Is it just me not knowing how to use it, probable, or is Dish Online fairly useless? If it is just my ignorance is there a how to on this site?
I would like to be able to search for shows in the guide and not get VOD, PPV and channels I don't subscribe to in the results. I would like it if when I checked my timers they were all there instead of just 3 of 12 or sometimes nothing. It would be nice if I could protect shows and manage folders from the computer also.
Feedback and your experiences appreciated.
Just Checking
I would like to be able to search for shows in the guide and not get VOD, PPV and channels I don't subscribe to in the results. I would like it if when I checked my timers they were all there instead of just 3 of 12 or sometimes nothing. It would be nice if I could protect shows and manage folders from the computer also.
Feedback and your experiences appreciated.
Just Checking
