* would run me close to $85 a month with $298 in upfront costs. Yes, I did leave out the rebates and other short term incentive plans (6 months free, or $20 rebate for 10 months) because I had to be able to live with what the cost would be when the incentives ran out. If the cost of the two systems were close, then this could be used as a tie-breaker, but they were not.

HD Channels. E* is the current leader hands down. D* just launched a new satellite and in my opinion will catch up to and exceed E* by early next year, but E* has another satellite itself scheduled for launch in 2008 and will either take back the lead or equal D* next year. What's it all mean? The competition is such that both companies will continually be adding new channels and services, so as long as the channels I really want are there now (which both have), then it is a wash.

Picture Quality. I have seen positive and negative post for both sides in equal proportions. HD Lite, overall signal compression, SD pic quality, are just a few issues from either camp. Again, no clear winner here either.

Customer Service. Everybody complains about customer service, but I have to say that unfortunately E* stands out negatively in this area. Everything from unknowledgeable CSR's to incompetent installers, E* is serious lacking in this regard.

So my decision to go with E* was based primarily on the hardware and price, and I am very comfortable with my choice. But is there anything that I am still concerned about? Certainly and here is my list of those items.

  • When I order my system I would expect to have a Dish 1000.2 installed which would provide me signals from the three satellites (110, 119 & 129) I need being a HD customer. This configuration sometimes has exhibited unacceptable signal levels on 129. I am wary of this.
  • The HDMI output was glitchy earlier with the 622, but I am hoping these issues have been resolved.
  • Even though I will be receiving plenty of HD content, the broadcast industry is not at a stage yet where you can totally disregard SD. Since picture quality is very subjective I am worried that the SD content I receive will be inferior to what I am receiving now.
Thanks for taking the time to read my manifesto. I hope this helps any newbies out there who are starting out where I was nine months ago. Please leave me a comment, positive or negative, and let me know what you think. I plan to follow up with a post in a month or two letting everybody know how I feel then about my decision.
im just wondering from this here
I am a college football fanatic and come August 30th when LSU plays Mississippi State on ESPN
Who you pullin for? You can take a guess at which one I am.

Here in Starkville, we have northland cable which is just awful in all respects of the word. We were ready and willing to give it up for dish come yesterday but we live in a heavily wooded neighborhood and we had nowhere near clear LOS. our closest option would have been 3! dish 500's scattered across the middle of our front yard. the missus would not have it, considering these 3 500's would still give intermittent reception so were stuck. northland called me today to inform me of 12 new HD channels were going live on sept. 1st so we might give a second look. right now their lineup is looking like $75 for crappy digital plus, CBS,PBS, Discovery, NFL, ESPN, MOJO, and Golf/Versus. That's not including the $20 box fee. I would assume a few additions would include ABC, FOX (NBC hasnt gone hd in our area yet), ESPN2, and hopefully FOOD and HGTV for her... time will tell
Probably one of the best posts that I have seen here ever and well thought out. Everything is definitely spot on including the customer service part but I cant fully agrea on the installer issue though there are those here who would disagrea but there are reasons that I both agrea and disagrea here. When it comes to an inhouse tech they are always being trained but as with subs they are not given enough time to do each job correctly wich consists of a proper install and then an educate the customer session wich really should take at the least 45 minutes to go over the use of the system as well as programming and how to use their existing equipment with the new system, all of this is the fault of the company wanting badly to take over the number 1 position. There are other reasons but the lack time is one of the biggest reasons for less than sufficient work and poor customer education in my book.
As long as you are not a big ten fan, DISH Network should suit your needs.

as for customer service, I have to disagree. DIRECTV is the worst (20-30 min holds just to speak to a tech or customer service representative). Because of my recent move, I've decided to keep DISH and ditch DIRECTV (I only had it pretty much for Extra Innings anyway and I have great high speed internet at my new place I can use to get EI at half the price). The 5 times I've ever had to call DISH Network, I had a warm body on the line within 60 seconds and my situations were solved just fine over the phone.
DIRECTV is the worst (20-30 min holds just to speak to a tech or customer service representative). Because of my recent move, I've decided to keep DISH and ditch DIRECTV (I only had it pretty much for Extra Innings anyway and I have great high speed internet at my new place I can use to get EI at half the price). The 5 times I've ever had to call DISH Network, I had a warm body on the line within 60 seconds and my situations were solved just fine over the phone.

Most of the negative customer service posts I've read had more to do with the quality of the support and not so much hold times. I have not seen this complaint much, but that doesn't mean it doesn't happen alot.
but I cant fully agrea on the installer issue though there are those here who would disagrea but there are reasons that I both agrea and disagrea here.

The problem with collecting information from forums such as this is that thousands of dish installs go flawlessly and never get talked about here, but when just one goes horribly wrong and it is posted here then everybody else who's had a terrible experience jumps on the band wagon and it sounds like a major DISH problem. Your impression can defintely be skewed.
If I were you, I would hold off for just a little longer and get the 722. It has a larger hard drive and the HDMI port is supposed to be physically sturdier. It will also eventually do VOD in HD if you are into VOD. The 622 will be limited to SD VOD.

Just my $0.02.
Well, I must say that I read your post with quite some interest since I have been going through the same process. I didn't spend quite so much time doing the comparisons, but I'm glad to see I came to the same (right? I hope so!) conclusion. I actually just signed up with Dish a couple days ago and have the install scheduled for Friday. I'll be getting the 622 and am excited to play around with it and watch some nice HDTV!

I'm also in Starkville, and can second the opinion of Northland Cable from reedacus25. When I moved here last year, I didn't even bother signing up for basic cable tv, though I do use them for internet.

I did want to mention that one of your numbers did look wrong, but it could just be me (or might have been a typo). You mentioned the DVR Advantage program package with the America's Top 200 channels, and listed it as $39.99. I believe this package, which is the one I also chose, is $49.99 but has a 10 month $10 credit, so is $39.99 for the first ten months. You mentioned that you hadn't included the $20 for 10 month rebates, and this is why I thought I'd mention this. Either way, it still comes out to a better deal than D*!

I'm glad I also found these forums and look forward to learning much more in the coming months and finding comfort in the masses when E* pushes out its buggy firmware!

I just wanted to add that it might be worth it get a dish 1000+, rather than a 1000.2. I subscribed to the German language package on 118 when i signed up for two reasons. First because I'm trying to learn German, and 2nd because I knew I'd get the 1000+ rather than the 1000.2

The 1000+ plus is roughly 30", versus 24" for the 1000.2. I have problems with Texas thunderstorms impacting 129, even with the 1000+, but I assume it would be worse with the 1000.2 I also thought it possible that if I ever got HD locals in Austin, that they might go on 118, so I wanted to have that bird available.

I did end up cancelling the German package, cause I wasn't really using it, and it was $17 per month, yet I obviously got to keep the DPP44 switch and 1000+ dish.

good luck with your install.
Nice post! I've been going through the same eval process and it keeps coming up E*. I am a current TWC Austin customer (Hi Fitz). I think the 622/722 is clearly a better HD DVR than the D* equivalent. Also there are zero startup costs other than the install fee (which will be waived if you make an 18 month commitment). Finally the packages are consistently about $10 less than D*.

Compared to TWC, I can get the Dish America's Everything package which has all the premium movie channels, plus the HD package, for about $25 less/month than TWC is currently getting for just HBO and Cinemax.

I will probably keep TWC Basic Cable which is about $10/month just as (a) a backup and (b) so that I have the Channel 8 Local news which my wife loves to watch. If E* could figure out a way to get local news/weather like Time Warner does, I could even give that up.

One question I do have: are there any taxes (like sales taxes) added to the bill for Dish? Or is it just the Dish charges?
I did want to mention that one of your numbers did look wrong, but it could just be me (or might have been a typo). You mentioned the DVR Advantage program package with the America's Top 200 channels, and listed it as $39.99. I believe this package, which is the one I also chose, is $49.99 but has a 10 month $10 credit, so is $39.99 for the first ten months. You mentioned that you hadn't included the $20 for 10 month rebates, and this is why I thought I'd mention this. Either way, it still comes out to a better deal than D*!

You are right. My bad. Thanks for "checking my math". :)

I just wanted to add that it might be worth it get a dish 1000+, rather than a 1000.2. I subscribed to the German language package on 118 when i signed up for two reasons. First because I'm trying to learn German, and 2nd because I knew I'd get the 1000+ rather than the 1000.2

Great tip. Can I request a 1000+ instead of the 1000.2?
So this afternoon I'm heading down to my local Radio Shack to order a VIP722 and a VIP222 with the DVR Advantage plan for the 200 channel plan, which should cost me 76.94 per month (69.99 + 6.95 for the second receiver). My in-laws have Dish, so I am utilizing a club dish referral from them to waive the $49.99 activation fee and I do not have to commit to an 18 month contract. The current promo that Dish is offering is six months of HD free, so my first six months bill should be 56.94.

Am I missing anything or do I have my facts wrong?

Great tip. Can I request a 1000+ instead of the 1000.2?

sorry, I missed your question to me last week. i dont think you can request a certain dish, however you CAN request certain programming that is only available on 118. (i.e. German package) and thus you get the dish you want. you can then later cancel that programming for a small downgrade fee (i forget if it is $5 or $10 or max $15).
the small fee and paying for the programming for a month was worth it to me to get the biggest dish possible.

you could still order DVR Advantage with an Intl programming, get the 1000+, and just end up keeping DVR Advantage. good luck with whatever you decide.
So this afternoon I'm heading down to my local Radio Shack to order a VIP722 and a VIP222 with the DVR Advantage plan for the 200 channel plan, which should cost me 76.94 per month (69.99 + 6.95 for the second receiver). My in-laws have Dish, so I am utilizing a club dish referral from them to waive the $49.99 activation fee and I do not have to commit to an 18 month contract. The current promo that Dish is offering is six months of HD free, so my first six months bill should be 56.94.

Am I missing anything or do I have my facts wrong?

STOP !! I used to work for the shack, and they are the devil :mad:

go here, get a better deal, and not have to deal with faceless coporate America. I would much rather give my money to an individual comapany, that gets their customers with good deals and service not comercials on network TV.
DISHSTORE.Net Better than Club Dish Promotion

HD locals via OTA and HD locals via satellite.....

Locals over antenna - how to see program info?

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