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Dish vs DirecTv

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Original poster
Jul 30, 2004
I currently have E* with 2 501 PVR's. I am moving in 2 weeks, and have ordered my new Mistubishi 52" DLP with HD. I have heard so many horror stories about the 921, that I considered switching to D*, and buying the HD Tivo. My questions are:

1) With the HD Tivo, can I record 2 OTA shows at the same time, or does it have a single OTA tuner?

2) Are there any known software glitches that should make me reconsider this decision?

3) Any other opinions or thoughts as to why I should go with one of these companies vs the other would be very much appreciated!!!
Boykie said:
I currently have E* with 2 501 PVR's. I am moving in 2 weeks, and have ordered my new Mistubishi 52" DLP with HD. I have heard so many horror stories about the 921, that I considered switching to D*, and buying the HD Tivo. My questions are:

1) With the HD Tivo, can I record 2 OTA shows at the same time, or does it have a single OTA tuner?

2) Are there any known software glitches that should make me reconsider this decision?

3) Any other opinions or thoughts as to why I should go with one of these companies vs the other would be very much appreciated!!!
1a)Yes it has 2 OTA tuners and yes you can record on them both at one time.
1b) the HDMI ports have a high failure rate ... use DVI. Availability is an issue too, but they can be found.
1c) I prefer D*, now that is not a reason by any means but after experiencing the Dish PVR 501, and the 301 reg receiver, I'll never use them again. Plus I don't like Charlie :), that is why I QUIT E* after just 4 weeks. But that was a long time ago. You should choose your satellite provider based upon who carries the channels you want ... cuz they all vary. We all already know cable sucks!
unlike the 921, the HD DirecTivo can record 2 shows at the same time.
There are really no major software problems to report.
Make the switch and get 6 months of the HD package for FREE!
I disagree that cable sucks, VOD, HD, no rain fade, total premium movie channels not 3 Cinemax channels on Direct. Brighthouse offers 8 channels of Max. HBO is 15 compared to 7 HBO on Direct. More Showtime channels to. Seems the picture is better on cable premium channels which is due to what appears to be less compression than on Direct. Direct has the Tivo though and that is very nice. But over all I prefer cable for what they offer. I do dislike the cable DVR when recording certain analog channels. (Currently have Direct and Brighthouse for this comparison) Total bill for Brighthouse with VOD, HD Receiver and a DVR receiver with Broadband is $142.00
I had COX for a long time in Arizona, switched to DirecTV not long ago.

Well, I was first planning on switching to "reduce my bill". After buying all the equipment and the HD box, i spent a few months of cable bill on it all.

COX is due to get the Video On Demand in the near future. They also offer the same HD channels as DirecTV right now, as well as the no rain fade and all that (not really an issue at all in Arizona, if it rains you are not watching TV, you are probably outside seeing what is going on).

Some channels that i watch frequently are not on COX, such as CNBC World (I attend school in Singapore part of the year so I get used to watching Asia squawk box and the like....)

DirecTV certainly has more options right now, especially with the NFL Sunday ticket and all that. I hope that they keep pace with the cable industry in terms of HD content and possibly some sort of video on demand system, that would never really work because of the way the Sat's are set up, but oh well.

If COX had things like NFL Sunday ticket and CNBC World i would not have switched. The upcoming video on demand stuff is going to make me wish i did not switch in the first place.

Pointing a satellite dish and having it hang off of your house/apartment/condo/trailer/whatever is a pain in the neck. Rain fade and weather fade (we get lots of dust storms down here) are also a pain in the neck. PQ is great, but so was COX, not a whole lot different.

Lots more movie channels on Cable than on DirecTV.

I never have gotten into the Tivo and all that stuff, already too much for me to watch, don't need any more options.

I paid about $125 on an average month for Digital Cable (all channels) as well as high speed Internet. Since I canceled my cable, my Internet price went up to $50 instead of $40. My current direct deal $64 or something for 4 months of TC premier and the NFL package plus $11 for the HD, so i pay about $126 right now. Had to go out and buy a $300 HD box, had to buy the dish and stuff initially for $100, and spent a ton on getting the thing mounted the way it needed to be done to abide by the landlords no holes policy....It is more expensive.

Cable certainly does not suck, as the near future will show that Cable can offer a tremendous amount of bandwidth to homes compared to sat. Sat can not handle offering hundreds of video on demand choices instantly, it is just not set up for that and the wireless broadband technology over satellite has never been and never will be as great as wire line communications.

I do expect that to keep up with cable companies sat companies are really going to have to figure something out to offer great products to people. Fighting over being allowed to receiver locals and all this stuff are things many do not want to deal with.

Digital cable everything was right there, no applying for waivers and waiting a year to find out if you are a "grade B" signal or whatever all that crap is about.

If cable starts adding more HD and gets the ball rolling with Video on Demand in many areas (after COX and Comcast get it going) Sat companies are going to find a ton of customers go south with sat and sign up for digital cable.

I am not saving money right now, my Internet price increased, i do not get to look forward to Video on Demand, i had to buy my own equipment, I have to deal with weather effecting the signal, and I have less movie channels.

I do get to watch CNBC Asia though. Eat that you COX folks!!

In hindsight i do not think it was worth it for me to switch to DirecTV, it really lacks any room for growth in the future for new services (vod), has to much complicated equipment hanging off the house and has more room for things to go wrong than cable (weather, dish alignment, etc).

Digital cable certainly does not suck, it really is all based on where you are located and what they offer. Cox is a lot better than most and better than i gave it credit for.
I just did the exact same thing you are contemplating. Got a Samsung DLP and switched over to DirecTV to get the HD Tivo. I have not regretted it. Tivo is way smarter than the PVR501 that I used to have. It takes some time getting used to the different channel numbers and different style of program guides and search menus but after the adjustment it all works well. As far as programming the only real difference between the two seems to be the NFL Sunday Ticket which E* doesn't have.

On the 921 vs HD Tivo. I've never seen the 921 so I can't comment there but the HD Tivo is a nice machine and it seems much more open to hacking and modification than the 921. The guys over on the HD Tivo forum are doing lots of hacking and installing 2nd hard drives and that sort of thing.

So your HD Tivo should hold its value and utility much longer than the 921 because it will be easier to ugrade the hard drive, especially after the warrantee expires and you don't really risk anything. I expect the HD Tivos will hold their value longer for that reason.
Yes you can record two OTA signals at once.

The failure rate on the HDVI ports has been fairly high. No problems using component video. There have also been reports of audio dropouts on HDNET.

D* receivers seem to be much more stable (troublefree) than E*s. The problems with the 921 are legendary with no real suite of fixes in sight. The HDTivos are more readily available also.

I'd suggest that you check with the local cable company where you're going to move and see what they offer in terms of programming/price. If you decide to go with satellite, I'd pick D* over E* unless E* offers something that D* doesn't that you feel you couldn't live without.

If you're an NFL fan, the NFL Sunday ticket from D* is the way to go.

D* also seems to have the potential for more HD offerings in the not so distanct future.

QUOTE=Boykie]I currently have E* with 2 501 PVR's. I am moving in 2 weeks, and have ordered my new Mistubishi 52" DLP with HD. I have heard so many horror stories about the 921, that I considered switching to D*, and buying the HD Tivo. My questions are:

1) With the HD Tivo, can I record 2 OTA shows at the same time, or does it have a single OTA tuner?

2) Are there any known software glitches that should make me reconsider this decision?

3) Any other opinions or thoughts as to why I should go with one of these companies vs the other would be very much appreciated!!![/QUOTE]
klmnoah said:
I disagree that cable sucks, VOD, HD, no rain fade, total premium movie channels not 3 Cinemax channels on Direct. Brighthouse offers 8 channels of Max. HBO is 15 compared to 7 HBO on Direct. More Showtime channels to. Seems the picture is better on cable premium channels which is due to what appears to be less compression than on Direct. Direct has the Tivo though and that is very nice. But over all I prefer cable for what they offer. I do dislike the cable DVR when recording certain analog channels. (Currently have Direct and Brighthouse for this comparison) Total bill for Brighthouse with VOD, HD Receiver and a DVR receiver with Broadband is $142.00
I do not disagree with you. If I were able to get Brighthouse Cable here in Colorado I would have it, they have a better offering than D*, no doubt. BUT I and the remaining 75% of the nation are strapped with Comcast ... and their offering STINKS, so I am like you, just doing the best with what I can.
slacker9876 said:
I do not disagree with you. If I were able to get Brighthouse Cable here in Colorado I would have it, they have a better offering than D*, no doubt. BUT I and the remaining 75% of the nation are strapped with Comcast ... and their offering STINKS, so I am like you, just doing the best with what I can.

Maybe where you live, our Comcast system has more channels and at a cheaper price then D* or E* when comparing their top packages. The issue I had with them was their lousy Moto STB's with the TV Guide EPG and a few analog channels they couldn't get right, and of course they were channels I liked.
I don't like all the damn ads that cable companies plaster all over their guides.
I am not really familar with the ads on cable guides.

What I do hate about both is the advertising for the company, like the stupid COX ads telling us to get COX telephone and cox this all the time. What I hate even more is the stupid directv fan letters beng acted out by has been actors........That i could do without.

What is funny was during my transition i went from seeing channels on digital cable with the title "Make Sat TV Companies Pay Taxes" and all that. I then switched over the Directv and see channels with titles like "Fight Sat Tax in Arizona".

Both certainly have their merits. A good little segment on Kudlow and Cramer today on CNBC about Cable, Sat, and Telco. They addressed things like I posted in that post above from yesterday, such as Cables ability to offer more bandwidth to homes and offer more services, such as VOD and IP Telephony that Sat companies just cannot do without a huge increase in capital expenditure to totally update all sat equipment.
Heard the other day by the end of August that Espn HD would be coming to Bright to Brighthouse.
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