I have a feeling xd is going to become Xtreme disney. Probably stuff aimed for the teens.Oh, and as for the "new" channel.
1) What the heck does XD mean?
2) Didn't Fox try to do sex segregated kids channels? Didn't they fail miserably?
And to Dennis...next time your nice asks, tell her it's the same reason Cartoon Network had Jurassic Park 3 on last weekend...programming executives are idiots.
from [ame="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XD"]XD - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia@@AMEPARAM@@/wiki/File:Emoticon_XD_rotated.svg" class="image"><img alt="" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/3/31/Emoticon_XD_rotated.svg/150px-Emoticon_XD_rotated.svg.png"@@AMEPARAM@@commons/thumb/3/31/Emoticon_XD_rotated.svg/150px-Emoticon_XD_rotated.svg.png[/ame]."xD" or "XD", an emoticon commonly used on the internet to express happiness, self-depreciation, laughter, bewilderment, or sarcasm (tilted 90 degrees clockwise, X indicates squeezed eyes and D an open laughing mouth)
I have a feeling xd is going to become Xtreme disney. Probably stuff aimed for the teens.
More teen related programming with cartoons, and XD I think does mean Xtreme Disney.
Same here on FiOS TV. My little one is currently watching The Wild and it's SD...and not very good quality SD at that. In fact, I don't recall seeing the little one watching many HD shows on Disney.As far as Disney HD,it is about the worst HD channel on Dish. Which is really disappointing,in that Disney had a history of providing top notch picture quality.It was one of the first color series with the Wonderful World of Color.
Its HD quality stinks,and of course all of its new shows seem to be written by the same people! No more originality!
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