Has everyone made plans if Voom is shutoff on 3/31/05?? If you have a service in mind, which one and why?
vurbano said:Has everyone made plans if Voom is shutoff on 3/31/05?? If you have a service in mind, which one and why?
vurbano said:Has everyone made plans if Voom is shutoff on 3/31/05?? If you have a service in mind, which one and why?
hieight said:I don't belive that a 3 million dollar satellite will become space junk and very very expensive frequencies/bandwith will be abandoned. There will be programming on it whether it is VOOM or Dish programming.[/B]
TheTimm said:I voted "No, I'm not considering it", because I'm not considering any other providers anymore -- not because I'm not considering the possibility that Voom won't be around after March. Wasn't too sure what the "it" stood for.
If Voom goes dark I'll be sticking with OTA until another provider offers what I consider to be enough HD at a reasonable price.
bruce said:geez man, let Mr.Dolan have the chance to find the money first before you are dancing on Voom's grave, just be happy you have the service that so many other "Voomers" are happy with, if you want to go, leave, don't try to bring everyone else into what you are thinking.
riffjim4069 said:Yes, it will be OTA only at my house. After waiting 11 months for the Lifetime channel, if VOOM goes dark the missus will see to it that it's lights out for me too. Actually a moot point since VOOM service will continue.
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