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Drive-In theaters making a comeback? | SatelliteGuys.US

Drive-In theaters making a comeback?

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SatelliteGuys Pro
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Jan 6, 2006
We have a new drive-in theater that opened in our area recently.It has two screens,showing two movies on each screen.Currently,they are only open on Fri.,Sat. and Sun. nights.We haven't visited it yet,but,we plan on going to it to check out the re-make of "The Hills Have Eyes" this weekend. I was wondering if anyone else on here has noticed the re-emergence of the drive-ins.They seem to be getting popular once again.
Sure hope you're right! I'm showing my age here, but to me the ol' drive-in is the best way to watch a movie, dating back to my youth. Take your kids, your lawn chair, your cooler, a bunch of food (grille if you want before the movie starts), visit with the rest of the crowd, fireworks, frisbees, dogs, etc., etc., all for about $10 each. Can't beat it. Hard to get the 5.1 SS working outdoors but who cares? The FM stereo b'cast from about 250 boom boxes makes up for that!

Our last remaining local DI is going to open one more season before the final sale to a developer. After that, I'm probably done with the movies unless another DI like you mentioned opens nearby... >> sighhh << Whether they know it or not, there's a loyal following of DI fans (ours is packed most weekends during the summer months). The problem is that most real estate around here is a more valuable investment vs. what a part-time DI can return on it...
That would be very cool. I just hope they don't use that "Tune your FM radio to..." I'm nostalgic enough to want the speaker on the window. :)

My wife and I had our first date in a drive-in and I proposed in the same drive-in. That was almost 30 years ago now. (heavy sigh) :up
check this out:

this is the oldest continuously operating drive-in on the national road (US40) the radio shack is the largest radio shack east of the Mississippi. it was here i was lead tech for directv installs.

the drive in is really cool, 3 screens and they show nothing above r rated. and they are always packed.
There used to be 4 drive ins here in southeast michigan, Quovadis, wayne drive in, and two in ann arbor / ypsilanti but as with progress they were taken down over the years. The one in ann arbor showed stuff above R, the one in ypsilanti showed various stuff and had 2 screens, a showcase cinema sits on the same land now. The wayne drive in had 4 screens and was the place I saw ultraman as a kid way back in the day, now the ford truck and paint assembly sits on this ground. The Quovadis drive in was a true family drive in and had a house theater next door with 2 floors and at first 2 screens and by its end had 6. The Quovadis was closed down back in the early 80's and a strip mall took its place, the strip mall has lost its main anchor and now has only a toys r us in it and a foo foo store or two. Its parent theatre house closed down two years ago as it couldnt compete with the showcase cinema that opened up down the street about 3 blocks.

There is still one local drive in called the ford wyoming drive in but its in a neighborhood of industrial, manufacturing, and terminals so its not the safest and its by far not clean. The only other closest one I know of is down on the east side of toledoe on route 2 headed towards sandusky, I'm not sure what its current status is but I know it used to be open. While Im thinking of it I know of the remains of another drive in up in the north eastern milford area north of walled lake, its been closed down for I would guess atleast 25 years.

Ive toyed around with the idea of opening up a drive in double screen some day, there would be a kids play ground below the screen, about a dozen picnic tables on each side of the concesion stand, several bbq pits also. Saturdaynights would be classic car and classic movie nights with stuff like vanishing point and devils car playing before the main movie event.
Honestly, I think that things like theaters and drive ins, roadside atractions, stores of various types, tv, radio, heck most things were better 30 years ago as compared to now. Super conglomo chain stores like walmart, showcase, to name a few have ruined what was a good thing, maybe this drive in that has opened is a good thing and a sign of changing times back to a more comfortable and simple way of life.
Van said:
...Ive toyed around with the idea of opening up a drive in double screen some day, there would be a kids play ground below the screen, about a dozen picnic tables on each side of the concesion stand, several bbq pits also. Saturdaynights would be classic car and classic movie nights with stuff like vanishing point and devils car playing before the main movie event.
Great idea, Van! Sounds a lot like the one I described with only 1 season left in its life. You need to locate it on low-tax land with little other value. Unfortunately that's rapidly evaporating around here - more strip malls with cinemaplexes with their $15 tickets and $10 boxes of popcorn... None for me thanks...!

bnaivar said:
...That would be very cool. I just hope they don't use that "Tune your FM radio to..." I'm nostalgic enough to want the speaker on the window.
Now you're on to something! How about a speaker in from both sides for stereo? How 'bout 2 more in the back...? How 'bout some kind of magnetic resonance for the bass...? Van - Take note...!
hahaha, trust me Ive had this plan and another on paper for a while now but the drive in will have to be done in an area with mild winters to make it viable and keep a decent business running over the cold months. I was thinking of actually a speaker system that has one box but you put it on your dash and it seperates into two speakers, keeping it down to one wire coming into the car would be better than a wire from each side of the car.

The biggest problem with my idea is finances, its hard to convince anyone to invest money into something that has faded away into history by many people so I have alot of work ahead of me if I am going to persue this further.
Reminds me of another DI around here that went belly-up many years ago (Wal*Mart there now). Forgot to mention it in my earlier posts. They actually plunked a few old junkers in the lot for walk-ins to use!

Regarding your investors - two of the fastest-growing restaurants around here are throw-backs to the 50s and 60s. I think a retro DI could fit right in if there was only a way to guarantee the year-round income. How about an inflatable dome...?
I've talked to a friend of mine that has been to the new drive-in over here.He said that it is pretty nice.Decent prices for admissions and concessions.No outside food allowed on the premises,so it's either eat before going in to see the movies,or get something from their menu.He said the food was actually pretty good.No speakers to listen to the movies,we'll have to tune in to some FM station to pick up the audio for the films.
The local Drive In here were I live is in North Carolina *I'm north of the state line* its a great place. Love to take the pickup and sit in the back and watch the movies. Two for the price of one, sometimes less than the price of one, cause sometimes they show 3 movies in one night, the've been open for ages, I'm 22 and they were open when my mom was in her 20's, they offer food, but don't discourage b.y.o. They offer speakers or you can tune to an FM station if you wish, your choice. Nice alternative to a normal theatre where you pay out the rear for everything.

EDIT: Found the webpage:
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I was looking around online and found some info and a website for the new drive-in over here.The name of it is Higgins Moonlite Drive-In,located in Woodbury,TN 37190.The website is
Ahhh. Drive In's. I remember them very well in my teen years. :p

Seriously, It was even fun when the whole family went, playgrounds, meeting people, goofing off.

very drive in I've seen in my area is nothing but a flea market.

I'll have to look it up, maybe one has popped up somewhere.
Better 30 years ago?

I remember the drive in as a kid. Miserable audio from a box, mosquitos, lousy food and a long line to get the food. Then FM audio came, a big improvement, but the DIs were all but gone by the time I was in my teens, so the "other" benefit of a drive in was gone.

Now, I watch a high quality DVD or HD transmission on my 61" HDTV at home and with 5.1 surround sound, eat my own food, and can pause for potty breaks. All for less, in absolute dollar terms, never mind inflation, than my dad paid for us to go to a DI.

No thanks, I'll take today's internet shopping, medicine, cars, etc. I'll admit the higher pace is a killer, though.
[PIE]I was in my teens, so the "other" benefit of a drive in was gone.[/PIE]

the other benefit was why drive-ins were invented......ahhhh the teen years!
I know a fellow who tried to build a drive in around here, near deek lakes curtisville pa. Just north of pittsburgh. Financing just didnt work out.

Theres a pretty good site near me at the wildood flea market, its owned by wildwood highlands a family amusement mini park. would be nice addition to the place has race cars, bumper boats, goofy golf, a kiddie land, snow boarding in the winter, and a nice indoor food games kids laser tag facility,

theres one remaining drive in near pittsburgh near moon twp. its ok but a pretty far ride...
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