I have a 7200 that has recently lost all Sat signal. Recent firmware etc. It just stopped receiving sat signal. It's pretty old, no warranty left.
- Output voltages seem to be present & correct (approx. 12.8 & 18.8 VDc.)
- LNB & cables confirmed in working condition with my other receiver.
- With or without a switch, a check switch reports no switch found. (many, many tries)
- during dish-pointing signal strength = 0 on all transponders. Does seem to pick up a ghost signal of 12% for 1/2 second then gone again.
Any trouble-shooting ideas regarding what I should look at next ? I do have some light electronics repair expereince so I not afraid to put the meter to it.
- Output voltages seem to be present & correct (approx. 12.8 & 18.8 VDc.)
- LNB & cables confirmed in working condition with my other receiver.
- With or without a switch, a check switch reports no switch found. (many, many tries)
- during dish-pointing signal strength = 0 on all transponders. Does seem to pick up a ghost signal of 12% for 1/2 second then gone again.
Any trouble-shooting ideas regarding what I should look at next ? I do have some light electronics repair expereince so I not afraid to put the meter to it.