Well, as if lightning wasn't creating enough scrap around here, the other night my Vbox 7 mover on the Unimesh system took a dump for no apparent reason?? It was working fine earlier in the evening when I recorded some stuff but later that night it was toast. After doing some checking the next day I found that the primary coil in the transformer is open so I guess that's why there's no voltage shown on the outputs.
So I connected up a 12volt battery to the motor wires inside the house and had the Wife run it while I was looking at the dish and it worked fine in both directions and was as quiet as a church mouse. So the Von Weise mover doesn't appear to be a problem.
Ennywho, was wondering if by chance anyone might have a good transformer laying around that they'd be willing to sell me?
So I connected up a 12volt battery to the motor wires inside the house and had the Wife run it while I was looking at the dish and it worked fine in both directions and was as quiet as a church mouse. So the Von Weise mover doesn't appear to be a problem.
Ennywho, was wondering if by chance anyone might have a good transformer laying around that they'd be willing to sell me?