Bob_Roberts SatelliteGuys Family Original poster Oct 20, 2010 80 0 Eastern North Carolina Nov 11, 2010 #1 Why am I seeing FSOhio on 292 rather than EPIX3???
Scott Greczkowski Welcome HOME! Staff member HERE TO HELP YOU! Cutting Edge Sep 7, 2003 103,657 29,287 Newington, CT Nov 11, 2010 #2 Same here. Let me contact someone at the uplink and have them fix it.
Scott Greczkowski Welcome HOME! Staff member HERE TO HELP YOU! Cutting Edge Sep 7, 2003 103,657 29,287 Newington, CT Nov 11, 2010 #3 BTW EPIX3 is showing on the Western Arc, but not on the Eastern Arc.
goaliebob99 SatelliteGuys Master Supporting Founder Aug 5, 2004 14,487 521 -.-. .... .. -.-. .- --. --- Nov 11, 2010 #4 Sounds like a route gone wild!
Scott Greczkowski Welcome HOME! Staff member HERE TO HELP YOU! Cutting Edge Sep 7, 2003 103,657 29,287 Newington, CT Nov 11, 2010 #5 Yup someone typed the internal IP address wrong somewhere.
Scott Greczkowski Welcome HOME! Staff member HERE TO HELP YOU! Cutting Edge Sep 7, 2003 103,657 29,287 Newington, CT Nov 11, 2010 #6 Ok I have contacted the uplink. Let me know when it's fixed.
Scott Greczkowski Welcome HOME! Staff member HERE TO HELP YOU! Cutting Edge Sep 7, 2003 103,657 29,287 Newington, CT Nov 11, 2010 #7 Ok I have received word from uplink that it is now fixed.
MikeD-C05 Pub Member / Supporter Pub Member / Supporter Nov 25, 2003 36,525 39,669 Nederland , Texas Nov 11, 2010 #8 Why couldn't of been a porn channel routed to Epix 3 instead?:up
M multnomah SatelliteGuys Pro Aug 3, 2008 152 5 Portland, OR Nov 12, 2010 #9 MikeD-C05 said: Why couldn't of been a porn channel routed to Epix 3 instead?:up Click to expand... Because if had been a porn channel, no one would have complained.
MikeD-C05 said: Why couldn't of been a porn channel routed to Epix 3 instead?:up Click to expand... Because if had been a porn channel, no one would have complained.
Bobby Publican Supporting Founder Lifetime Supporter Sep 7, 2003 72,281 29,126 Rohnert Park, CA Nov 12, 2010 #10 multnomah said: Because if had been a porn channel, no one would have complained. Click to expand... Oh yeah, they would indeed....
multnomah said: Because if had been a porn channel, no one would have complained. Click to expand... Oh yeah, they would indeed....
M Mr Tony SatelliteGuys Pro Supporting Founder Nov 17, 2003 3,255 14,506 Mankato, MN Nov 12, 2010 #11 yeah they'd complain it was Playboy and not the hard core stuff
lakebum431 Pub Member / Supporter Pub Member / Supporter Lifetime Supporter Sep 5, 2005 17,103 5,054 Norris, TN Nov 12, 2010 #12 Haha, we would have needed to have Iceberg on standby so he could delete all of the posts about it before dish shut it down so that they didn't find out
Haha, we would have needed to have Iceberg on standby so he could delete all of the posts about it before dish shut it down so that they didn't find out