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DW6000 MotSat problem | SatelliteGuys.US

DW6000 MotSat problem


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Jan 17, 2006
I have a customer who has a dw6000 running on a motosat system. He has another dish mounted to his house. When I hooked up the modem to the house system, I cannot get it to go online.
It was working fine on the motosat system.
I was able to run registration installer going through the whole process, sig, acp etc. After restart, it has tx code 18 (running xpol). Did this a number of times with same result.
When I run antenna point, it will not run acp (just sits their requesting)
Called HN tech support and they said they couldn't help me because he is a "MotoSat" customer :eek:
Any ideas?? Is their somehow a conflict because of motosat?
I'm baffled
So You Know

Is their somehow a conflict because of motosat?
I'm baffled
Motosat, as a Value Added Reseller, is responsible for a certain level of support direct to its customers. Hughes tries not to get involved with VAR accounts directly with the customer. It is only after the VAR raises a ticket to Hughes, would Hughes address the problem.

Your problem has nothing to do with software. It has to do with the zip code in your modem. You need to enter the correct coordinates manually, and the ACP will complete.
Ok... Guess what the outcome was exactly what I said.
First test.


second test.

Well I am confused.. :confused:
As I stated, I ran installer registration and it would xpol but not using antenna point. I did NOT make sure of the zip maybe??
I called the guy and asked him to take his rv out and see if it will come up, then hook to house unit to see. He lives ~60 miles away.

I do appreciate the ideas.. :)
If I knew where you worked, I would get you fired today. You smart ass.

Look man. I have nothing against you. If you have something to say then say it. I don't know what you are bitter about. Is it I proved to you Hughes is not going under like you predicted they would last year. Please tell me what your problem is.

I am only trying to give advice based on what I have seen in the field. Did I say that the software was the definite problem? No. It could be a number of things from the cabling to the ODU. Based on the modem he has and what I have seen first hand I know that a 6000 modem with software running anything under 4.3.x.x will not crosspoll period. Do I think it is the zip, No, especially after finding out the unit is only 60 miles away from the other one. That is not going to make that big of a difference.

Again if you have a problem with me let me know so we can settle it!
I want to get you fired. I have seen crosspols fail to be performed on differences of under 30 miles, based on EXACT coordinates. By the way, Hughes can stay in business for the next 100 years and will still be on the Better Business Bureau radar, and will continue to be a lousy service and a lousy company.
I want to get you fired. I have seen crosspols fail to be performed on differences of under 30 miles, based on EXACT coordinates. By the way, Hughes can stay in business for the next 100 years and will still be on the Better Business Bureau radar, and will continue to be a lousy service and a lousy company.

Then there is nothing I can do for you. You will just have to not like me. Why would you want to get me fired? You sound crazy.
Because you know nothing that you talk about, and make yourself out to be some expert. You use a HN7000s to disprove a theory on a DW6000. Shows you are a moron. When you get to be a Hughes VAR, buy over 120 systems from them, wait months for a VAR test unit, advertise about the coming of the DW6040 VOIP unit, SPACEWAY launching, and then all you get is crap from the lousy outfit that is Hughes, then you can talk to me the way you have.
When your DW6000 and then DW7000 become obsolete within 15 dyas of buying them, you know the company has no foresight or planning. I have installed more Hughes products that you can even dream about, and I know about which I speak. Hughesnet is a lousy product, and Hughes Network Systems is a fraudulent company.
And lastly, if I knew where you are employed, I would have you fired because I can....mainly because of all the unfounded propoganda you spew on this forum.
Dish-Direc, Why don't you tell me your real name so I know who I am talking to. If you really want to know who I am there is a link to my Myspace on every post and has been for the past year. I don't hind like most people who talk on a stupid forum.

First I have never claimed to be an expert. My post have always been from fact or something I have seen first hand in the field. You want to talk about propaganda? I quote you from 06-20-2006, 03:56 PM

"Word on the street is that Hughesnet is in financial problems. Wildblue is eating into their market share. Wildblue is currently offering free equipment to existing Hughesnet customers. Can anyone who sell both Wildblue and Hughesnet comment on customer satisfaction?"

You don't like Hughes thats find I have no problem with that, but when you make a statement like the above one and I tell you its BS and show you that Hughes has broken records for income last quarter you cannot get mad at me. If I was wrong and Hughes would have recorded losses last quarter you would have posted that showing you were right would you not?.

This is all very childish. You sound like an insane person when you go saying you are going to have me fired for thinking I know what I am talking about. The information I posted above is information I have found to be true again first hand. I quote myself

"What pid version is it running? Most of the time on a 6000 that will not run an ACP the pid will need updating."

Did I state that was his definite problem. NO
But you knew stated you knew EXACTLY what his problem was. I have put in my home zip on installs that were 100 miles away when I was pointing the dish outside when I did not know the customers zip and was successfully so your theory is not 100% true either.

Dish-Direct let me ask you a question ok and I want a honest answer not just some crap you made up because you don't like Hughes. Hughes has been in business for well over 30 years and they have had the Hughesnet product for residential customers for over 10 years. If they were as bad of a company as you say they are why do they continue to make money? Why do they have 90% of the VSAT market? Why do company's that use their VSAT service continue to sign and renew contracts with them if they are getting the horrible service you say they are? Why are they the biggest satellite communications provider in the world? Why can you not drive down ONE town in America without seeing a Hughes dish on top of a building? Why do hundreds of America's businesses depend on them to communicate with their outlets? And finally how do you explain the increased revenue they continue to produce? Give me a honest answer that makes sense other than saying they are robbing people or you don't care and I will shut up and admit I am a dumbass and you are right about everything. That is what you want right?

One other question. How have I offended you in the way I have talked to you. If it is really upsetting you, be a man and let me know what it is and I will apologize for it.

You are the one here that is upset Dish-Direc. Telling people you are going to have the fired for not agreeing with you is just crazy man. If you don't like me that much and just cannot stand to see what I say let me walk you through making me go away.
1. Go to one of my post
2. Left click on my name
3. Chose view user public profile
4. On the right side you will see were you can ignore me.
5. have gotten ride of me.
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Well I am confused.. :confused:
As I stated, I ran installer registration and it would xpol but not using antenna point. I did NOT make sure of the zip maybe??
I called the guy and asked him to take his rv out and see if it will come up, then hook to house unit to see. He lives ~60 miles away.

I do appreciate the ideas.. :)

Back to whats important. Sorry dirklearm. If you can run an ACP going through registration installer it is NOT the PID or the zip so we have to look at something else. Have you tried to force range the system? Sometimes a force range will make it kick into an auto ACP. I have a force range tool that is designed just for the 6000 that I believe dbirdman wrote I can try to send to you. It does a hard force range rebooting the modem in the process.

When you are running the ACP under registration installer do you change the transponder or do you keep the modems configured one? If so are you changing from a V to H down? Also what satellite are you on?
Why do you need a force range tool when you can force range at and click Force Range.
Again, force ranging is used to clear zip code descrepencies. By its name, it is forcing a range from the transceiver to the satellite, even when the parameters in the modem is wrong.

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