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Does dish lease 942's | SatelliteGuys.US

Does dish lease 942's


Active SatelliteGuys Member
Original poster
Sep 10, 2005
will dish lease 942's? I don't see a lease option on their website only one for the 811. I purchased a 921 and want to lease a 942, because I don't want to buy another reciever till the mp4's are out.

Yes they do, there is a $250 initial fee and you can get more details by either calling dish or going to a local retailer such as sears, sams, costco, radioshack, or walmart and get details.
I called dish this morning and told them I wanted to lease a 942 and they said they could not do it only sell me one for $780.00. My contract with them expires in a couple of weeks and I couldn't talk them into leasing me one. maybe I should shop for a detter deal from direct.
I thought about that maybe I'll try it in a few weeks. now i'm comparing directs new hd dvr to the 942 i'm thinking maybe selling my 921 and 510's and get a couple of those and the nfl sunday ticket.............decisions , decisions . :confused:
Raptor said:
I thought about that maybe I'll try it in a few weeks. now i'm comparing directs new hd dvr to the 942 i'm thinking maybe selling my 921 and 510's and get a couple of those and the nfl sunday ticket.............decisions , decisions . :confused:
Be aware that D* hd has UHD and Espn2hd and the Networks if you qualify, but no TNThd or V* pack and the PQ right now is not up to par... ( I have D* and E* )
Minsk1 & tawhite when you got yours how much did it cost? and is the ota tuner as good as the 921 or better?


Raptor said:
Minsk1 & tawhite when you got yours how much did it cost? and is the ota tuner as good as the 921 or better?



It cost the $250 up front lease fee. As far as the OTA tuner, I never had a 921 but it is much better than the 811 I replaced it with!
If you beg and grovel extremely repectfully and politely you may be successful in obtaining a 942 lease. I convinced them (using lots of sugar and honey) in a professional and business-like fashion to bump me to a 942 lease option over an 811.

The 942 was worth the effort. Better PQ than the 811, beautiful programming guide, fast channel surfing, no crashes and the DVR records content without a hitch.

Next spring I'll upgrade to whatever MPEG4 HD-DVR Dish may have -- assuming they have released a unit by then. I suspect they will take the 942, tweak the hardware and software a bit, and rebrand it as the 962 (or something like that) as that would be the least costly approach for the company for their "first generation MPEG4 HD-DVR". I'll probably be able to swap my 942 for the fictional-at-the-moment 962 for a modest upgrade fee of some sort (guessing $150 to $200 to stay competitive with DirectTV).

Anyhow, that's just all logical speculation on my part. Dish hasn't announced anything yet.

Again, try the begging approach to get a 942 lease -- you've got nothing to lose by trying. Get special cable pricing quotes and put those figures in your communication as well -- tell Dish you really don't want to switch to cable, but the cable HD-DVR offer to former sat subs is nearly too good to pass up. Tell them how you've referred countless people to Dish and how Dish has changed you life for the better ... etc ... you get the drill.

Best of luck.

By the way, I honestly do tell everyone I meet how great Dish serrvice has been for my family -- the picture quality is superb.
David Dietzel said:
If you beg and grovel extremely repectfully and politely you may be successful in obtaining a 942 lease. I convinced them (using lots of sugar and honey) in a professional and business-like fashion to bump me to a 942 lease option over an 811.

The 942 was worth the effort. Better PQ than the 811, beautiful programming guide, fast channel surfing, no crashes and the DVR records content without a hitch.

Next spring I'll upgrade to whatever MPEG4 HD-DVR Dish may have -- assuming they have released a unit by then. I suspect they will take the 942, tweak the hardware and software a bit, and rebrand it as the 962 (or something like that) as that would be the least costly approach for the company for their "first generation MPEG4 HD-DVR". I'll probably be able to swap my 942 for the fictional-at-the-moment 962 for a modest upgrade fee of some sort (guessing $150 to $200 to stay competitive with DirectTV).

Anyhow, that's just all logical speculation on my part. Dish hasn't announced anything yet.

Again, try the begging approach to get a 942 lease -- you've got nothing to lose by trying. Get special cable pricing quotes and put those figures in your communication as well -- tell Dish you really don't want to switch to cable, but the cable HD-DVR offer to former sat subs is nearly too good to pass up. Tell them how you've referred countless people to Dish and how Dish has changed you life for the better ... etc ... you get the drill.

Best of luck.

By the way, I honestly do tell everyone I meet how great Dish serrvice has been for my family -- the picture quality is superb.
I did that and they replied and told that I qualify for the lease, I am in the process of getting it. BTW I have also asked what will the do when the MP4 receivers will come out, and the gentleman told me that E* will most likely replace the leased equipment with no cost involved.
Why would anyone try to pay 250 bucks for 942 and then pay another 250-300 for the mpeg 4 when it comes out next year.
it would be really nice to know when the "962" comes out and what features it will have. I hope it would have dual OTA tuners like the direct hr10-250 does. ota makes up about 90% of the hd we watch and being able to record or record/watch 2 ota channels at once especially during football season is a very big deal to me. since dish is being "stingy" about leasing 942's it makes me wonder just what they will do when the mp4's are out and are in even higher demand.
Directv has already said that they will offer mpeg4 swapouts for free. Dish better do the same or they will lose many customers to the competition. I have two 942 dvrs and paid $699.00 for each one and I paid $999.00 for the origional P.O.S. 921 dvr :mad: that I traded in on my first 942 .

I DO NOT want to pay a cent for the mpeg4 replacement . I DO NOT want to pay even shipping and handeling charges for the mpeg4 replacement. I paid enough already to have the latest and greatest hd receivers. :mad:

Dish better follow Directv's lead on the swap out or they will be out of the picture for me and many others . :shocked
Maybe it's my TV but I also have both right now (Dtv for all channels and Dish only for Voom channels) and I see no difference in PQ between them. They both look pretty good! And with Directv I paid $200 to OWE my HD DVR not LEASE it. :yes

dfergie said:
Be aware that D* hd has UHD and Espn2hd and the Networks if you qualify, but no TNThd or V* pack and the PQ right now is not up to par... ( I have D* and E* )
Is the 942 a UHF-remote only unit, or does it also use IR signals? I have a Pronto Pro remote, which only does IR. I've used it with my model 5000 and 811 receivers without any problems and would like to replace my 811 with a 942, but won't if it doesn't work with IR learning remotes.

dish 64 switch

question about DVR capabilities

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